Broken Girl
Kagome is a poor girl in a poor part of china one day when the very Rich Inuyasha is in town her cruel father is trying to sell her on the street corner
What will Inuyasha do?
"…" speaking
(…) my notes
Girl for Sale
Inuyasha walked through a market in a poor part of china (yeah I know I took it at random) he looked at all the trinkets and clothes while out on a walk to stretch his legs he has been in him limo for 9 hours on his way back from a trip to his grandmothers (yeah more things taken at random…did I mention he's 17) till he heard a man shouting
"Girl for sale….cheap only 20 Renminbi "(I don't know how much that is so don't leave any reviews saying that's a lot or its cheap or whatever please)
Inuyasha found he couldn't help but glance over to see a girl around his age sitting covered in mood cuts and burses in what looked to be a old sack there were tears running down her face and a massive bruise on her cheek 'man when did I get so soft….well I guess its better than leaving her there" so he walked over to the many took the money out of his wallent and handed it to him
"oh nice buy my boy you wont be disappointed"
Inuyasha bent down and offerd her his hand when the man threw a lead in it and put a coller round her neck 'what the fuck' he held in to it to see where this is going only to see the man expected him to treat her like a dog he took her hand and tried to pull her up she didn't bidge he looked down to see a look of complete fear in her eyes
"its ok boy she just needs to be shown whos boss"
the man gave her a swift kick in the ribs she fell over in pain then after a struggle stood up beside Inuyasha waiting for him to do something….the first thing he did was take the collar off her and offer her his hand she was hesitant at first but eventually took it and walked off to the limo never saying a word while the man stood in complete shock (the man is her father to let you know)
On the way back to the Limo she had fell and bust her head open (don't ask me how this is for plot development) she was bleeding alittle and crying a lot when they finnaly arrived at the limo Inuyasha grabbed his medical set from under his seat (how convinent) leaned up the blood and put some antiseptic on it then bandaged it up
"are you feeling better"
he got silence as a reply he reached out to touch her sholder to see she backed off and moved further away from him 'is she afraid of me….' He slowly moved towards her until she had no were to move and smiled at her and offered her a snack
once again no answer
"well can you atleast tell me your name"
he finally got some sort of a reply she pointed to a necklass dangling round her neck (duh)it was a small gold locket with a name carved in it
"so your names Kagome…well im Inuyasha nice to meet you"
he offerd her his hand once again she slowly took it then backed off and set in the fetal position (curled in a ball like a child for those who don't know) Inuyasha hesitantly moved towards her as he did her shacking got worse he slowly moved his hands and got a blanket and put it over her
"listen if your afraid of me don't be I wont hurt you…I bought you because I felt sorry for you now ill give you some space just rember im not the one who hurt you"
Inuyasha walked up the top of the car and left Kagome to sleep he sat up and chatted to the driver who had a sick smile on her face
"so Mr.Inuyasha who's the girl"
"her names Kagome…there was some guy selling her I felt sorry for her look at her arms there coverd in cuts and bruises…he kicked her just to get her to move im worried about her…listen to me ive become soft"
"sir ive whatched you grow up and yes you have become very soft"
"well maby its just that im getting older"
worry oyu can ask your father were only a few hours away….i suggest
you sleep also you've been up for 2 days straight its not good for
"maby your right…thanks"
Inuyasha crawled half way up the limo lay on the floor and slept for a few hours while Kagome woke up and saw him on the floor looking so peacefull 'maby he's not a bad guy'; she walked over to his put the blanket over him and cuddled up besides him
'well well my little Inuyashas growing up' the driver thought then continued driving
ok that's that chapter now that's done ide like to thank in advance everone who reviews next chapter Inuyashas home and narakus his dad oh the noes