Part 1

My name is Miley Stewart, I'm 14 and I'm also the famous pop teen star Hannah Montana, my life was a dream come true, I had the greatest friends in the world: Lily and Oliver, since nobody but them knew my secret I was able to go to school and have a normal life, or so it was, I don't know when it really began, the doctor said that the condition could have been there for months, all I know is that it all began the day of the concert in Chicago, Dad talked to Lily's parents so she could get permission to travel with us during the weekend, when we got off the plane I was so dizzy that I couldn't held myself standing, Lily helped me until we got to the hotel. She tried to talk me out of doing the concert that night... I should have listened to her... that afternoon I was sweating as if I was walking through the Arizona dessert, even though the temperature was really nice, I took a bath and began to feel better, just moments before the concert Lily told me that I should not do it... I remember that I told her that I was fine... that was probably the worse mistake I could have ever made...

-And now... HANNAH MONTANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -The announcer said

The crowd cheered as Miley ran out and began to sing, Lily watched with a worried look as Miley's movements seemed to be uncoordinated, when the first song ended she ran out with a bottle of water, she wouldn't normally do such things, the sight of a huge crowd scared her, but this time she was really worried about Miley.

-Are you OK? You seem like you're not concentrated, a little more and you would have made one of the dancers fell from the stage – Lily said to Miley's ear

-Look, I'm fine OK? Now please, I have to sing, thanks for worrying though

Slowly Lily went back to her position as Hannah began to sing her trademark song, at the middle of it the nightmare began.

-...You have the best of both limousines... and... you are together... with... mayonnaise... and... ice... cream...

-Oh my God – Lily said as Miley took her hand to her face and moaned in pain.

It was just seconds but for Lily the world began to move in a very slow motion, Miley dropping her microphone, two steps towards her and then her body collapsing on the stage.


She ran as fast as she could, Lily kneeled beside her and held her face in her hands.

-Miley wake up please... I NEED HELP HERE!!! -she yelled

The place was silent as Miley's Dad along with an MRU (Medical Response Unit) crew ran out, Lily sat down crying as she saw them apply CPR to her.

-OK she's back, careful, let's place her on the stretcher... -commanded the MRU chief

Lily felt two arms hugging her and saw the tearful face of Billy Ray smiling at her

-She'll be okay, come on

It was then when Lily noticed that everyone had left, as events unfolded, people was asked to clear the area and everyone complied. Two hours later Lily, still in her Lola outfit sat in the waiting room of the hospital along with Jackson and Billy Ray.

-I told her not to... I told her... -she said crying

Billy Ray approached and held her hands

-It's not your fault Lily... Miley will be fine, you'll see, everything will be

-Dad – Jackson interrupted as two doctors walked in

-Good evening, I'm Dr. Neela Rasgotra and this is Dr. Gregory Pratt, we are treating your daughter.

Billy Ray stood up

-Can we talk in private? - Dr. Pratt said

-No, whatever you have to say they can hear it – Billy Ray replied

-Mr. Stewart your daughter suffered a severe stroke, we were able to stabilize her but I'm afraid that she's in a coma -Dr. Rasgotra said.

-A... a stroke? But she's 14, this is ridiculous -Billy Ray responded

-We believe that your daughter's condition could have been caused by stress and the use of certain medications – Dr. Pratt added

-What medications? Miley wasn't taking any mediations.

Lily got up slowly

-Actually... she was..

Everyone turned to her

-For the last six months she has been taking something, the nurse at school gave her medication for her headaches and dizziness -Lily said

Dr. Rasgotra approached her.

-Do you know what she was taking? -she asked

Lily shook her head

-Wait... I think she has those pills on her purse

Lily began to search the purse and found the pills which she promptly gave to Dr. Rasgotra

-Avapro – she said

-What's that for? -Billy Ray asked

-Avapro is an Angiotensin-receptor blocker (ARBs). This is a new class of medications, which are similar in some respects to ACE inhibitors. Like ACE inhibitors, they help dilate arteries, lowering blood pressure and making it easier for the heart to pump blood throughout the body- Dr. Pratt explained

-Are you saying that Miley had a heart condition? She never mentioned it, We didn't even saw a doctor -he asked

-It was my fault... please forgive me – Lily said in tears

-What are you talking about? -Billy Ray said

-About six months ago she began to fill dizzy, we went to the school nurse and she gave her those pills with the explicit instructions to go see a doctor... I told her to tell you and go but she refused... she said that the pills made her feel better and that she didn't need anything else... I should have told you... can you forgive me?

Billy Ray hugged her

-Of course...

It was like in slow motion... all I remember is that I was on stage singing... then it was like having a drill going through my head... my arms feel like steel... I open my eyes and it takes a while to get used to the light... I see a guy beside my bed... looks like Jackson... but... he's different... older... where's he going... oh he's back... with a guy who looks like Dad... but... what are those white strips on his hair...

-D.. Dad?

-Take it easy Miley, it's being long

-L... Long...

-You slept for 5 years sis – replied Jackson

To be continued...