AN: This is SLASH

AN: This is SLASH!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! If you don't like don't read!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or the rest of the group. If I did there would be some slashy goodness in the books and Sirius wouldn't die

AN: Sorry for not updating in forever but it has been Hell trying to get the time. I will update more often now though and will try to update again soon.

Chapter 5: Conviction

The Main entrance to the Ministry was noisy as Witches and Wizards bustled their way from place to place. Nobody noticed when a group appeared out of thin air by the Portkey entrance. Remus held out a hand to help Harry stay upright and led the way over to the main desk. A large man sat behind it with a nameplate saying Butch.

Remus raised a brow at the man and quietly spoke up, "Excuse me. Where do we go to report a crime and press charges?" He asked softly.

The large man looked up from his book and eyed the group. "Level 4 Department of Aurors, Laws and Punishment." He said as he sat up and placed his book to the side."I'll need to see your wands first to register them." He said and held out his hand. Reluctantly each person passed up their wand and Remus gave them to the man. He placed them on a machine and sat back as it rattled to work.

Butch got a good look at the group and raised a brow when he realized whom he had in front of him. The wands came to a whining stop and the lid popped open. He dug out the wands and passed them to Remus as a long piece of paper came out of the machine like a receipt. He looked it over and called out a few of the wands," Phoenix core, fifteen inches. Holy wand. Dragon heart-string core, fourteen inches, maple." He looked at the group and with a nod of confirmation he pierced the parchment on a rod on his desk and motioned them by, "Have a good day Mr. Potter." he said as he went back to his book.

Harry and the group managed to get an empty elevator and everyone piled in. Remus pressed 4 and up they went.

Harry slowed as they neared the Law and Punishment entrance. Remus placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned down to his ear, "Don't worry Harry. Everything will be alright."

Harry nodded and opened the door. Yet another desk blocked their path, but a bubbly young woman manned the desk here. She smiled at the group," What can I help you with?" she asked in a scarily perky voice.

Harry mumbled something in a low voice that caused Remus to snort and Severus to raise a dark brow in amusement. Lucius smiled at the girl,"We would like to speak with someone about pressing charges if there is someone available."

The perky girl blushed at him and nodded,"Just a sec and I'll check." She said as she jumped up from her desk, upsetting several files and dashing down the hall. Severus smirked at Lucius, "I do believe you made that poor girl lust after you Lucius. She'll be heart broken to know you're taken."

Lucius smirked back and brushed his hair off his shoulder, "I can't help it if she thinks otherwise. I didn't encourage her Severus."

Severus rolled his eyes as the perky girl came back only to blush when she looked at Lucius. "Madame Bones is available. Cubicle 16."She said as she walked back to her desk, running into it as she did.

Remus shook his head and led the way down the hall. After a short walk the odd group found cubicle 16 empty except for a woman of about 28 with wild blond hair that fell in curls around her face. Remus cleared his throat causing the young lady to jump. She jerked around and smiled, "Oh, Hello, I'm Madame Bones-"she started to say until she recognized several of the people before her, "Harry? Remus? Severus? What are you doing here?" She asked as she rose and walked over to the group.

"We are here to file formal charges against Muggles." Lucius said as he stepped forward.

Bones blinked then motioned for the group to enter her cubicle. Harry was led to a chair in front of her with Remus on his left and Hermione on his right. The rest we standing around the area. She studied the group then directed her questions to Remus," Alright, what is your purpose here today? I know I asked already but this is now being documented." She said as she motioned to a quill next to her that was busily writing on parchment as they spoke.

Remus nodded in understanding then replied, "We are here to press charges of child abuse and willful neglect of a minor."

Bones blinked then asked, "Whom are you pressing charges on?"

"My Relatives." Harry replied, "Vernon and Petunia Dursley."

Several of the people jumped when he spoke having not gotten use to his deeper voice. Bones turned her questions to Harry, "Harry I'm going to have to ask you several questions. They may be difficult for you to answer. I can clear everyone out if it will help, but I can't promise not to make you uncomfortable." She said with obvious regret in her voice.

"They can stay, they know most everything anyways." He said with a dead voice then added, "Ask what you need to."

She nodded and pulled an odd device out of her drawer and placed it on her desk. "This is an Alluvion Stone. It detects how truthful a person is being. If you are telling the truth it will stay green and no sound will be heard. If you lie it will turn red and will alert me with continuous high beeps. If it is only a small lie it will be grey with a continue low beeps. You will then be required to explain what you fibbed about." She explained, "It is required I use it as a back up to your statement." Harry nodded in understanding and she continued.

"Have there ever been and times when you were left without food?'

