Chapter 22

Things Just Seem To Keep Getting Worst

"So what just happened?" Emily asked, staring at the door everyone had just gone running threw. Draco shrugged in response, just as clueless as Emily.

"My annoying, "your mate's in trouble" instincts aren't going off,"

"Me either, for Blaise," Emily replied. "Maybe we should still follow though,"

"Never mind we have no idea where they are," Draco pointed out, standing, Emily followed.

"I'm sure you know how to follow your mate's magical signature," Emily scowled. She headed for the door, Draco following.

"I'm no dog, Daultmen," Draco growled.

"Yes I'm aware of that but you're a magical creature breed and you're capable of finding your mate by scent far easier than anyone else. Would you just find Ginny's scent so we can go already," Emily explained impatiently.

"And why can't you find, Blaise," Draco counter argued.

"He's human," Emily replied as if it explained everything, which it did but not to Draco. "Human scents are harder to follow and I'm rubbish at finding magical one's myself. If something is wrong, we can't afford for me to mess up, so would you please," Emily begged now, pushing Draco forwarded. Draco grumbled at her but concentrated on pickup up Ginny's trail and took off, Emily hot on his heels.


"You know you really should remember where you're going before you go storming off places," Dalia grumbled. She crossed her arms in aggravation and took up post on one of the stone walls. The group had been standing in the intersection of four halls for about ten minutes now, no one having any idea where to go. Corinne stood smack dab in the middle mumbling to herself like a loon, while Snape and Lykain argued as usual. Dalia ignored the two quarrelling men and turned to Remus who seemed to being concentration awful hard on something, if the look on his face was any sign. "What's up Remy?"

"Hmm, trying to pick up their smells but Blaise's human smell is too dilute by all the magical creature smells it's hard to pick up," Remus replied. "I'm not very good at discerning one magical smell from another yet," he sat up then, ears almost perking up at whatever sound he heard and turned towards the hall to the left of them. Draco and Emily came rushing from around the corner, heading straight for a head on collision with Corinne.

"WOAH!" Dalia yelled, catching the rushing party's attention and Corinne's before they collided. "Where are you two going?"

"To find Ginny and Blaise," Emily replied incredulously, wondering why this supposed search party was longing around in the hall.

"Why?" Corinne exclaimed. "Does something feel wrong? Are they hurt? Are…,"

"No!" Draco cut in annoyed. "But it's better safe then sorry, besides…" he paused looking around, "Looks like you could use our help,"


Ginny sat down with a thud on the floor, still staring up at Salazar Slytherin's portrait. Regardless of her house title of Gryffindor, Ginny had always been more than necessarily fascinated with the other founders. She'd read books upon books in her spare time that noted their lives, families and even the building of Hogwarts. Hermione had been more than happy to actually have someone else want to read Hogwarts: A History. Ginny even spent extra time thumbing threw facts about the Slytherin founder; despite his hate for muggleborns but every book, biography or document never mention a siren side of the Slytherin line. Purebloods held magical creatures such as siren in high regards due to their powers of persuasion. There's wasn't a reason for it to be undocumented anywhere.

Blaise placed a hand on the top of the girl's head, almost following her thought process but at the same time knowing there was one vital fact he was missing.

"Sirens are accepted in Pureblood society and the magical world in general," Blaise said aloud to the portrait. "Why did only Eiram know about her?"

"Her existence wasn't intentionally hidden I assure you," Salazar replied. "Magical creatures by law, born or turned, are bought to Eiram upon their seventh birthday to be assessed and trained to control themselves. They're not forced to remain here after the three years required but the majority do and never really exist to anyone outside of this realm. Even portraits such as my self, who reside in both realms don't really talk much about Eiram outside of this dominion. The child of the Siren, who mated with my descendant, remained here as did every kin there after. Elizabeth was the first in the line to venture outside of Eiram,"

"And she never came back?" Ginny asked, having returned from her dazed trance and caught the important parts of the conversation. "Did she die?"

