ME: yes another story, I know I know, too many stories, But today is a special day! Im actually gonna update all the TMM stories! This is going to be the best outta all of them! I hope... Eh heh. I know I dont own TMM, cause if that was true, Ryou and Ichigo would be together for sure! Im lazy with stories I know, Thats because of school and my sport! Right now I am gonna update, every two weeks, or every week. If I dont keep that promise. I will promise to er... Finish Break up Wake up in a week?This story much like other TMM stories, other people read is going to have songs at the begining. Yeah, this story is all Ichigo Ryou, non of the other mews butting in on there er um thing? This will be my longest story!... Keep reading!

P.S. to update every other week (everystory) I ALOT of work so, I need ALOT of reviews! I mean, ALOT or I wont update, So My readers, fans, and erm people! I beg that you review! So enjoy the story!

Song: Once Upon another Dream.

By: No Secrets

(only apart of the song...)

Once upon a dream in a magical kingdom...

A beautiful princess fell into a long lips leans

Only kiss from a hansome prince could awake her

So he could tell her lovely she is...

Annoying! So ANNOYING! thats all Ryou could think of, the whining, the high pitched laugh, they got on his nerves! You may think, he hates her, but its quite the oppiset.

"Baka, Strawberry!" Ryou shouted as she dropped plates. "I slipped!" Ichigo said sorta confused of how! "No dur!" Ryou answered rolling his eyes. "Clean it up!" He ordered "Im gonna! Geez Gimme a minute!" Ichigo said getting up. "Baka!" He said flicking her forehead. "Ryou!" She whined. "Just clean it up!" He ordered again. "Im cleaning Im cleaning!" So she cleaned and "Ow! My fingure!" She suddenly shouted. A tiny cut. "Oh god, your gonna die from blood lose! Geez Ichigo its just alittle cut!" Ryou said. "But it hurts!" Ichigo said in a high pitched voice. "Fine, I'll get you a band-aid." Ryou said walking to the bathroom and grabbing a band-aid. "Geez here you go miss, clumbsy!" Ryou said handing her the band-aid. "I do most of the work here! I barley drop plates, I clean all the time! Ryou I want a raise!" Ichigo said putting the band-aid on. God that was random, Ryou thought looking at the Strawberry haired girl in front of him. "Ichigo, as I said millions of times, NO NO NO NO!" He said, once again flicking her fore-head. "But why!" Ichigo asked, in a whiny voice. "Because I said so!" Ryou answered.

After finally finishing the cleaning and the arguement. Ryou won of course. "Ryou I bet you wouldnt last a week hanging out with me and doing all the thing I wanted!" Ichigo said. "Oh really? A bet, Strawberry I've never heard of you gambling." Ryou answered "Yes a bet, If you win, I get my pay reduced by five dollars! But..." Ichigo said thinking. "But?" Ryou asked. "But if I win, You have to raise my pay" Ichigo said. "Fine Ichigo, if I win, which I will, your going to get your pay reduced. Since next week, is your school break, and work break, the bet starts that weeks monday!" Ryou answered "Its on! Well I gotta go home, and do my homework." Ichigo answered Today is monday of the week before the bet. Thats gives Ichigo time to plan a list of, torture er I mean fun for Ryou and her.

When Ichigo finished her homework, she started her list. Hmm what to do first? Ichigo thought I know! She wrote down something. Ok the first day, of that weeks list was finished. Tomarrow she would start the Tuesday list, and so on a so forth.

The next day at school was kinda awkward, Masaya, resently, broke up with Ichigo saying that, he couldnt take any more annoying laughs and her calling every day, so he ended it.

"Ichigo!" Her friend Minwa shouted "Hey Mini! Whats up?" Ichigo asked hyperly They've been best friends for ever! "Nothing Ichi, just wondering what you have planned for the week off." Minwa asked "I have plans..." Thats all Ichigo said "What plans? You must tell!" Minwa curiously asked "Ok, you cant tell anyone, but you know my boss?" Ichigo started explaining. "What the cute blonde one?" Minwa asked "He's not CUTE, but anyway, I have a bet with him that he wouldnt be able to hang out with me for a week." Ichigo said "What you bet on?" Minwa said amused about this. "Well if he wins, which he wont, my pay gets reduced by five bucks" Ichigo said, "Five bucks? Oh come on Ichigo you know he'll probably win." Minwa said. "Yes but if I win, I get my pay raised." Ichigo answered "Oh I get it now, Nice one Ichigo, how'd you get so smart so suddenly?" Minwa said astonished that Ichigo actually thought for once.

Ichigo was never, the smartest girl, she always played ditsy. "Hey! Im not that dumb!" Ichigo said play punching Minwa in the shoulder. "Hey look theres Masaya. Arent you gonna said hi?" Minwa said. Ichigo suddenly got alil sad. "Nah," Ichigo said. "Tell me whats wrong!" Minwa said sencing Ichigo wasnt happy. "I'll tell you after work!" Ichigo said going to her first class.

