The Titans were in the Tower one afternoon.. Just an ordinary day. So far, atleast. Beast boy was getting his butt kicked at vdeo games by Cyborg, while Raven read, and Robin and Starfire watched.
But, right when they least expected, as usual, something unusual happened. Okay, it wasn't nothing is unusual for the Titans.

A loud crash was heard.

" Yay! I finally got it right! It's me! I'm here! Where's my DNA buddy Robin?" came a familiar voice.

Larry the Titan.

" Oh no…uh..if he asks..I..died," Robin said with a sigh.

" I heard Robin's voice! Where is my DNA buddy?!" he called, as more crashes were heard.

" Hey! No, don't touch that!" Beast boy called, as Larry grabbed the video game controller and randomly pushed buttons.

And then the words came up on the screen:


" No! You little…I will get you for this one!" Beast Boy called, chibi crying over the video game.

" Oops….." Larry called apologetically.

" Oops? Oops?! There is no Oops!"

" Sorry?"

" You'd better be sorry! You little.."

" Beast Boy, that's enough!" Raven barked angrily.

" But..the…game…"

" Just get over it!"

" Hey, I'm with the grass stain here.." Cyborg began.

" You're just mad someone messed with any technology within the tower.." she pointed out.

" Oh, just shut it Raven, can't you see we're mourning?" Beast Boy told her.

Raven simply rolled her eyes.

" So, what do you guys want to do? Oh! I want to watch Robin kick your butts, what do you say, huh, can I, can I?"

" How about I kick your butt," Raven threatened.

" She's mean..and scary.." Larry said. Everyone else(including Raven) just laughed.

" Hey, what's this thing?" Larry asked, picking up a "Stankball" aka whad of Beast Boy's dirty socks," It's sti-inky."

" That's a-hey, give me that back!" Beast Boy said, yanking the "ball" from Larry's hands.

" Fi-ine," Larry whined," I'll just entertain myself…magic finger…"

" No!" they all called.

Too late. Larry decided to "entertain himself" and not knowing the outcome of his actions, watched as the Titans disappeared before his very eyes.

" Oops….!" He called.