Howdy I uhh started this fic not long ago but I don't know when I can update since I have college and stuff but I promise I will finish cause I hate ppl that don't finish their fics. It is just annoying. Anyway yea this is kinda in response to a challenge but somewhat me on my own. I wanted a good fic and found it through a challenge. From Jay Ficlover. Hope you enjoy and If you wanna flame be my guest it will only help to make me a better writer.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.

Kagome sat on the edge of the well consumed with fear that she would never be able to return to her own time. Things had been looking up for so long but now they just began to crash before her very eyes. She was floored why now after all this time.

"Grrr… you stupid well." She said as she jumped up and kicked the side of the well fully with her left foot


She jumped into the well shortly after the rest of the inu-tachi had gone north to fight off some demons. As she reached the bottom the same light that normally consumes her did not appear and she hit the ground with a thud. Confused and shaken she slowly climbed out of the well and sat on the ledge.

End flashback

She sighed as she wondered what to do with herself, now that she was all alone. 3 years ago her and her friends had defeated that vile…sexy…hanyou naraku. With him destroyed also went Kikyou and Kaede. Luckily enough Kagome had been able to comfortably travel from one side of the well to the other now for years with no problem, but this time was different.

Her foot was throbbing with pain formt he kick she administered to the well. She knew it was laughing at her but she tried not to get any more upset then she already was. She let her body slide back down to sit on the side of the well. She sighed as she began to wiggle her foot. Her contemplation continued as she rolled over onto the ground. Was it something to do with the jewel? Was that the reason she could not make it home? She gently moved her hand to the side of her stomach were the jewel was now placed back inside of her body.

"What are my options?" she said aloud to herself as she stared at the sky from her back. "Well I could go walk and try to catch up to them but chances of that are really slim." She rolled over onto her stomach to relieve some of her pent up energy inside her body. "Or I could just go back to the village and wait for them. But if I did that I might be waiting for quite a while and I would hate to have to wait for them."

At the last of her words she lifter herself from the ground and began her small walk through the woods to the village that has been her home for some time now. At least when she was not in her time.

After Kaede had passed away it was claimed that Kagome was now the village miko and she had taken the responsibility to protect and watch over the said village. But after Naraku's defeat there were very few attacks on the village except the occasional lower level demons that had sensed the jewel.

Kagome began to walk slower as she came across the goshinboku. Even after Kikyou was gone Inuyasha still showed no feelings toward her but friendship? She stopped at the tree as a sad look came across her large dark eyes. A sigh escaped her lips and she continued walking towards the village of Edo. "I wonder if things will always be like this?" she asked herself.

The last few years her and her friends had become so famous from the death of Naraku. People all over would send messages their way so they could go and destroy demons that threatened their homes. It made Kagome wonder if they are the reason demons aren't known her time.

Since the destruction of Naraku, Miroku and Sango were getting closer to marriage. Sango wanted to wait a while before they jumped into things but Miroku wanted it only too much. Shippou was growing up so big so fast that it was almost heartbreaking to Kagome to not have her small adoptive child with her all the time. Inuyasha…Inuyasha was another story. He was still loud, rude, and thickheaded but he had changed.

After the death of Kikyo it didn't take him long to get used to life without her. He was sad and mourned her but he didn't even cry towards the fact she will never be seen again. That gave Kagome hope that soon he would swoop her off her feet and make her his. But that was a dream that was wilting away with every second. He never kissed her, he never hugged her and he didn't show any emotional responses to her but worry and friendship. Kagome always wondered what she did wrong and why he neglected to think of her in a way other then friendship.

As the village came into view Kagome picked up her pace and had to readjust the school bag on her back. "Well I guess I will be staying here for a while." She looked around the small village and the people who were currently gardening outside.

She headed for the hut she had taken after Kaede's burial. It was small and empty but it was someplace for her other then outside. Kagome began to walk in when she felt it. The feeling caused her to fall out the door and roll over on the ground outside. The villagers looked at her form as her legs laid hung over her head in a most unceremonious fashion.