"She left sometime 11 years ago and never returned but as I said before "something dreadful has befallen her" but I don't believe she is dead for reasons I can not explain," he paused for a moment, looking around the room. "It's an odd feeling, as if she's here but not and it's even odder when the same feeling is also attached with a Veela by the name of Annella who use to frequent these rooms with Elizabeth,"

"But in essence a portrait shouldn't be able to feel anything or know anything at all," Blaise said skeptically. Salazar stared back at him unblinking.

"You know nothing about the process of portrait making young man," he snarled. Ginny stood up then, pulling Blaise towards her and hissing in his ear.

"Don't anger him, Blaise!"


"Blaise!" Ginny growled. Blaise growled back but said nothing. "Salazar," Ginny said, turning back to the portrait. It regarded the girl with a much more pleasant look then Blaise just receive. "How old was Elizabeth…and Annella, when they left,"

"About sixteen, or so I believe," Salazar replied. "They both had worries that their mates were human," he sneered at Blaise in distain." As they sometime are for magical creatures. I'd advised them to tell someone of their departure but always the stubborn one that Elizabeth," he sighed in a reminiscent manner. Ginny stood still processing everything. She knew that there was something they weren't remembering or should know that they weren't. And despite his anger, Blaise knew it too. Of course it was in that moment that an angry snarl could be heard from the doorway. Ginny spun around in fright, wand at the ready, Blaise also armed. What they met was an angry Draco Malfoy, trying to claw at an invisible barrier. He was growling and ranting to be let in now, so the two teens bid goodbye to Salazar and left the room. The door slamming shut quiet loudly once Ginny was past the threshold.

"Are you two alright," Corinne asked, rushing over, pulling and twisting the teens everyone which way to make sure they were fine.

"We're perfectly alright," Ginny replied, pulling her arm free from the woman's grip. Draco noticed the aggravated look on his girlfriend's face and pulled her forward into a hug. Ginny accepted it without any protest.

"So what was the point of us rushing down here?" Dalia asked, arms crossed. "Seems to me like no one's hurt,"

"I agree," Snape added.

"Of course you do," Lykain mumbled. Snape glared nastily at him.

"I think it would be best if we all adjourned to somewhere more suited for talking," Remus cut in, shaking his head in amusement at Snape.


Corinne stood pacing the room and mumbling once more to her self trying to digest what Ginny and Blaise had told her. The rest of the room ignored her or watched her in annoyance and amusement. Ginny, Draco, Blaise and Emily seemed to be mumbling and whispering among themselves which was a trick of the strong silencing spell they'd learnt from an old Charms book. Snape sat uncomfortably next to Dalia, who was trying unsuccessfully to talk to him. The girls attempts at a conversation where annoying the Potions Master almost as much as the daggers that Lykain was glaring at him from his spot against the far wall. Remus simply sat sipping tea and smiling.

"You could've been killed!" Draco was saying rather loudly, thankful for the silence charm. "What kind of idiot…"

"I AM not an IDIOT," Ginny growled.

"Then why in Merlin's name…"

"I DON'T KNOW," Ginny screamed cutting the boy off. Draco had been telling her how incredibly stupid she'd been for entering a heavily warded room for the last five minutes and it was getting quickly on Ginny's nerves. "I did it, it's done, get over it," she continued. "I don't know why but I knew I wouldn't be hurt. If there had been ANY threat I wouldn't have been stupid enough to try!"


"Drop it, Draco," Blaise sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "We're both fine, you can quit worrying now,"

"I wasn't even worried till after I found you," Draco corrected.

"Then what's your bloody problem!" Ginny asked still annoyed. "You knew we were alright, the same way I know when you're alright," She crossed her arms ready for a good excuse.