"Several times." He answered in the same dead voice.

The stone stayed silent.

"What are the longest and shortest times?"

"Shortest was 3 days the longest was 6 day."

"Was there any physical abuse?"


"Can you show me any marks?"

Remus answered instead," He's been healed. He does have scars. Although, we have memories of what he looked like if that will help."

Bones nodded and rose, walking to a set of cabinets behind her desk. She opened the doors only to retrieve a basin like bowl of silvery water and brought it over to her desk. "You can put the memories in here." She said to Remus then turned back to Harry, "I need to see the scars."

Slowly Harry rose and pulled off his robe, leaving his shirt and jeans still on. He reluctantly pulled his shirt up and off revealing several scars slashing across his chest. Bones gasped at them.

"What caused these? They look like whip marks."

"That's because some are."

If Madame Bones had still been holding the basin it would of hit the ground. She stared in shock at Harry until Severus cleared his throat.

"What did he use Harry?" Bones asked in a weak voice.

"Anything he wanted." Harry said as he put his shirt down and sat once again next to Remus.

Bones took a moment to collect herself then resumed with the questions, "Can you tell me what weapons were used?"

Harry closed his eyes then answered in the same dead voice," His favorite the whip and knives. He also used belts, shoes, books. Anything small but would still cause harm."

Madame Bones look over at the device hoping this was a lie. When it remains silent she rubbed her face and took a deep breath. Gaining a bit of calm again she started again,"Was there any verbal abuse? If so what sorts of things were said?"

"Yes there was verbal abuse. They said I was worthless, a freak, called my father a lazy drunk. I didn't know how they died until Hagrid came for me. I didn't know my name until I started grade school, they always called me boy."

Bones took control of the quill and scribbled a bit on the parchment then rose from her seat. "Alright, Harry I need you to come with me. Regulations require I have a certified Healer of our staff check to see to your scars and if there are any other injuries that you still have. I'm sorry, but your friends and family cannot come with you."

Harry nodded and stepped forward.

Bones looked at the group, "I'll have someone come talk to you in a moment."

The group remained silent; each shocked at how bad Harry had it.

"Excuse me."

The group turned as one to the young man in the doorway," The Dursleys have been brought in. If you wish you are allowed to invoke the right of family retribution."

Remus's eyes turned gold," We wish to invoke retribution."

The man nodded and led the way.

The group had come to a stop 5 floors down outside of a large steel door.

"Vernon Dursley is behind this door. He is the only one you may seek retribution from since Petunia didn't hit Harry and the son is under aged, although Petunia will be punished as well." The man said as he opened the door and stepped back to allow the group entrance.

Remus led the group into the large steel room and stopped before Vernon. Remus's eyes glowed gold and his fangs lengthened. Severus stopped next to him. A dark mist seemed to rise up from nowhere and surround his body. Draco was on the other side of Remus. His grey eyes turned silver and seemed to glow eerily. A wind like air surrounded the trio.

Hermione smiled Slytherin like, "They will get our revenge." She said softly, but loud enough everyone else heard. She walked forward and stepped in front of the trio; facing Vernon. "You Vernon Dursley have been convicted by Wizard law for child abuse, and neglect. Wizard Law allows the family and friends one hour to seek revenge for the victim," Hermione felt the magic educed wind pick up around her and smiled evilly and slapped Vernon, "It has begun." She walked out of the way and returned to her place with the others.

Remus lashed out knocking Vernon to the ground. Severus, Draco and Remus the surrounded him, "You dare to touch my cub. You dare anger wizards." Remus laughed darkly, "You pissed off the wrong people."

Vernon looked up at the men in shock, "You can't harm me. It's against your laws to harm my kind. Only dark wizards break laws. That Freak even told us when that murderer of a godfather of his broke free."

Remus's eyes glowed brighter, a beastly grin on his face, "Didn't Harry tell you? I'm a Dark Creature and these two are Dark Wizards."

Vernon looked at the men in fear.

Punches and kicks flew out and littered the fat body of Vernon. They stopped then pulled out their wands. Time was almost up, but there were a few curses to leave Vernon with.

Remus started," Memoria Poena."

Severus followed, " Nullus Sermo."

Draco finished, "Sentio poena"

Vernon coughed roughly but managed to yell," What did you freaks do to me!?"

Draco smirked," Remus made it so you shall remember the pain you inflicted to Harry. Severus made it so you can't tell anyone about these spells or what you did to Harry and I made it so you will feel the pain you inflicted to Harry."

The group walk to the door when it opened revealing Madame Bones, " Times up. Harry is in the main lobby."

The group left towards the elevators leaving a screaming Vernon behind them.