It was dark, strong and unexplainable. It had been months since she sensed a Demon as strong as this one. She tried to flip herself so that she could get back up but her attempts were useless. It took the help of a fellow villager to get her out of her turned position. As she let the schoolbag off her back to the ground, it was replaced by her bow and arrows. She placed her bag inside of the hut and ran out, closer towards the demon she felt nearby. It didn't seem to be moving from its position. Nor did it seem like a lower level youkai by the way it lingered in the same area. It had a mind. And this is what scared Kagome. As she made

It was by the well. So that is exactly where she headed for.

She jogged a simple pace until she could see the clearing of the well. When she got there she saw nothing, yet the demon presence was still there. Looking around cautiously she notched an arrow in her bow and looked around carefully so that she could take everything into her sight.

In the tree tops above her head she saw him. Looking down at her as if she were inferior. The only look he knew how to give another person…human.

"Sesshoumaru, what is it that I can do for you?" She asked as she pointed her arrow at him. He didn't even flinch as she made her aim perceptible.

'She indeed thinks she can strike me. Well she has done such before but that won't happen this time.' He thought as he gracefully fell from the tree to stand in front of her.

She couldn't help her reaction to him as he landed a few feet from her. The arrow flew from her bow straight to Sesshoumaru. Sadly for her he was no fool. He just stood still as the arrow swerved past the side of his face leaving not even the tiniest scratch.

"I had wanted to speak to my brother but he is not here so I waited for you instead", he eyed her coldly as she began to lower her aim on him.

"What is it that you want to speak about?" She eyed him curtly with an impatient look on her face. She grabbed another arrow as her grip tightened slightly as he stepped closer to her. She refrained from lifting the arrow this time in fear that he wouldn't tolerate her behavior again.

'Hmmm she is going into heat. Too sad my brother isn't here to claim her.' He thought as he lifted an eyebrow toward her direction. He began to circle her body in the way a predator would.

"I wish to inform him of an agreement we made a while ago and that it is time for him to come to terms with it."

She stared at him crossly as she placed her arrow back into its position on her back. "And what kind of agreement may I ask did you two make?" She stepped back from his lingering stares and waited for an answer.

"His sword, for my help in the destruction of Naraku"

She looked up at him shocked at the statement. "I never heard of such an arrangement."

She stared at his expressionless face, as he said nothing to her reaction.

Since he had no reply Kagome turned her back on him and began to walk away. Before she exited the clearing she glanced over her head and said, " I will go in search of him but chances are I won't see him for a while. I will inform him that it is time he made payment for the 'Deal' you two made." She turned but before she could take another step she heard his ice like voice again.

"You shouldn't be traveling alone." He watched as her body stilled and she turned around full to face him.

"And what makes you think I shouldn't Lord Sesshoumaru?" She was a little frustrated by his remark of her traveling alone and the lack of his answer to her question about the agreement.

"Demon mating season…. and you Miko are in heat."

Her eyes silently searched his. Searching for the reason he had informed he of this.

"So what do you think I should do about it, since you are so inclined to warn me of the such?" She brought her hands to rest above her head as her gaze met the rays of sun in the sky..

His eyes narrowed just a fraction in anger but he was able to control himself. " You, Miko are to come with me, I have some use for you and you could use my assistance."

She eyed him with some distrust and question. "And what could a human do for you?"

"If you want to get taken advantage of on your way to Inuyasha, so be it. I will not offer again." He turned and began to walk away.

Kagome watched him began to take long stealthy steps in the opposite direction of her. Should she follow? 'Will he hurt me' She thought as she straightened her stance. She began following after him as she shrugged her shoulders in defeat.' I suppose this will be an interesting time.' But before they even reached the edge of the clearing Kagome had tripped on the ground face first.

"If you are going to do that the whole time I suggest you find some other form of travel." She heard Sesshoumaru say tonelessly in front of her nest on the ground.

"I don't see that happening unless you provide such transport for me oh mighty one." She pushed herself off the ground using her hands.

"Hn." Was all her said as they began their travels.

