A/N 1: It was an honor to use Mr. Guerrero in my story. I pray that his soul is at rest and his legacy live on always! God bless!


Dave walked into the living room and looked out the window. He couldn't get the look of disgust off of his face. No matter how scenic the view was, he didn't like it. He looked around the large room and turned up his lip. This place wasn't right and no one was going to convince him otherwise.

Britain sat on the floor in the bedroom drumming her fingers on her leg. From her position, she noticed the crown molding on the ceilings and how good of a job the carpenters had done on the hardwood floors. This place was amazing and anyone would be crazy to pass it up.

"Oh my God…I love this place." Chase squealed happily, turning to Britain. "It's perfect. Just look at this view from this window."

Britain stood up and joined Chase. The view from the window overlooked a small park, where there were kids playing and had a duck pond nearby. "That is nice."

"I don't know. It's a little bourgeois don't you think?" Emily looked at Chase and turned up a brow.

Britain rolled her eyes and bit her tongue. She wasn't going to go off on that woman, not today anyway. "I think it's a great apartment. I grew up not to far from here."

"Figures…" Emily said under her breath before exiting the room.

Bitch…Britain turned to see Maddy running into the room with Alli following closely behind.

"Chase, this place is amazing. They have a pool downstairs and there's this life guard… he's so cute. I'm gonna go back downstairs and talk to him." Maddy was out of breath, but talking a mile a minute.

Britain put up her hand and shook her head. "Maddy, what did we talk about?"

"Excitability. Never let a guy know that you're pressed." Maddy repeated the credo with a nod. Britain was her mentor, she was going to learn to drive Randy crazy even it if took years of perfecting Britain's teachings.

Britain nodded and patted Maddy's head with a smile. "That's my girl." She turned her attention back to Chase and sighed. "You really like it?"

"Yeah…but Daddy'll never go for it. You know he still wants me to live on campus. This is the fifth place we've looked at and he's found something wrong with every one of them." Chase leaned up against the window and lowered her eyes. "I love this place. I want this apartment."

"You really want it."

Chase nodded sadly.

"Then it's yours."

"How?" Chase knew that Britain could get her father to bend on certain things, but letting her move out on her own, into her first apartment in, LA no less…that wasn't possible.

Britain wiggled her brows and smiled. "Watch and learn." She made her way to the living room and paused just to look at Dave. He was standing by the window wearing an Orioles jersey and khaki shorts with a matching baseball cap. He looked like he just stepped out of a frat house, but he still managed to make her heart speed up just by looking at her.

For the past year, Britain and Dave had been inseparable. Although she still lived in Miami and he lived in Tampa, they made time to see each other. Even if Britain had to take time off from her schedule to join him on the road or if he came to Miami only for a few days before going home and spending the rest of his days off with his children; they made it a point to see each other. Dave had even taken the plunge and asked her to move in with him, which she declined. Britain loved Dave, there was no doubt about that, but she didn't want to give up her independence just yet.

Dave made a name for himself at Smackdown and eventually he and Hunter made up. Although their friendship was never the same as it was before everything happened, underneath it all, they were still boys. Granted, Hunter didn't come over to the house that often and Dave made it a point not to leave the two of them alone together, for fear that Britain would haul off and beat the shit out of him; Britain and Hunter managed to be cordial. That didn't stop Hunter from making rude comments to and about her or just doing things in general to piss her off. It also didn't stop Britain from cussing Hunter out at the drop of a hat.

One of the best things that happened from the whole Hunter fiasco was the relationship that grew between Britain, John, and Randy. John was like a brother to her. He was fiercely protective of her and always looked out for her. Randy liked to pout around her because he learned it would get him hugs and kisses on the cheek. Hanging out with Britain was like hanging out with one of the guys. She cursed like a sailor, she talked about sex like a man…Britain was one of the boys as far as they were concerned and she loved those guys, although she thought they were stupid. It was kind of like hanging out with Jericho, Eddie, and Rey all over again.