"We tested the wards on that room and from what Lady Falan said; they were warded to only admit Elizabeth Shiles, Annella Reynolds and Lady Falan, unless you were personally escort by one of them. The fact that you weren't instantly cursed or harmed is reason to worry," Emily explained softly. "Not to mention allowing Blaise entrance too," Ginny uncrossed her arms letting them hang by her sides in defeat. She smiled sheepishly up at Draco next to her. He continued to glare at her.

"Sorry I guess," Ginny said softly," Didn't mean to make you worry," Draco rolled his eyes and pulled the girl onto his lap.

"The important thing is you're not hurt," Draco smirked. "And I'm right," he added. Ginny hit him. "There's still the matter of why you were omitted to enter that…"

"MOTHER OF MERLIN!" Blaise exclaimed standing up suddenly. "Finite silensco coltre," he added. "Lady Falan, Elizabeth and Annella, what did they look like," Corinne turned to the boy, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"They were both remarkably pretty," she replied. "Elizabeth was stunning with jet black hair and eyes and Annella was her opposite with white blond hair and pure silver eyes. Even at sixteen and only five feet four inches they were a force to be reckoned with," she finished, confused still. "Why do you ask?" Blaise ignored her and turned to his head of house next. Snape returned his stare wondering what the boy wanted.

"How quickly can you make pensive solution, Professor," Blaise asked. He was very aware that everyone in the room was very much confused but he was sure they'd understand soon enough.

"A week Mr. Zabini, you should know that" he replied and eyed him with annoyance. Blaise scowled.

"I have a pensive if it matters," Dalia said cautiously. Lykain looked at her worriedly, knowing the pensive she spoke of belong to her dead father. He tried to ask her if she was sure but she ignored him and went to fetch it. When she returned she placed the bowl on a table in the middle of the room. Blaise motioned Ginny and Draco to follow him towards it. The rest of the occupants followed suit, trying to see what the Slytherin boy was up to.

"I need you two to think back to the day Ginny was kidnapped. I know you can't remember it to well because you were both young but your sub consciences remember even if you don't. Draco I know you've blocked it regardless of what Dumbledore did to help us remember but I need you to remember enough to remove it," Blaise commanded. Draco and Ginny looked at him in awe, knowing for a fact Blaise barely ever took charge of any situation. He would much rather let someone else be the one in charge. They obeyed though and removed the memories from their head and watched them swirl in the basin as they released the strands. "Lady…"


"Corinne, if you could…take a look and tell me I'm not right in whatever's my mind's come up with," Blaise asked softly, obviously distressed as to the conclusion he'd come to. Emily wrapped her arms around him in comfort and he welcomed it. They gave the woman a moment before she stepped forward and plunged into the memories.


Everyone sat in dead quiet, not daring to breathe too hard or move too much. Before Corinne had even finished memory diving, the room occupants had come to the same conclusion Blaise had and the look on the woman's face only confirmed it. Ginny had to be forced a strong sleeping draft, she was so angry. If it didn't make matter worst, her black hair was now streaked with white blond and her brown eyes shone with black and silver spots. Draco had nearly exhausted himself once more in trying to restrain her long enough to pour the potion down her throat.

"We need to find out what that ritual was for," Remus said ever so softy to the quiet room. No one responded to his statement. Lykain ran a hand threw his hair in annoyance at the situation and curled his other arm tighter around the girl he held. They'd already grieved once for the lost of Elizabeth and Annella but to know how they were killed open the wounds all over again. And it was made worst by the fact that Ginny now harbor parts of both of them within her. Elizabeth had been like a mother to Dalia when she had no one else to take her in. She'd given the girl a room in the Palace, protected her, and loved her, even at ten years old. Annella had been Lykain's nanny when he was younger. Dalia sniffed from her place on Lykain's shoulder and he ran his hand threw his hair once more.

It eventually came time for everyone to find a place to sleep. Corinne called one of the Palace guards to escort the four children to their rooms. Ginny, still dead to world, had to be carried by Draco.


