Ororo.42: new story, new story! This one is a double first. This is my first naruxhina fic, and my first high school story (well not technically) oh well, hope you enjoy it, 3rd fic, don't be too mean (or else….ha just kidding)

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Chapter 1: you're failing

"You're failing math!! Period!" kakashi yelled angrily but calmly at naruto

"WHAT!! But that's not possible! I read, and I look at stuff, I listen in class, and I answer all the questions on the test paper" naruto screamed back

"YES!! It is possible! You hardly read, the stuff you look at is 2+2 fish, you sleep half the time during class, and do you even read the questions on the test paper" kakashi screamed back in the same manner as naruto

"If by read, you mean imagine the naked lady then yes (narutos not that perverted, or is he hem….he's 15 aren't all 15 year old boys…no offense b2s)" naruto said

kakashi was stressed. He put his hand over his other eye that was not shielded by his headband and said "look naruto, what do you suggest because I'm out of ideas"

"What about a tutor" naruto said

kakashis eye popped open "that's not that bad of an idea"

"Okay I'll let you know tomorrow about the tutor that I pick" kakashi said and walked out of the room.


"You're failing gym!! Period!" Guy sensei said to hinata

"b-b-but" hinata stuttered through her words

Guy held out his hand to silence her "no buts little missy you don't participate with the other class mates, you don't bring your gym clothes, you brought in to many fake doctor notes, and you actually skipped a few times"

Guy gave the thumbs down sign to hinata "what do you think we should do"

"u-um maybe a t-tutor" hinata stuttered

"YES!! That's it!! I'll check with the other teachers and tell you tomorrow" guy said and ran out

Both hinata and naruto noticed that that was the last class of the day. So they went to their lockers grabbed their stuff and left for their individual homes. As they walked, their minds went wandering but the same question kept popping back up 'whose going to be my tutor'

Ororo.42: ITS SO SHORT ya!!! All right!! Woo! Yeah. Okay awkward. Please R&R I'd like 5 reviews it not too much. There are 2 hidden jokes on this chapter. Name what shows there from and I'll have chapters 8+9 in by Sunday. I'm publishing this without wdym oro's permission (I'm soooo sneaky) don't tell her.

On the next time of my story: hinata and naruto both see other on the walk to there school (since their ninja and I don't really like cars in this time) so they decide to walk together, just as friends but what happens when their most asked question is revealed to them…