Dave found Britain's relationship with her boys most interesting. He got to spend a lot of his time at work with Eddie and Rey, learning more and more about his girlfriend from their stories, everyday. When Eddie died suddenly, both Dave and Britain were deeply affected, but his death brought something good out of it; it brought them closer.

One of the things that Eddie tried to do before he died was to get Rey, Jericho, Britain, and himself back to how they use to be. But with Jericho gone to do Fozzy stuff and be a new father and Britain traveling as much as she did and spending time with Dave; it seemed nearly impossible to get them all together. Just two weeks before Eddie's death, the four of them managed to meet for lunch and they all had a great time. Eddie was always the glue that held all of them together and with him gone, she had drifted away from Rey and Jericho, but it didn't change the way she felt about either of them.

Britain also had a relationship with Dave's daughters that she wouldn't trade for anything. Chase was still the ultimate Daddy's girl, she still tried to please him no matter what. She and Britain got along great and they would often have heart to hearts about life, love, and everything in between. Alli and Britain…they were still polite enemies that sometimes giggled together late at night. They made an agreement that as long as Emily wasn't around, Alli didn't have to act like she hated her. Although, they wouldn't hang out together and would never be confused as best friends, they both respected the others relationship with Dave and neither tried to overstep their bounds. Britain's relationship with Maddy was something of a mystery to everyone. Maddy and Britain were glued at the hip. She took the young girl under her wing and taught her all the secrets of being a diva. Maddy was a quick study and learned how to play Dave to get what she wanted; everything from the drop of the eyes to an infectious smile, she learned from Britain.

Emily and Britain still hated each other. Actually, Emily hated Britain; Britain didn't give two shits about Emily, but she was respectful that she was Dave's ex-wife and the mother of his children. Most times, Emily took cheap shots and Britain ended up biting her tongue or cursing her out in a language that Emily didn't understand. Dave often played the referee and truthfully, he found it amusing that Emily finally met someone she couldn't intimidate.

All in all, as complicated as their relationship was, it was worth it. Dave and Britain had never been closer.

"Hey." Britain said softly putting her arms around Dave's waist and resting her head on his back. "So…what do you think?"

Dave shook his head. This was no place for a 19 year old to live alone. "I don't like it. It's not safe."

Chase stood in the vestibule and felt all her dreams of living on her own slip away. Britain was good, but not that good. There was no way she could get her father to change his mind. She looked over at Maddy who nodded her head with certainty. Maddy had faith; Britain was the mistress of manipulation. She took detailed notes because she knew one day it would come in handy.

Britain made her way in front of him and looked up at him with sad pale eyes. "Davey…" Her voice was a soft purr against his neck. "Chase loves this place. It's two blocks from her school. There's a police station right down the street. It's a gated community." The look on his face said he wasn't buying it. "I grew up around here. This area is safe; I promise."

Dave sighed. "I don't know. She's too young to be on her own. Los Angeles is no place for a young woman to be living without adult supervision."

Britain wrinkled her chin and pouted. Breaking him down was harder than she thought. It was time to pull out the big guns. She leaned in closer to him and whispered in his ear. "What if I told you that if you said yes, it would make me really happy?"

He looked at her quizzically. "Really?"

She nodded slowly. "And you know what happens when Britain's happy?" He nodded rapidly, but she was going to remind him just in case he forgot. "When Britain's happy, she makes Davey really, really happy."

A slow smile crept across his face forcing Emily to throw up her hands and roll her eyes at the couple. Britain flipped her off behind Dave's back and he didn't notice. Not that he would have been paying attention anyway; he was too busy thinking about what she would do to make him happy.

"How happy?" It was an honest question. He was sacrificing his child's living quarters for happiness.

Britain smiled seductively and bit her lip, slowly dragging it between her teeth. "You know that thing that you like for me to do?" That question received a nod. "Well, if you get this place…maybe I could do it here…in every room before Chase ever moves in."

Every room, that was only part he heard. "All of them?" He could feel her warm breath against his ear as she whispered and he noticed his grip around her waist was getting tighter and tighter the more he thought about being happy.