Ichigo was looking at the cloudless sky, walking to work. She heard the little birds tweeting and the wind blowing, but she was in thought, Thinking of, how she was gonig to torture Ryou, and of the time she spent with Masaya. When she got to work, she noticed she was 20 minutes early! A record! "Oh my is the baka, actually on time, or is this an illusion?" Ryou said blinking a couple of times. "Yes Im on time" Ichigo answered rolling her eyes this time. Ryou smirked and flicked her head. "Then get to work!"

After the usaul arguement, the plate crashing, cleaning and whining Ichigo went home. When she got there she called Minwa, since she had no homework. "Hey Ichi!" Minwa answered "Hey Mini, now I will tell. I got dumped!" Ichigo said not really caring "What?!?!" Minwa said. She was surprised! "Really?!?" She asked "Yes! I really dont care, I think he was cheating on me anyway HAHAHA" Ichigo hyperly said. "Is that true, If so Im going to kick his ass!" Minwa shouted into the phone "Ow my ear!" Ichigo said "Oops sorry Ichigo!" Minwa said. "IIIIIchhhiiigggooo, get off the phone I need to call someone!" Ichigo's mom shouted from down stairs. "Ok ok!" Ichigo shouted back. "Well Mini I gotta go now talk to you at school." Ichigo said, "Yeah cyas!" Minwa said hanging up.

one week later.

Minwa, beat up Masaya, Ichigo finished her list, and the bet has started. "Ok mister, I think I'll win. The bet has started, You must, do everything I ask, you must go through everything I ask, or you WILL lose, do you take this challenge?" Ichigo said teasing Ryou. "Well duh Baka, why else would I be here!" Ryou said looking around the park. "Where we going anyway?" He asked kinda frightened of what she had planned. "If you must know, Im bringing you to the amusement park, where I shall show you the wonders of cotton candy, roller coasters, hunted house, and many more exciting trills, of the amusement park!!!!" Ichigo said hyperly "Oh god!" Ryou said mentaly slapping himself for taking on this bet, on the other hand he thought he could get to know, Ichigo.

"First I shall, show you a very thrilling ride." Ichigo said skipping to the biggest, most giantic, ride of doom ever. "We're not seriously going on that right?" Ryou asked. "Why are you to chicken too?" Ichigo said smirking "You know the smirk, doesnt work for you. Im not afraid, just look at the line, even at 7 in the morning!" Ryou said pointing to the longest line in the park. "Yes we're going to wait in line, oh my gosh! It might kill us to wait Ryou!" Ichigo said play fainting. "Ha-ha very funny."

Ten minutes later. "Ryou Im bored, you can atleast said something!" Ichigo shouted "Something..." Ryou said, doing as she asked "Your the least talkative person on earth, at that, your a rude least talkative person on earth RYOU TALK DAMN IT!" Ichigo half shouted half whined. Annoying, so annoying! "Fine, what do you want to talk about!" Ryou finally said giving in to her nagging. "Well, tell me things about yourself, then I'll tell you things about myself." Ichigo explained "What do you want to know?" Ryou asked amused by this, what a great way to get to know Ichigo he thought. "I dunno just start telling me things." Ichigo said.

"Well, I lived in america, when I was six, but my parents, died, I came here, and finished the mew project, my favorite color, is blue, my favorite food, is Rice ball, and my favorite animal? I guess I dont have one.Im now 17 years old." Ryou said making the explanation short.

"Ok well, I've lived here all my life, I go to school at the highschool, my favorite color is pink, my favorite animal is a cat and I'm 14 years old." Ichigo said.

"Finally!" Ichigo said getting into the rides seat, after an hour of waiting. "Could the wait been any longer?!" Ryou said. "I've waited two hours before." Ichigo said laughing. Ryou just sweat dropped. The ride started, first it brought the whole set of people, about 2000 feet into the air then when it got to the top, it stopped. "Whats going on?" Ichigo said. Then a speaker came on. "We're having difficuties remain seated.

Two hours later the ride suddenly went plunging to the ground, stopping about 200 feet above the ground. It went up again, then down, Ichigo screamed the first time, she would never admit it, but she grabbed Ryous hand, making him blush. "First ride complete!" Ichigo shouted and ran to the next ride.

"Ichigo, will we have to wait an hour again, then wait two hours, for the ride to be fixed?" Ryou asked "Maybe maybe not" Ichigo said laughing at his, enthuseasim "Baka!" Ryou said. "Nuh uh!" Ichigo said. Running to the next ride it was...

ME: hah! A cliffhanger! if you want more, you must review! Hahahahaha! Mawhahahahahaha Tell me what you think so far! Thank you guys for reading!