Draco crawled in next to Ginny, who even in potion induced sleep curled up to him. He petted her hair and kissed her forehead then sighed. The only small pleasure that came from today was that he no longer had the memory of that day so long ago to haunt him in his sleep. He closed his eyes, pulling Ginny closer and drifted off for a much needed rest


"We can't just sneak into Malfoy manor," Blaise scowled, rolling his eyes at the girl lying on his chest. "It's warded off to everyone, including Draco, to prevent Lucius from using him to gain entrance,"

"There has to be some way though," Emily argued. "You said yourself, whatever that ritual was, the book they used must be in Malfoy Manor,"

"Yes I did," Blaise agreed. He pulled the sheet up to Emily's shoulder. "But we'll have to find another copy regardless. I was only stating that it was the logical place for Lucius to have left it,"

"And if there's no other copy and Ginny dies or something equally as horrifying. What are you going to tell Draco," Emily argued still. "He won't care your reasoning; he'll only know the rage of losing his mate!" Blaise was quiet for a moment, only letting a sigh loose.

"I'll owl my mother first thing in the morning and see if Draco's mother knows anything," Blaise conceded. "Happy?"

"Yes," Emily replied cheerfully. Blaise smiled, amused with his mate. He pushed the girl off him and leaned over her with a playful smirk. "Blaise, what…" he kissed her, cutting off whatever she'd be about to say. Two arms came to wrap around his neck, pulling the boy closer and he wasted no time in straddling the girl beneath him. Regardless of what everyone else thought, Blaise's flirting never got him much of anywhere, not that he wanted it to, so to say he was working on instinct would be too true. Emily kicked his legs out from under him, causing him to fall completely flush against the girl and neither was complaining in the least. They did complain though to the opening of their door.

"I can smell the pheromones emanating from this room," Came Snape's voice. "Remove yourself from Mrs. Daultmen's person Mr. Zabini or you'll be sleeping alone without your mate and I could care less," Blaise rolled off of Emily, making sure the sheets covered his arousal from his Head of House. "Go to sleep!" Snape demanded and slammed the door. The shutting of another door down the hall was proof Snape checked in on Draco and Ginny also. Emily busted out in laughter not soon after Snape left. She continued laughing while Blaise tried to ignore how heavenly her laugh sounded and thought of horrible images to calm himself.

"Did you see your face," Emily gasped in laughter still. "Priceless," she exclaimed. "Hilarious…oh my…" she continued laughing till she couldn't breath and finally calmed down.

"Are you quite finished," Blaise drawled. Emily nodded, still smiling but trying not to laugh. She cuddled up to Blaise saying a soft sorry followed by a chuckle. Blaise almost had the mind to push her away but he pulled her closer and rolled his eyes.


"Children," Snape growled as he made for his room.

"Talking to your self is the first sign of being crazy, Severus"

"I'm not crazy," Snape growled.

"And denial is the second,"

"Is killing you the third," Snape snarled, stopping and turning around to face his stalker. Lykain smirked up at him in smug satisfaction.

"I'd love to see you try old man," he replied, narrowing his eyes. Snape snorted at the boy.

"I haven't any time to indulge in your juvenile fantasies," Snape drawled, turning around. He knew Lykain was following him as he continued his walk towards his room. "Don't you have somewhere else to be," he sighed annoyed.

"My room is this way also," Lykain replied. "Or have you forgotten in your absence," the truth was Snape had forgotten. He'd been forced to ask Corinne where his rooms where and the girl had laughed at him for a good five minutes before she told him. He refused to let the pompous brat following him know this of course.

"Dalia's looking a lot more grown up since the last time I saw her," Snape drawled, keeping a hand on his wand and his ears alert. "She's filled out quite nicely if I do say so myself,"

"You keep your perverted thoughts to yourself," Lykain growled. "You haven't any right at all to think anything about her," Snape could hear the rage in the boy's voice. He turned a corner, and noted that Lykain's room was two doors down from his.