"And I could wear those sandals that you like. We could do it as many times as you can handle." She could see the wheels turning in his head and she laughed at the look on his face.

Dave looked Britain, then over at a hopeful Chase. "Fine…" He didn't want to give in, but he had Britain, Chase, Maddy, and Alli all staring at him. He would look like an ass if he didn't say yes.

"Really?" She whined. "Oh, you're so getting a sample tonight." Britain kissed Dave then wrapped her arms around him in a hug. With his back turned to the girls, Britain gave them the thumbs up and laughed when he groaned at the sounds of them squealing. Chase had her first apartment; it was a piece of cake.

Dave was whipped and he knew it. Britain had the power to make him do anything, even if he didn't want to. It may have been her curves or the color of her eyes or the seductive way she bit her lip...Even though he loved all of those things about her, he knew it wasn't for any of those reasons. Dave caved on everything because he would do anything to make her smile for no other reason then they were in love.


Limiting ones experiences to avoid getting hurt only ends up hurting more. There is no such thing as escaping the past; it always comes back to haunt you. But love has a way of opening people up to try new things, to let go of some of their fears and also healing you from your wounds.

When you are broken, love makes you whole; when you are weak, love makes you strong; and when you are flawed, true love makes you flawless.


A/N2: Well guys and girls, this is the end of this one. As you know this was my first attempt at a prequel and I learned a valuable lesson; never write one again! It's hard because you limit yourself to what can happen and you still have to stay in the scope of the following story. It's kind of like painting yourself into a corner, but it was interesting and challenging and I had a great time doing it. I enjoyed this; I hope now you see why Dave and Britain are my favorite couple.

As I said before, be on the look out for A Perfect Circle. Thanks to TheRealKellyAnne, who was gracious enough to let me bounce some ideas off of her, I feel better with where that story is going to go. I don't know when I'm going to be posting it, but it won't be too long from now. I want to wrap up a few other things I've got unfinished before I throw my all into these guys again.

I really am humbled by your continued support of my little stories. You really make writing worthwhile. I hope that you have grown to love these characters as much as I do and think of them as real people, just like I do. I would hate to think that I'm crazy all by myself. :-)

I thank you for your patience and your trust that I wouldn't ruin stories that you already liked so much. Most of you have stuck with me through 3 stories and you're coming back for more. It is my privilege to write for you!

Tanya50801, WeMissYouTrish, Lil'MissCena, Torque, TheRealKellyAnne, Princess Mel, Ilikedemons, Mrs. Jeff. Hardy, Carameltrini, ElizabethxAnne, Luckygirl02, Buffvamp, Losingmymind2, Batistazgirl4ever, Nala23, Enigmatic Lotus Leaf, Erin, Katy, Grleviathan, Lala2004, Matty1, Rawambition, Nefertina-shanf, Katiedid90, and Sarahblue 23…THANK YOU!!!

I know I thanked everyone and if I missed someone I'm sorry. But I just to send a special shout out to these folks:

Lil'MissCena – You are my young friend from across the pond. I look forward to hearing from you everyday, whether it's on FF or myspace. You make me laugh; don't ever lose that sense of humor that you have!

Nefertina-shanf – I look forward to reviews most. It's really fulfilling when people really get your writing. You always have a way of looking at things and reading what I'm saying even if it isn't on the page. You get the references, you see the undertones and the imagery…you make me feel like I'm doing this right. Thank you for getting me!

TheRealKellyAnne – Thank you for listening to me. You know that A Perfect Circle will be dedicated to you!

Torque – You keep me entertained! Keep giving me stuff that sparks my imagination!

And of course Sarahblue23 – I can't tell you how scared I was to have someone edit for me. I was afraid that you were going to change my words and make it something that wasn't mine. But you didn't. You saw what I was trying to say and you made suggestions and corrected it, leaving it as I intended…you helped me get better and I will never be able to thank you enough. This story is dedicated to you!

With that…I love you all and thank you. I'm out!

Be Easy!
