Hello readers! I'm Hamster Fan. For those who already know about me from my other stories thank you for reading them and thank you everyone for reading my new story! If you are just reading this author's note and don't read the story then I will be very MAD. LOL. Well enjoy.

Since you can only put two story styles in the story description I'll name all the types here.

1. Suspense

2. Sci-fi

3. Action

4. Romance (Robin and Starfire).

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans, but I do own this story and all my other stories. If I did own Teen Titans then there would be a ton of RobxStar romance and there would be new episodes every day!


Chapter 1

It was a crime free day so far at Titans tower. Beast Boy and Cyborg were as usual playing video games. Robin and Starfire were walking around the house and Robin was explaining certain Earth cultures to Starfire who was listening intently.

Raven was floating on the roof with her legs crossed and her eyes closed meditating. She was meditating peacefully when suddenly fast images flashed through her mind. She couldn't tell what they were but she heard screaming in her mind and could tell that it was bad.

Raven stopped meditating and stood up opening her eyes. Fear went through her mind that she had a vision of something bad that was going to happen in the future.

She didn't have time to think about it however because at that moment the tower's alarm started to go off. Hearing the alarm Raven used her powers to phase through the roof and appear in the tower's main room or living room.

All four of the other Titans were already in the room when she got there. They were all looking at the tower's giant computer screen and Robin was typing on the computer to see what the problem in the city was.

"What is it?" Raven asked walking up to her friends.

"Plasmas is at the chemical factory again. He's probably trying to get more powerful from all the toxic chemicals", Robin responded.

"All man I hate fighting that giant blob of goo", Beast Boy complained.

"Titans go!" Robin shouted ignoring Beast Boy's whining.

When the Titans arrived at the factory there were many police cars and police officers surrounding the building. They just like always didn't go into the building but waited for the Titans and were ready to give the team any backup that they needed. The Titans never minded this. They preferred the police staying out of the way and supply backup when needed.

The Titans burst through the front door of the factory and got in their fighting position just like they always did. They didn't see Plasmas anywhere. They walked in a searched for Plasmas. The factory looked different from the last time they were there. (They was there in the first episode called Divide and Conquer).

The factory now had many more chemicals. Most were in giant tanks all over the large room. Some were blue and purple but most of them were a glowing green color. All over the factory walls and on the tanks were warning labels that said things like: "DANGER", "Extremely Toxic", and "Coming in contact will chemicals can be fatal".

"Be carful team, these chemicals are very dangerous I don't want anyone getting hurt", said Robin while they were walking in search of Plasmas.

Using his super hearing Beast Boy heard a noise around the corner behind several large chemical tanks. "He's over there", Beast Boy whispered pointing to the group of tanks.

The Titans then ran and flew over to were Beast Boy said Plasmas was, trying to do a surprise attack on the villain. When they saw the blob monster he was drinking barrels of toxic waste and growing a little bigger with each barrel.

Plasmas was stopped from grabbing another barrel by getting hit in the head by a sonic cannon blast by Cyborg causing Plasmas to have a big hole in his head.. Plasmas's head formed back to normal after being hit and let out a roar and he charged at the Titans.

All the Titans dodged his attack and started to attack the monster themselves. Raven used her powers to pick up pieces of machinery and threw it at Plasmas. The hit the monster in the chest. The piece stuck to him and an angry Plasmas grabbed them off him and threw them back at Raven. The objects hit Raven knocking her to the ground.

Starfire and Cyborg shot starbolts and sonic cannon blasts at Plasmas. The attacks kept creating holes in the monster's body but the hole would just instantly heal themselves and disappear. Getting more angry Plasmas roared and threw blobs of goo at the two. Starfire and Cyborg were able dodge some of the goo but then both got hit and fell to the ground.

Beast Boy ran up behind Plasmas and transformed into a T-rex. The T-rex Beast Boy gave a big roar and swung his large tail around and hit Plasmas. Plasmas fell to the ground and turned into a blob when he hit the ground. Seeing this Beast Boy turned back to human and smiled thinking that he had defeated him.

After a moment of being a blob on the ground Plasmas formed back to normal and walked over to a surprised Beast Boy. Right before Plasmas could attack Beast Boy Plasmas has hit from above in the back by several freeze disks causing his whole back to freeze. Plasmas roared and brock the ice off his back and turned away from Beast Boy.

Plasmas looked up to see what had attacked him and saw Robin standing on a high catwalk looking down at the monster. Plasmas reached out a long arm and grabbed the edge of the catwalk. He quickly pulled himself up and stood on the catwalk facing Robin. Plasmas started to walk towards Robin and Robin pulled out his bo-staff ready to defend himself. As Plasmas walked toward him Robin walked backwards not wanting to fight Plasmas on an unsafe catwalk alone.

The other four Titans looked up to see the situation Robin was in and flew up to the catwalk to help their friend. Since Cyborg couldn't fly Starfire grabbed him by the shoulders and carried him up to the catwalk. Plasmas heard them coming and quickly turned around and swung one of his huge arms at the four coming toward him.

Plasmas managed to hit all four of the charging Titans with his arm and sent them slamming to the ground. The force temporarily knocking the four Titans out and they lied on the ground.

Robin was really worried now. His friends were unconscious and he didn't know if they were okay. To make things worse Plasmas had turned back to Robin after hitting the others and started to walk towards him again.

Now Robin had no one to help him. He knew he couldn't use his garbling hook to get off the catwalk and away from Plasmas because there was nothing for it to grab on to. Robin continued to walk backwards from Plasmas as Plasmas was walking toward him getting ready to attack.

Since he didn't have any more freeze disks with him Robin took some small bombs out of his belt and threw them at the advancing monster. The bombs hit Plasmas in the face and exploded.

When the smoke from the bombs cleared the attack appeared to have no affect on Plasmas other than it making him angrier. Plasmas started to advance towards Robin faster and Robin continued to back away not noticing that he was coming towards the edge of the catwalk.

Getting tired of just chasing and not attacking Plasmas lunged at Robin. Robin turned his back to the monster and ran away to dodge the attack. He ran as far as he could before reaching the edge of the catwalk.

Right after he reached the edge Plasmas hit the bottom of the catwalk with full force missing his attack at Robin. The force of Plasmas hitting the bottom of the catwalk caused the whole thing to shake. The shaking made Robin loose his balance he waved his arms around frantically trying to keep his balance. He was unable to and fell off the edge towards a huge tank of glowing green chemicals. Unable to use his gabbling hook to save himself since there was nothing for it to grab Robin continued to fall from the high catwalk.

He screamed as he fell head first and put his arms out in front of his as if to protect himself. The other Titans had just recovered to see Robin fall into the huge tank of chemicals with a big splash.

OMG I think this is one of the biggest cliff hangers I've ever written! Don't worry though, the next chapter is in progress and I should be able to post it soon. I know this chapter is kind of similar to parts of Divide and Conquer but it actually was kind of a coincidence I've had this story idea for a long time and wasn't trying to copy an episode. Please review but no flames please.