"I've the right to think whatever I want," Snape replied. "Someone might think you're jealous, Mr. Zepol," if he hadn't been listening, Snape wouldn't have heard the silently scuffling of feet right before the other Vampire lunged at him. But because he was, he did hear it and easily caught the boy around the neck, slamming him into the wall. Lykain thrashed and growled at the man holding him against the wall, and dug his nails into his captor's arms. "You missed," Snape taunted, smirking at him.

"Let me go," Lykain snarled, eyes turning black with rage.

"I doubt that's in my best interest right now," Snape replied. "Seems to me like you're just itching for a fight you'll lose," he leaned in closer to the boy. "And believe me when I say, you will lose," Lykain reached out, using Snape's close proximity and clawed at the side of the man's face. Snape dropped him, letting him fall hard on the floor. He glowered at the boy staring up at him with a smug look. "If that scars you're dead,"

"You're good at making death threats aren't you?" Lykain smirked. He lunged at the man this time, just barely catching him but not really managing to do much damage. Snape grabbed him by the neck once more and threw him like a doll, clear across the hall. He watched as the boy's head slammed painfully against the far wall but yet he still got up and came back for more. He came running at Snape again, this time fighting with common sense instead of rage and catching the man in the side. He ripped a gash in Snape's side, causing the man to snarl in pain. He managed to reach behind him self though, catching the boy by his shirt and jerking him backwards. Snape then proceed to knock the boy off his feet and watched him go falling face first to the ground. And before he could get up he pinned both hands behind him and sat on his legs. As expected, even wounded as he was, Lykain still made an attempt to get up.

"I think I win," Snape drawled.

"I think you're just a childish as the boy you're sitting on," Snape looked up to be greeted by Corinne and Dalia. "I don't want to know what you were fighting about," she said before Lykain could protest. "Snape get off him," Snape stood up, allowing Lykain to stand to. Dalia rolled her eyes at the boy, wondering though, what they were fighting about. She made her way towards Lykain, chiding him about picking fights with Severus.

"Come on," Dalia said, taking Lykain's wrist. "Let's go get you clean up," she continued. "Night Severus," she added, to which Snape didn't reply. The two remaining creatures, waited for the two to round the corner.

"Was it necessary to beat him up so bad?" Corinne asked, following Snape towards his rooms. Snape ignored her. "I know you don't like him but there's no reason to kill the boy,"

"He started it," Snape mumbled, opening the door to his room, and scowling at the girl following him.

"Whatever, Severus," Corinne replied. "I don't care your reasons but be the bigger one and stop fighting with Lykain. I know he can be hard headed but you should know by now how to deal with him. Besides, I wouldn't be too please with you offing one of best friends,"

"You'd live," Snape mumbled, slamming the bathroom door in the girl's face. He could hear her still talking from behind it and wondered why she was still there.

"And if he's hurt, you do realize…" Snape wondered if the poor girl realized he wasn't listening to a word she said. She was still there though when he finished showering and still rambling about something or another. "Severus are you listening to me,"

"No, not really," Snape replied. "You can leave now by the way," he added. Corinne glared at him.

"The meeting's at 11 sharp in the main hall," Corrine told him heading towards the door. "Don't be late,"

"I'm never late!"

"Unless you're fighting in corridors with 21 year old boys," Corinne replied, smirking.

"You're aggravating me," Snape drawled. Corinne smiled to herself and pulled the door open.

"Good night, Severus,"

"Good night, Lady…"

"Corinne!" She cut in. "Would you please just call me Corinne?"

"Good Night, Corrine," Snape conceded.

A/N: I don't have an excuse, none at all. I just didn't feel like writing until now. That's always my problem really. I have to feel liking writing to do it. I still feel like writing actually so I'm hoping the next chapter will be out soon but as usual I make no promises. I adore this chapter though. I'd have to say it's one of my favorites. I do hope you like it and stick with him me no matter what.
