"Uncle Milford?"
Stephanie called from her room, tapping her pen on her notepad. She had been working on this list for hours on end. It STILL wasn't done, much to her disappointment. Something was telling her that she was missing someone, but who? The Mayor came through the door, humming a song.
"Oh, yes Stephanie! What is it, my dear?"
"Well, Uncle Milford, I've been trying to complete this list here of people's birthdays, but I'm missing someone, but I don't know who."
"Hm. Well. Let's see here. You have Ms. Busybody and me?"
"Sportacus and Pixel?"
"Oh, how about Trixie, Ziggy, and Stingy?"
"Yes, yes and yes!"
"Hm. Well, you must have them all."
Stephanie frowned, sighing. That was the point. She DIDN'T have everyone down. Milford looked at her puzzled. There weren't any other kids Stephanie played with that he knew of.
"No, uncle. There's one more I don't have, but who?"
"Hm. Well, let's see…Oh! How about Mr. Rotten?"
"Why, yes!"
Stephanie tapped her pen on her chin and watched her list carefully. The paper seemed to cry out 'Robbie' now, almost as if was a relief someone said the name. She smiled. Of course it was Robbie she was missing!
"Hey, you're right, uncle! Do you know when his birthday is?"
"Hmm, well, no I don't, Stephanie. He's kinda quiet about it. But I do believe it is in July. I remember asking him once long ago and all he said was July."
Stephanie thought for a minute. Robbie didn't spend his birthday with anyone? How lonely and sad. She wanted Robbie to become more of the community. He really wasn't that bad. Maybe a party would get him to come out. Yeah! A party! Stephanie nearly squealed when she looked at the calendar. It was July the fifth! No! She hoped she hadn't missed Robbie's birthday already!
"I gotta go! Thanks, Uncle Milford!"
"Oh, you're welcome, Stephanie!"
And with that, Stephanie dashed out the door.
Robbie sighed as he walked through the LazyTown playground. It was almost his birthday and obviously, he didn't have anyone to celebrate it with. Not that he wanted anyone, anyways. Noise and more noise. That's all there would be. Robbie grumbled again. Who really wanted parties? Who wanted to socialize? Robbie didn't. Of course not. Well, that's what he told himself.
Stephanie spotted Robbie easily as he walked. It was hard really to miss him. He's only the tallest person in LazyTown. She ran quickly behind him, huffing. Robbie could walk fast if he wanted to. Key word if.
Robbie stopped, causing Stephanie to run into him. She fell backwards in a grunt and felt sharp eyes piercing her. Robbie didn't really glare at her, more of a slightly irritated, but not mad stare.
"What do you want, Pinkie?"
"Robbie, when's your birthday?"
Robbie sighed and continued walking. Obviously this wasn't the time or subject. Stephanie jumped to her feet and pursued.
"Hey! Wait!"
"Not today."
"I just wanna know the.."
"Why not? Robbie?"
Robbie didn't answer. He kept walking. Stephanie slowed down and eventually stopped running after him. What could she do? If Robbie wasn't going to tell her, how was she supposed to find out? A light bulb went off in her head and she grinned instantly. Sportacus!
"I got mail!"
Sportacus took the letter out of the tube and read it aloud: "I need your help. It's about Robbie. Stephanie." Sportacus was confused, and really a little worried. What was Robbie up to now? Hopefully, he hadn't hurt himself. Sportacus didn't know when or how it started, but he found himself liking Robbie…a lot…It made him tingly just to think about Robbie. Sportacus didn't want to loose the feeling either. Each time he saw Robbie, it got stronger and felt better. What could possibly be up with Robbie today?
Robbie sat down under the apple tree in the middle of the park. It was time for a good long rest. It was the perfect day for it. He lay further down, reclining under the shade of the big tree. His eyes closed softly, and Robbie drank in his surroundings.
"What a beautiful day. No rain, no cold, Soft grass, warm sun, slight breeze, no kids making noise today…And especially no Sporta-"
"Hi Robbie!"
Robbie's eyes darted open and nearly squeaked. Sportacus's nose almost touched his. Sportacus's big blue eyes were fixed on Robbie's darker eyes. His smile was warm and fuzzy as he crouched over Robbie.
"…what do you want Sportadork?"
"Stephanie said you sounded kinda down. What's up?"
Robbie grumbled. Sure enough. The little pink haired runt ratted him out. Robbie growled and tried to push Sportacus off him. Thing was, Sportacus didn't move. Little darts of neurons were going off in Sportacus's head. Just having Robbie under him like this made him think…strange thoughts…
"Get off."
"Oh, come on, Robbie! I wanna know!"
"Is this because it's almost your birthday? When is it anyways?"
