Hello there…. Please know I have absolutely no rights over Soul Calibur in any of its forms, sizes, colors or flavors and that makes me extremely sad…. With that said… On with the show
Hospital Coffee
It was the time and the place, the right one… revenge had never smelled so sweet. As she walked to the final battle, looking at Abyss in his infernal surroundings, she was more than determined to put an end to everything right there in that place. Besides… seeing Abyss flying was reason enough to know that that thing was not human in any way. But as she stood in a stance, ready to fight him…. She fell to the floor. Abyss looked wide eyed to the side.
"I… didn't touch her…. - then the thought stroke him, - I am psychic…." His face of joy was plainly amusing. Right then someone came in running.
"Ivy…. IVY…." The teen warrior of the wind kneeled beside Ivy whom was looking kind of in pain, kind of annoyed by Abyss's joyful floating for his newly discovered psychic abilities.
"H-hey… kiddo…." Ivy looked back at Talim as she looked for wounds or something that gave a hint on why she was so in pain. Then Abyss stopped floating and looked straight at Talim from his high position.
"Wind Girl…"
"My name is Talim…." She replied looking annoyed at Abyss.
"That's what I said…. Wind Girl…"
"I said…." She was interrupted by the über villain.
"Whatever Shorty…. What are you doing here…?" He asked going down from wherever it is that he was floating.
"Ivy seems hurt…"
"And this is shocking…. How precisely?" He asked as he looked at her concerned face and took out something and started sharpening his Scythe.
"She might die…. What is wrong with you man?' Talim appealed to the common sense of the guy, but this being Abyss…. There is no common sense… they guy can float for heaven's sakes.
"Newsflash sweet cheeks…. That's what I am here to do…" Talim felt really stupid at the moment. But then Siegfried entered the stage with Kilik and some guy wearing a headset. The guy walked to Ivy and Talim.
"Miss. Valentine… what seems to be the problem?" He asked as Abyss started floating again.
"Can you hurry it up….? I have a manicure appointment in 30 minutes…" Abyss continued as he floated in circles and Talim threw rocks at him. The guy ignored him and looked at Ivy.
"I don't know… It… just hurts a lot on my lower abdomen…." Abyss looked at her annoyed.
"You should be used to it… you are a grown woman…." Ivy blushed with the quote and Siegfried couldn't care less. He was just there watching Talim perform her Version of Duck Hunt with Abyss. The tech guy (let's cal him that…. Tech guy) touched her forehead.
"Miss. Valentine, you are running a fever…. –he pressed a button on his headset.- Guys… bring the stretcher…. This one is going to the hospital…" And with that a few paramedics came running and placed Ivy on the stretcher and took her away. Taki along with Mitsurugi came to the stage as Abyss descended from his air zone.
"What happened…?" Asked Taki.
"They are taking her to the Hospital…" Replied Talim walking to the exit of the stage. It was the first time something like this happened. The rest of the souls followed and so did Abyss, which was being stared at by Talim.
"What is it Windy?"
"Where are you going?" She asked ignoring the fact that he called her windy.
"I will follow this through… and if she can fight I will kill her there… With my Psychic powers…" He said as the rest of the group joined to go to the hospital with Ivy.
"I hate to break it to you…. – Siegfried commented as they got inside an elevator.- But you have absolutely no psychic powers…." Abyss just looked to the other side annoyed.
"Don't lie, Sieggy…. You enjoyed it…" Yun-Seung said.
"Every second of it…" Siegfried replied with a sinister smile as he pressed the button for the lobby. Nightmare looked at him… maybe he could convince him of joining forces… yes… forces…. Mwahahahaha.
As they arrived into the waiting hall in the hospital, Ivy was sitting on a wheel chair and was filling some papers for the insurance. She looked at them very surprised.
"What are you doing here?"
"We were concerned…" Replied Yun-Seung looking dreamily at Ivy's attributes.
"Not me…" Tira screamed as everyone took a place and sat down and she sat on an end table right beside Siegfried. Ivy looked annoyed at the green haired girl.
"What are you doing here then…?"
"I am following Siegfried…." She replied looking steadily at he whom was browsing on a newspaper's obituaries for only God knows what reason.
"Thanks for pointing that out… Captain Obvious…" whispered Taki as Cervantes started laughing his pirate laugh. He never thought Taki was so funny. Then, the nurses came by to pick up the insurance papers from Ivy and looked at Cervantes with some regards. Meanwhile, Talim was sitting between Xianghua and Abyss. She was having an interesting conversation on how pink was a good color to accentuate her cheekbones when Abyss called.
"Wind Girl…" Talim just ignored him.
"Sacre Bleu…. This
guy is unbelievable!" Raphael said shaking his head in denial.
are you… French version of Tuxedo Mask…- Siegfried commented to
then go back to his obituaries.- Oh… look…. Jaques Leonard died…
and he was a loving father…" He kept on with his life while being
watched by Tira, he could even count her blinks. It was entertaining
in a creepy kind of way.
"Wind Girl… Bring me a coffee…- Abyss demanded and Talim just ignored him.- Ah no… don't ignore me or Imma go psychic ghetto on your ass…" Taki chuckled and had to bite her lips not to laugh out loud. Nightmare looked at the thing as he held a Forbes magazine with a sharpie.
"Say Nighty… - Cassandra casually commented to take the minds off the recent comment.- What are you doing with that Forbes Magazine…?"
"Looking for souls…. AH… Bill Gates looks like a good one…" And he circled Bill Gates' face on the magazine.
"Sophitia…" Cassandra called… her older sister was supposed to protect her from anything and she felt like she asked the worst question to the wrong person… empty armor… thing…. Spirit… yes. Sophitia totally ignored her and looked at Ivy who was in pain, yet fascinated about the behavior they had outside of Namco's fighting arenas.
"I want coffee….Wind Girl… Get me coffee…" Abyss continued.
"You know… you could ask her by her name and use the rules of common courtesy…" Raphael said to Abyss whom looked at his Scythe and at a roaming guard whom was concerned about Nightmare's Soul Edge, Sieg's Soul Calibur and His Scythe. As he heard the comment he looked straight at Raphael.
"Screw the rules… I'm psychic…" He said rubbing his fingers on his temples for Talim to go get him a coffee.
"Still not psychic…" Siegfried Whispered flipping the pages of his paper and counting that Tira's blinks were over 569 in 10 minutes. It was going to be a long wait.
What will happen Next? Will Nightmare get Bill Gates' soul…? Does Bill Gates Have a soul? Will Talim succumb to the psychic powers and get the coffee? Will Abyss miss his Manicure and go ghetto on someone's ass? Will I write a new chapter…? Stay tuned….
Here's chapter one… sorry it's kinda short… hope you like it… Ya Ne? Please review…