

monkeytalking to conscience



A black head peaks out from under the covers, "well; there goes another alarm clock." Pulling back the covers the young girl got out of bed. " Kagome, you better not still be asleep!" A voice yelled from down stairs. "Don't worry mom I'm up!" The girl now known as Kagome yelled back.

(Kagome's pov)

'Man I hate school. Oh right let me tell you a little bit about myself. My names Kagome Higurashi and I'm a 19-year-old dog demoness. Today is my first day back to school. You see when I was 16 I dated this guy named Sesshomaru Takashi, and we went out for a couple of months before we had sex.

It was my first time and I really liked Sesshomaru and I thought that he felt the same way to but as it turns out I was, as he said, just a "good fuck." He broke up with me and as it turns out I had gotten pregnant.

Don't get me wrong I tried to tell him, I really did, but when I went up to talk to him he was making out with my friend Kagura. So I left him alone and stopped going to school. Instead I did all of my schoolwork over the Internet.

I have been doing my work over the internet for about 3 years now, and I'm a sophomore in college, I would like to finish college over the internet, but my mom thinks that I should go to college and get a good college experience.

Now, the bad part is that Sesshomaru and all of his little groupie friends go to my new college, so I have to put up with them. On the bright side though I do have some friends that go to that school so I wont be completely alone.

I was brought back to my thoughts when I felt a little body attach to my leg.

I looked down to see my 3-year-old son. He looked up at me with his golden eyes and I couldn't help but to smile. 'He looks just like Sesshomaru' I thought but stopped. 'Don't think about that jackass, all he's done is hurt you.'

"Mommy" I looked down at my son again and smiled. "What is it Ryuu?" I asked. "Well," he said, "gran gran said to tell you that if you didn't hurry you were going to be late." My eyes widened and I looked at the clock. '7:40! Crap I'm gonna be late!'

I thought and ran into my closet and quickly put on a white cami and a pair of baggy black pants. I had picked the outfit out the night before; it was simple but cute.

The pants were tight around my hips but baggy from there on, and if I bent down to low they would most likely show off my blue thong. My white cami was simple but showed off my toned stomach and showed just enough cleavage.

I went to the mirror and put on some eyeliner to bring out my clear blue eyes, and threw my long black hair up into a bun.

I kissed Ryuu good bye and yelled to my mom that I was leaving and I was out the door. 'Man today is going to suck' I thought and hopped into my car and left for my new school.