New Rider Has Come

Disclaimer: I do not own Eragon or any of C.P.'s books. If I did Eragon and Arya would be together by now.

Plot: This is a oneshot about how the new rider is born.

Eragon, Roran and Saphira were returning to the Varden. Along with them was Katrina. It was 3 days after the battle at the Burning Planes and him and Roran decided to leave the day after the battle to rescue Katrina. She had many injuries which Eragon took care of while they were in-mid air, they were not serious, most of her injuries were psychological ones, for she had managed to say that Sloan her father had been murdered, in front of her. She reacted well to Saphira and even to Eragon's new appearance. Eragon spotted a shining star like light getting closer, as Saphira approached Eragon noticed that they were over flying Brom's tom. They descended, Roran took Katrina and settled themselves in a cave near by, Saphira and Eragon made their way to Brom's tom. His body still intact.

He just stood there, silently communicating with him, when he heard a roar from a league again.

Saphira can you see what it is?

No Eragon…. wait! Thorn! Murtagh! Lets go Eragon he may come to harm us

A voice was heard in their heads

Do not fear Eragon I have come to say sorry for what I did, I still wish to help the Varden

If you try to kill me you know that you have Saphira to answer too

I know, I didn't expect anything else, can I come?



Saphira, he is my brother, he deserves to be heard, at least for once

Thank you

Thorn appeared with Murtagh on his back. Murtagh came down and handed Eragon a leather bag

"I must be quick, for Galbatorix might have acknowledged both our disappearances, this is all I can do to help you Eragon, and I know that I will be severely punished"

Taking the bag

"Murtagh you are still my best friend… and my brother. I do not wish the kill you. I have said it before and I will say it again. I can help you. The elves know great spells, besides there are so many wards surrounding Ellesmera that Galbatorix will not be able to control you. You can be free"

"I have no choice Eragon, this is all I can do, but if I change by mind I'll be in touch… brother"

He mounted Thorn and departed. Eragon noticed the bag, and looking inside he realised why Murtagh was so worried about. For inside the bag was the third and last dragon egg in Alagaesia.

Roran and Katrina were worried, Eragon had suddenly arrived at the cave with a leather bag in his hands ordering to get on Saphira as fast as they could. They were now heading for the Varden, Saphira was flying as fast as she could.

We must hurry Saphira, we must drop Roran and Katrina off with the Varden

Why are you in a hurry little one?

There is something about this egg Saphira, it has some sort of familiar magic around it. I think that I know who it was destined for.

Then we must hurry, just to think Murtagh did this for us, he will be greatly punished, but I have a hunch he will turn to our side. Think about it Eragon the dragon in that egg is male, my race may be saved.

I know Saphira, I know

They arrived at the Varden in little more than an hour.

"You two may stay at my tent, ask for anything you may need and it will be proved. I must find Nasuada"

They went into the tent to rest and Eragon made his way to Nasuada's tent. The guard let him in, the egg safely in the bag.

"Eragon, my goodness your ok, I though you would come only in a few days"

"my lady, I assure you that I am well, so is my cousin and his fiancé, however I have exciting news, Murtagh has given us a present"

He took the dragon egg out of the bag

"He sacrificed himself, knowing that he would be punished, to steal this egg and give it to me. Hoping we will defeat Galbatorix and save him."

"He is very brave, he will certainly be punished, Galbatorix will not let such a treason go by, may luck be with him, what do we do now Eragon?"

"I think that we should find its rider as soon as possible"

"Well Eragon you as the only Rider, on our side that is, have the responsibility of guarding it, until the Rider is found the egg is rightly yours."

"of cause my lady, I do have someone in mind already"

"really who is it?"

"I would rather wait to talk with the person first"

"very well"

"when are you returning to Ellesmera?"

"Tomorrow morning my lady, I have to conclude my training as soon as possible if want to defeat Galbatorix"

"of cause"

"my lady have you seen Arya?"

"she left, 3 days ago to Ellesmera"

"thank you my lady, my cousin and his fiancé are in my tent, if it is possible I would like them to have it for now, until my return"

"of cause"

"thank you"

He placed the egg in his bag, bowed and left. Saphira was outside waiting for him

so how did it go?

you know how it went, you were listening to every word through me

well it never harms to ask, so we leave for Ellesmera tomorrow?

Do you have enough strength to fly to Ellesmera now? The belt is full of energy if you need it

Are you kidding? This dragon never runs out of energy

Then we leave now

Can I ask Eragon, why the hurry?

Because I have a feeling this egg belongs to an elf. Besides the sooner I start my training the better. I have healed Elva already, the battle has been won, I am no longer need here, well at least for an emergency.

Very well, lets get repacking

7 hours later they had arrived at Ellesmera, the sun was rising. Saphira flew directly towards the Queen's palace. He greeted the guards and they let him in. The queen and other houses were already waiting for him.

Saphira if you wish you may go and rest, you must be incredibly tired

Do you really think I would miss this?

I'll take that as a no

He greeted her, speaking first

"Eragon I was not expecting you for at least a few days, but at cause you are always welcomed in our halls"

"my Queen I have the most happiest news but first I must ask you to call Princess Arya"

"that will not be necessary, news of your arrival spreads fast Eragon, I am sorry my Queen for my lateness"

the queen nodded her head

"now Eragon what news do you bring"

with a smile on his face he took out the green egg, wow's and words of surprise could be heard throughout the hall, the Queen was the most surprised, Arya was speechless.

"how did you, Shadeslayer, acquire such a treasure, from Galbatorix himself?"

"Murtagh, at great personal risk, brought this to me, he is on our side my queen and wish to remain so, but Galbatorix knows his true name and so he cannot flee, so he betrayed him, by bringing the last dragon egg to me"

"Why did you bring it here Eragon?"

"my queen I believe that the rider of this dragon is an elf"

"what makes you thin that?"

"I have my reasons my queen"

"very well, gather the elves, everyone is to touch this egg."

"my queen can I make a suggestion?"

"you may"

"Can Princess Arya be the first to touch the egg?"

Arya looked him, he kept his eyes on the Queen

"she may, Arya you heard him"

Arya walked forward and touched the egg, every pair of eyes in the room where on her and the egg, waiting for a reaction. Nothing happened

"I am not who you want Eragon"

Eragon, stepped back and lay the egg on the floor. Minutes passed in silence, after around 10 minutes the same noise that he heard when his egg hatched. He felt a tingling feeling inside him, the egg began to move and break, Saphira's eyes shot open, she was not the only Varden dragon now. The egg shell finally gave away and a stunningly beautiful baby emerald green dragon came out. He extended his head looked at Saphira then turned around and made his way to Arya.

She was paralysed; the egg hatched for her, 70 years she guarded Saphira's egg, never imagining that this would happen to her. She extended her arm and her left palm touched the dragon's head. A green light exploded from both and vanished in a second. Arya looked at her hand, at the shining mark on her hand.

Eragon and Saphira bowed

"welcome argetlam"

The last Dragon Rider had come

This is meant to be originally a oneshot. But if you want me to continue just let me know. Reviews are appreciated. I wrote this because I realised that there weren't many fanfic's where Arya is the last rider, and lets face it, she is a prime candidate in the books.

well review please

see you soon