That did it. Robbie growled again, squeezing through a gap between Sportacus's arm and side. Sportacus darted up and jogged after Robbie, who was walking so fast Sportacus thought it could possibly had been a jog.
"Wait, a minute Robbie!"
"This is what you all like to do isn't it? Bug Robbie about stupid senseless things? Huh. Doesn't surprise me."
"No! That's not it at all, Robbie! We just don't-"
"Don't want me to be lonely, is that it? Huh? Oh I see how it is. A guy can't get a shred of quiet without people knowing his birthday."
Sportacus's heart was starting to sink. It hurt him to see Robbie so angry. Sportacus just wanted to pull him into a hug and cry, kiss him all over. Robbie meant a lot to him.
"No…Robbie, we just wanted to maybe…celebrate it with you. We just want you to be happy."
Robbie turned and glared at Sportacus, "And you just decide to come and celebrate now? Ha. Don't make me laugh. If you people had wanted to make me part of this damn place, they would have done it a long time ago. I know when I'm the outcast of a town."
Sportacus grabbed Robbie's arm and tugged him to a halt. The deep blue eyes fixated on the back of Robbie's head, hoping it'd turn. It didn't. All Sportacus saw was the raven black hair.
"Robbie, come on. I'm serious. We want you to be with us. Come on."
No response.
"Sure, they shouldn't have ousted you when you first came. They should have given you a chance, but we are now. Why not take it?"
Again, nothing.
"Robbie…when's your birthday."
Robbie's entire body shook, trying to hold back the slight bit of tears that started to well in his eyes. It was obvious. Sportacus's heart sank even lower. It started hurting a lot more, and he couldn't watch Robbie. He lowered his sight to the ground beneath him.
"…it's this month…"
Sportacus shot his head back up.
"That's all I'm telling you."
Yanking his arm away, Robbie started walking again. This time, it was much slower and resentful. Sportacus was tempted to run after him, but his feet were frozen under him. Just the tone of Robbie's voice…it pained him. Now he was even more determined than ever to find out when Robbie's special day was.
Robbie flopped down into his chair. He still hurt from that day. What Sportacus had said was starting to get to him again. He had calmed down earlier when he ate that entire cream filled cake, but that was gone now. The conclusion he had drawn in his mind was that he was meant to be lonely. All his life. No one else could interfere.
The emotions flowing through Robbie made his eyes hurt, yearning for sleep. He reclined in his chair and closed his eyes. All Robbie thought was each and every one of Sportacus's words. We want you to be with us….Celebrate it with you…No. They were lies…all lies.
Sleep was impossible. That's all he heard in his mind. All Lies. He needed to go outside. Back to the tree to rest and feel the cool breeze on his face. That might make his night go faster.
Sportacus could smell Robbie's skin underneath his hungry mouth. That delectable skin that made Sportacus pant was right under him, ready to be licked and suckled at. He licked a trail along Robbie's jaw line and shuddered when he heard a faint moan. The friction between them grinded away at Sportacus's control.
It was enough to drive Sportacus insane. He kept grinding down into Robbie, taking Robbie's lips with his. The pants had to go…now…but he couldn't stop grinding. Wait. Elf magic. Yes…thank goodness for elf magic. His mustache twitched as the clothes between him and Robbie disappeared only to reappear on the floor. Nothing could hold either one back.
Slowly, Sportacus lifted Robbie up slightly and hesitated. He hoped he wouldn't hurt Robbie…not now…he wanted to make him feel good…
Sportacus stopped, "What?"
"Robbie what did you say?"
Robbie started to melt under Sportacus. Sportacus's breath heaved. What was happening? No, Robbie!
"ROBBIE! What's happening to you?"
The liquid that was once Robbie started turning blue. A deep blue that set off any other blue. It reminded Sportacus of the sea. The deep blue now surrounded Sportacus. It was…it was the Ocean! Slowly, Sportacus began to sink. He panicked, flailing his arms in the water and trying to stay afloat. His eyes caught something, an image. Looking up, Sportacus saw Robbie looking at him in some strange vessel. Robbie's face was lifeless. It was the same pain that Sportacus felt when he saw Robbie sad or angry…Soon Robbie's image became blurry, water engulfing Sportacus.
Sportacus flew out of bed. His face was covered in cold sweat. Panting, Sportacus looked around him. No water, no vessel…no Robbie…He sighed, climbing back into bed. Robbie always filled his mind…but Sportacus had never dreamt a dream like that. It was creepy almost. What could it have meant?
Sportacus cuddled his pillow close, sighing and staring off into space. It concerned him. Sometimes dreams told of things to come…and the way Robbie looked…he didn't want it to come true.
Pixel sat typing away at his computer. Man, did he have a great night's sleep! He was turbo charged! Not only was he fully energized, but today he was going to be with Stephanie! Oh, how he loved that little pink flower of great scent. Pixel wished that they were a tad older. Then he could officially ask Stephanie out! Oh how he'd love to upgrade that hard drive.
