Chapter twenty eight
Several days later
Hermione watched the dawn rise but she neither noticed nor cared at the moment. It had taken two days to finally settle in that her father was Remus, the man she had called a good friend.
Books about curses and were wolves surrounded her but now lay untouched… Hermione slowly began to understand that though she would be quarter werewolf she was not as cursed as Remus was and didn't turn into a wolf every full moon. But that wasn't what lay heavy on her mind or heart, she had foolishly thought Harry wouldn't want her but his sleeping form in her bed proved that he would was true to his word he would love her no matter what.
But his silent tears over his godfather's betrayal proved that he was not as forgiving with the older wizard. Hermione slowly rose and moved over to Harry's still form, she brushed a few strands away from his face before moving to the dorm door and walked out.
She needed to be alone she knew that much but she didn't want to stray too far for Harry nor her friends… they had surrounded her after the discovery. Hermione however came to a stop when she saw Ron sitting on the sofa staring at his chess board and pieces that lay only half touched. He looked at her and smiled softly.
"You going for something to eat" Ron questioned rising from his seat but Hermione shook her head tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
"I just need to be alone… I was going for a walk, Harry is asleep and I needed fresh air" Hermione admitted as Ron nodded then turned and went to walk to the portrait but Hermione hurried to his side and placed a hand on his arm.
Ron looked at her and raised an eyebrow.
"Ron… I needed to be by myself… thank you but I think it would be best" Hermione admitted but Ron began to open his mouth, Hermione squeezed his arm and smiled softly at him.
"Ron I am grateful for all of you, for what everyone has done but I need time by myself… just an hour" Hermione admitted and was grateful when Ron nodded and let his arm drop.
"Mione I want you to know that we're going to be here… just because your… well you" "Ron… I'm only quarter werewolf… but I understand that wasn't why I was upset… I… I'm upset because he lied to all of us, to me" Hermione admitted meekly and Ron nodded, ducking his head. Ron looked down before he hugged Hermione tightly in a Weasley hug before quickly releasing her and patting her on the shoulder. Hermione smiled at this before she turned and exited the common room.
Hermione strolled through the grounds listening to the sounds of the morning but not really taking any of it in.
She replayed the words she all but screamed at her father… at her friend, and she wished she could take them back but the hurt of being lied too crept back in and she couldn't help the tears pooling in her eyes.
Hermione didn't even notice the person sitting against large tree over hanging the great lake, Remus however spotted her and jumped up.
"Hermione" Remus called causing Hermione to come to a jolting halt, she stiffened and seemed rooted to the spot.
"Hermione" Remus called again this time Hermione turned with tears glittering in her eyes. Remus stopped himself and stared at her unsure what to say now he stopped his daughter.
"Hermione… I'm" Remus cut himself off as Hermione swiped at her eyes trying to rid herself of the tears burning her eyes.
"I'm sorry" Remus stumbled as Hermione stared at him… betrayal shining through her tears.
"Hermione… I… I never meant to hurt you… I didn't mean to lie" "but you did, Remus… I trusted you, I trusted you and you lied to me… you knew what hell I went through… and you lied to me" Hermione snapped clenching her fists by her side.
"Hermione I know that my condition" "I didn't mean that… Remus I accepted what happened to you… because your not a werewolf who happens to be a wizard… you're a great wizard who was cursed but that doesn't make you any less…yes it was a shock but I reacted the way I did because you lied… I… I nearly fell apart because my whole life my parents lied to me. And when you discovered the truth you should have told me" Hermione snarled as Remus shrunk back.
"Hermione I didn't want to hurt you… I didn't want you to find out that I was your father because of a drunken night… I lied because I care about you" "but you had no right" Hermione snapped as Remus blinked in surprise before he stared at her.
"I'm your father… you've always been like a daughter to me" "but you were my friend first… I know you were and always will be my real father but in ignorance you were my friend first and you betrayed that friendship by not telling me… Remus you don't understand… I don't hate you… I don't hate you because you're a werewolf… I don't hate you because of what happened with my mother… if you told me when you first found out I would have been happy because I know my friend… someone I trusted was my family" Hermione declared as tears ran down her cheeks, her eyes blazing as the emotions poured out for all the things she needed to say to him.
"I would have been proud to call you my father… but… you lied to me Remus" Hermione whispered before sobs caught in her throat. Shielding her face with her hair Remus felt his heart breaking.
"I already had parents lie to me… I just needed you to be truthful and make everything ok" Hermione said in a heart broken tone as her eyes fixed on Remus and for the first time in all of this Remus understood. Hermione was heart broken not because he was her father but because he had ruined his friendship and Hermione treasured that most of all.
Before Remus could anything more Hermione turned and stomped away, Remus felt his own tears coursing their way down his face.
I just wanted to clear up a few things in this chapter... looking back I can see that Hermione did seem a little nasty about how she reacted... i never intended it to seem that Hermione was angry at being a werewolf she was angry because Remus lied to her.