Force, she looks so pathetic standing there. I'm not sure why she came back this dump, there's nothing for her here. I sure as hell don't have warm feelings for Citadel Station. I guess when you save the galaxy you expect to have a great life afterwards, but, for Jedi, it's different. They save the galaxy, come back into Republic space only to find that everyone they know is dead. The whole thing with a house and white picket fence with dozen screaming kids has never been my ideal, but it obviously was for her. She wouldn't be here otherwise.
You know, if anyone said six years ago that my Jedi master would beg me to babysit Revan on his death bed, I would've run 'em through with a vibroblade. Or put a blaster to his head. Probably both. Revan's admiral boy toy died while she was still with Liam and me, battling Sith in the Unknown Regions. That's just how somethings go, I guess. You can win the game, but you always loose a few hands while doing it. Then again, I don't really care what she lost. As far as I'm concerned, she got what was coming her. She destroyed everything around her and the same finally happened to her. That's fair, right? That's how the Force is s'posed to work, you reap what you sow and all those other Jedi cliches. And believe me, she got exactly what she deserved.
Liam was right about one thing, though; she does need it, the babysitting, I mean. I wouldn't be here if he wasn't. Nah, Revan's not suicidal or anything she's too strong for that, but she walks around the station like a fracking ghost. I think she can she his murder through the Force or something. Liam told me a long time ago that the Force hides nothing from her, and that I believe. And hey, if she wants to follow a dead man, who am I to stop her? Let her waste the rest of her life on this station, she deserves it. All I promised was to keep her out of trouble, so if she wants play detective and relieve the admiral's last few moments over and over again, it's none of my business.. Yeah, I'm not just playing nurse to an ex-Sith Lord, I'm playing nurse to a morbid ex-Sith Lord.
I guess I'm still not used to seeing her like this. I joined her all those years because she was strong, strong enough to keep the Republic safe. After all we did to protect it, there was no way in hell I was going to hand back to the idiots who lost it. Most guys agreed with me, and those who didn't always changed their minds anyway. So yeah, we followed her into the Unknown Regions and did everything she asked. Because of her, we turned into something else, something new, and she was the force behind it all. We became stronger than the galaxy itself and when she decided it was time, we tried to integrate that strength into the Republic. And then, after we had given her everything, she noticed me ...
Well, at least she fracked up her own life almost as bad as everyone else's. What's she's doing here is proof enough of that. I still can't decide if she's deluded, demented or both. She's definitely crazy, though.
We've been here almost six months now. Revan knows I'm here, but doesn't see me, doesn't acknowledge me. She's too busy looking for the assassin that killed the admiral, like she'll find him hiding under a table. I usually spend my time at the cantina, but I don't even play cards anymore – my lucky pazaak deck's been gone since we got captured shortly after leaving the Outer Rim. Fracking Sith nobody stole it right out of my pocket, and even after I killed him I couldn't find it. The dancers keep me company, at least. Even after all this time, the old Atton Rand charm seems to work. Liam would have me use it with Revan. He would want me to make her happy again, but somethings a guy can't just leave behind.
She was my lord, I was her assassin. It should have been simple: I captured, tortured and turned Jedi for her. Had a talent for, she said, and I liked my work. Hell, I loved my work. It went all wrong though, but that's usual for me; everything else seems to. I never thought I'd say this, but when those old, impotent Jedi masters said that Jedi should never get involved with each other, they were probably right.
I used to love her, and nothing's quite like fracking a Sith Lord. That was a lifetime ago, though. One that I'm better off forgetting, but it's impossible with her around. I don't need her speaking to me to feel her presence, to know she's around. That old witch was right, a lifetime of killing Jedi gave me a real taste for it, and the old feelings are still close to the surface of my thoughts. All Revan does is make me remember them even more.
Everything I've ever done is still in my head. I remember the faces of hundreds of Jedi that me and my squad were responsible for, the way seeing Jedi blood was almost euphoric, and most of all, the hard on I would get when all my games were over and the Jedi finally understood my side. Revan was allowed to forget it all, like she never had a hand in any of it. Most people just aren't lucky enough to have it done for us, and we actually gotta carry around our past. She was even lucky enough to forget me when I didn't get the same courtesy.
Love her, hate her; what the frack is the difference? I needed her once, bled for her, killed for her, fracked her. She had legions, an entire army dedicated to her cause. And now her cause is finished and she is alone. Chasing ghosts on a deserted space station. How fracking pathetic can you get?