Moving Onto Another Love
by RabbitDork101
Disclaimer- I own absolutely nothing!!
Chapter 8
For Ryan, everything seemed to fall into place. The love of his life was in his arms right now, sleeping peacefully in his arms. They were in the back of a rental van. It was Spring Break and Troy insisted on doing something classy. Celebrate their last High School Spring Break ever. So, in the van was Troy and Taylor, Troy was driving, Taylor was next to him. Then Sharpay and Zeke in the middle section, they were making out, and then Ryan and Gabriella in the very backseat. They were heading to Florida, and then they would head back. The gang would spend a total of 3 days of relaxing in Florida, and about four driving back. Everyone was excited.
"Troy, next gas station, stop, I have to use the bathroom." Sharpay said.
"Ok, but why didn't you go last time?" Troy argued.
"Umm, it might have something to do with the fact that was 5 hours ago, and FYI I did use the bathroom!" Sharpay shouted angrily. So loud, that Gabriella woke up.
"Shut up!" Gabi said, turning slightly in Ryan's arms, and grabbing her pillow and pulling it over her head.
Ryan mumbled something incoherent, and then said, "I need to use the bathroom too."
"Fine, we'll stop in the next city."
20 argumentative minutes later.
"Ok 10 minutes and we are leaving." Troy said as they stepped out of the car. Ryan and Sharpay walked off towards the bathroom, and Gabriella went to get something to eat. Troy and Taylor went to get something to drink. Zeke had fallen asleep and they left him alone.
Ryan met up with Gabriella in the snack aisle and kissed her cheek. "So, Ryan, what do you want to eat?"
"I don't care, how about you?" Ryan asked kissing her neck.
"Later, but now my stomach is hungry." She said walking away from him, causing him to sigh and follow her.
Elsewhere with Troy and Taylor.
Troy had been staring at a bag of chips for quite sometime, thinking about something... or rather someone.
Gosh, Sharpay looked good in those shorts she was we- Wait a minute Troy, you're with Taylor. A girl who is not as sexy as Sharpay. WHOA! Ok, think Taylor... Taylor... Sharpay. Damn it.
"Troy, I think we should break up." Taylor said, and then she looked at him.
"What, why?" Troy asked confused. Did I think that, or did I say that about Sharpay?
"I don't think it's gonna work. There is this other guy I like, and I think I like him more."
"Ok, I understand... friends?" Troy asked.
"Sure" and they hugged... in a friendly way.
Back with Gabriella and Ryan
"Ry, knock it off." Gabriella said, a little irritated.
"C'mon, Gabi, we have 6 minutes, we could go make out in the bathroom." Ryan said, grabbing her hand.
"Or, let's not and say we did." Gabriella said, walking over to the cash register. Ryan had a look of disappointment on his face. "Oh, Ryan don't be like that," Gabriella said, she walked up to him and whispered, "I'll make it up to you later." She winked and paid for the food.
Sharpay walked out of the bathroom, 9 minutes later, with her hair restyled, a new outfit on, and new makeup on. Within the 9 minutes she was in the bathroom, she had washed her hair, face, and redid her makeup and changed. Nobody, but Sharpay could do this. Sharpay grabbed a bottle of water, and a small bag of pretzels and paid for them. Then she walked out to the van.
"Wow, Sharpay, what did you in that bathroom?" Troy asked looking at her changed appearance.
"Everything, but take a shower. Can you believe they didn't have a shower in there?"
Everyone laughed and continued to drive to Florida.
I know this is a little shorter than normal, but I have no more ideas, unless I sit on this chapter for about a month. RR
love RD101