A knock was heard from Pixel's door. Instantly, he jumped up and ran for it. Pixel opened it quickly, hoping to find Stephanie behind it. It was Sportacus.
"Oh, hey Sportacus!"
"Hello, Pixel. I need your help."
"Ok, cool! Come right in! What can I do for you?"
"Pixel, do you happen to have LazyTown's entire database in your computer?"
"Of course."
"I need you to look up someone's birthday."
"Got ya!"
Pixel sat down at his computer and started typing. He typed so fast the tapping on the key board made Sportacus's elfin ears hurt, humming a song as he went. A few clicks of the mouse and a window popped up on the screen.
"Ok, Sportacus. This is the birthday database for LazyTown. Now who do you want to look up?"
"Robbie, ok. Got it."
Pixel typed in Robbie's name and hit 'Enter.' Little letters and numbers flew across the screen for seconds. Sportacus watched, hoping for an answer. If anyone could find out, it'd be Pixel. That boy knows how to find anything.
Something was bothering the blue elf besides Robbie's birthday. It was a strange feeling in the bottom of his stomach, like something was coming. Something…he didn't know what…No, not now. Right now was Robbie time. A box with words flashed up on the screen. The flashing didn't stop. Pixel tilted his head.
"There's no record of Robbie's birthday."
"How couldn't there be?"
"I'm not really sure Sportacus."
Sportacus frowned. He was getting no where and fast. It wasn't fair. Why did Robbie have to carry the negativity of this town on his shoulders? He shouldn't be. It made Sportacus mad just thinking about it.
"Hey, Sportacus, I can keep trying later today."
"That'd be great, Pixel. Thanks."
"No prob. Sportacus?"
"Yes, Pixel?"
"Why do you want to know? Out of curiosity…"
It was an honest question. Lately, Pixel didn't mind Robbie at all, "I'd just like to know, Pixel."
The red ship floated high above the clouds where nothing could see or hear it. It was a stealthy vessel, complete with the highest technology available. It's musty, woodland scent masked every inch of the ship, giving it a forest feeling. The entire ship was quiet. It was dark inside, black almost. He liked it that way.
He'd never really taken an interest to anything these humans had to offer. Humans, for the most part, were disgusting, foul creatures that needed to be put in their place. They were no where near the power of his kind. Not in any possible way. No. Humans were inferior creatures to him. Nothing could compare to his own.
"Approaching new land. Land area unknown. Retrieving database."
He did not move from his chair. The screen in front of him flashed on a new land that contained one round town. He swirled the wine glass in his hand, the fresh aroma of the liquid filling his nostrils. Ah, red wine. The bitter sweet taste of fruit and liquor. It soothed him at times. Now was one of them.
"Database retrieval complete. Area identified as LazyTown. Mayor Milford residing."
He continued to stare at LazyTown. The luscious greens and bright colors almost made him sick. He took another drink of wine. That's better.
What did little brother see in these humans? He must see they are much weaker and inferior creatures. No. Little brother is ignorant. He was far too young when he left for his little mission. Little brother must be blinded by his duty father gave him. Poor sap. Wait, no. No sympathy. Little brother didn't deserve any.
He growled. It angered him how father loved little brother more than him. Was it because of looks? Yeah. Those damn eyes must have been it. Devil or the angel. Take your pick, right father? It didn't surprise him once he thought about it. Bastard father. Father had always been biased and unwilling to see true greatness. Shame really. He would have loved to see who's the greater of the two. A holographic image of a woman came in front of him.
"We have arrived above LazyTown, sir. Do you wish to descend?"
He swirled his wine again.
"Yes, Cortana. Get low, but not low enough to be seen."
"Aye, sir."
He could feel the shift of the turbines descending in speed. He was used to it. It'd make the average man sick, but not him. He wasn't a weakling. The computer screen flashed to the front of the ship, and he watched as the tiny town became larger and larger still.
"Yes sir."
"Do a sweep of the town. See if he's down there."
"Aye sir…Target indicated sir."
"Excellent. Stop here. Thank you."
He smiled widely, leaning his head on his hand. The wine was twirling faster now as his excitement and entire life energy increased. Yes. It was now time. Time to put little brother in his place once and for all.
Ello! Kami-chan here! What a teaser, eh? Who is this mysterious traveler? Who is little brother? Mwahahahaha. There's only one person who knows already and that's Smile-san. She and I have created this character, and I hope you'll love him as much as we do. So anyways, yeah. I'll be updating soon. Smile-san is craving it. Btw, Smile-san is posting another fic for me that I wrote. It's called The Hunt, and I'd like you to check it out and give comments, please. Comments are loved! Thanks!