:D Tifa p.o.v ftw. for the prompt "invincible". yay. 'nuff said, i feel. (kh isn't mine)


She is strong.

She is the light.

She knows both of these things.

But as she watches that little boy rush in against the odds he can't possibly know, it hurts. She wants to grip him by his shoulders and shake until there's some sense in him. This is him; this is the man whose name fills her mouth with the acrid taste of burning rubber. Something about watching that key flash in the sun and watching him fall to his knees makes her chest tight.

She realizes that it's regret.

She wants to tell him the truth that took her years and worlds to find, forevers of watching shadows clash far above her, beyond her, always beyond her. She wants to hit the stone wall to get his attention away from Cloud for just a second, to do more than give him this blunt blade, a testament to the strength of his arms and his heart. She, too, is strong. She, too, is light. She tells him so- watches those blue eyes warm to her instantly, but the pain in her chest doesn't leave and her mouth won't open and maybe he has to learn the lesson on his own.

This is not about blades or muscles or even cleverness. This is not about the way he bleeds beneath her fists or the way a blunt weapon can slice through everything she's ever believed. This is about light and darkness; this is about loosening vicegrips on hearts and saving people- not things- people whose name and face you can summon anytime you want.

It was (is) a hard lesson to learn.

They are not invincible.