I re-did this Chapter cause….it kinda sucked, it's still not all that great, but it's better at least, and I THINK I took care of almost all of the grammatical errors.



With a yawn Tohru sat up, stretching her arms above her head. Groaning, she flopped out of bed, and headed for the bathroom. She noted with some sleep-dulled surprise that Kyo wasn't about yet, but pushed the thought from her mind as she focused on the task at hand; getting ready for school.

A few minutes later she emerged from the bathroom, feeling awake and fresh, and headed downstairs to make breakfast.

She was wandering cheerfully around the kitchen, preparing food for everyone, when it finally clicked in her mind that no one seemed to be up and moving. This was usual for Yuki, he practically had to be drug from his bed, and Shigure almost always slept in, but Kyo was usually wandering angrily (or recently, not so angrily) around the house. Tohru put down the knife she was holding, and headed up towards Kyo's room.

Once there, she stopped, unsure of weather or not she should continue forward, but as she heard a moan from the other side of the door, she stifled a surprised gasp and knocked on the door.

" Kyo-kun?? Is everything O.K?" she slowly pushed open the door. As she poked her head around the door she saw Kyo sitting hunched over on the floor.

"Kyo-kun!" she emmited a squeal of fright and rushed to his side.

"What is it? What hurts? I'll go get help! Ill call someone!" Tohru began spazzing around the room, trying to figure out what to do.

"Yo…" she stopped immediately and turned to where Kyo was picking himself up off of the ground.

"I'm fine. I just have a stomach ache."

"Oh….but Kyo-kun! You were on the floor…"

"…I tripped"

"…Oh…" Tohru took a step forward, grabbing Kyo by the arm and leading him to his bed.

"Still…. You shouldn't go to school today, you don't want this to develop into something serious!" She sat him down on his bed, peering nervously into his face.

"O.K fine I wont go to school, now will you stop freaking out?" Kyo leaned back against his pillows.

"O.K, as long as you promise to take it easy today." Tohru smiled at her friend and began to retreat through the doorway.

"Oh….and Tohru?" She popped her head back through the door as she heard his voice. She could hear the embarrasement in his voice.

"Um… could you tell Uo… that I'm not gonna show?" Tohru smiled at the blush creeping over his face.

"Of course" she said with a smile, carefully shutting his door.

She began humming to herself as she wandered down the hall, a slight skip to her step. As she passed Yuki's door she was contemplating going in and checking on him when she heard a rough cough come from the other side. Immediately concerned she burst through the door, this time forgetting to knock.

"Yuki-kun, are you alright?" She quickly made her way over to his bed where he was laying, cocooned in a pile of blankets.

"You're not sick too, are you?" She gazed down anxiously at him.

"I'm O.K Honda-san , it's just a little cough. But I think I may skip school today, just incase." He smiled weakly at her.

"Oh no!" Tohru immediately began fluffing his pillows and making sure he was comfortable.

"Not you too! Kyo-kun is sick as well! What if something's going around?" She began running around the room flapping her arms animatedly as she babbled.

"Honda-san…..HONDA-SAN…… TOHRU!"

Tohru stopped at the sound of her name.

"Um…..yes?" she said, turning to face a smiling Yuki.

"We will both be fine, stop worrying! We can take care of ourselves….or at least, I can. Who knows about that loser." Tohro chose to ignore the snide comment that always accompanied a mention of the Red-head.

"However," the silver haired man continued.

"You are going to be late if you don't head off to school!" Tohru reeled around, and looked at the clock hung above the door.

"Oh no!" She began to flee from the room but stopped, looking back.

"Are you sure you'll be O.K?" she inquired fretfully, taking in how pale he seemed to be…(yes, paler than usual)

"Fine! Now go before you're late" Yuki's voice was firm, but he smiled warmly after her as she retreated from his bedroom.

As soon as she was out of his room Tohru broke into a run, grabbing her things off of the kitchen floor, and making sure everything in the kitchen was taken care of. She then ran through the door, hoping desperately that she hadn't forgotten anything.

This was going to be an interesting day.


Yay Chapter 1 hope everyone liked! Please R&R! I'll give you…a cookie or something.