The door just barely shut when Draco began his own interrogation. "Alright McGonagall, what in the name of Merlin is going on here?" There was a slight grow to the words.

"Yes" Harry said just as the headmistress was about to open her mouth. His voice freezing the air, "Do tell."

The woman looked even more nervous now as she sat before the two powerful veela males. "Well you see. I-I wanted the children, yes the children to be prepared incase another Dark Lord arose. And I, I thought the two of you, with experience...your experience, would be the best people for the job?" The last few words came out as a squeak.

Draco exploded, "Are you fuckin' joking me! You drag our arses all the way back here just because you couldn't find any DADA professors. Merlin, Christ, Moses, Mohammed, any prophet, what in hell were you thinking?" He yelled in her face.

Harry placed his hand on Draco's arm, quieting the enraged veela instantly. "Excuse us for a moment Headmistress."

Harry all but dragged Draco from the office.

"I don't know Draco. This could be fun if we put down some ground rules first, of course," Harry said as he slipped his arms around Draco's waist. He laid his head in the crook of Draco's neck and sighed. "We could replace all the bad memories of school, and I love to be around kids."

Draco rolled his eyes, but wrapped his arms tighter around his boy, "Okay Harry, but if that bastard Snape tries anything on you, I swear to God he will be singing soprano for the boys choir by the time I'm through with him."

Harry just smiled and kissed his shoulder.

"We'll do it." Harry said quietly upon reentering the room.

Draco picked up where Harry left off, "But we teach what we want. You have no control over what we do or do not do, and you keep that greasy bastard away from us."

With that, they walked out the door without looking back leaving McGonagall with her head in her hands, knowing that this would bring on a whole new set of worries.

"Dobby" Harry called when they came to the bottom of the winding stair case. The creature popped right in front of the couple.

"Can Dobby helps yous sirs?" the thing squeaked. He didn't recognize his idol. Harry preferred it that way.

Draco asked about their rooms as the new DADA teachers. They were settled in no time.

Harry woke from one of his dreams. Surrounded by the unfamiliar, he only knew one thing, Draco's warmth. He scurried deeper into his mate's arms, waking him with the sudden movements and the terror emanating through their bond.

"Harry, shh, calm down, Harry. I'm with you and I won't let anything happen to you. Everything is okay," Draco continued whispering reassurances until he felt his bonded drift back into sleep. Draco guarded him the rest of the night having grown accustomed to and expecting the nightmares.