Title: It's My Life

Part: 30

Author: Mlizhobie

Disclaimer: Don't own House or any of the other characters except for the OC characters.

AN: This is my first time writing any type of fandom – so be kind and review. Thanks to my Beta reader, without whose help I wouldn't have had the courage to even think about posting this.

AN2: What is Greg going to do? And Jay & Nina get to meet the unnamed twins.

Opening the door into Lorelai's room Greg saw that the doctor had allowed her to get out of bed. She was now sitting in a chair facing the window. He walked in and sat on her bed. Lorelai didn't turn or even acknowledge that he was there. Unable to stay quiet any longer Greg finally said, "Do you want me to take them and move out?" Still not turning towards him, Lore shook her head and said, "I don't know what I want. Well that's not true; I know I don't want to feel this way. I know that it had to happen this way. James said I would have bled to death and I can't let my kids grow up without me. But I don't think I can be the twins' mother." Greg had half expected this type of answer, but it still surprised him to actually hear it. He stayed quiet and stared out the window, unable to think of anything to say.

They had both sat quietly for a half hour before the door opened and Nina & Jay ran in. Hearing the laughter belonging to her children, Lorelai turned to greet them both. Nina launched herself into her mother's outstretched arms and said, "Momma!" Jay climbed up beside Greg on the bed and quietly said, "Hi Momma." After kissing Nina, Lore looked up at Jay and said, "Hi sweetheart how was the science fair today? I'm sorry I couldn't come and see your booth."

James was leaning against the far wall and said, "I had Allison go down and make an appearance for us. I think she took some pictures." Jay blushed and nodded before saying, "Yeah, she took a ton of pictures. And all the older guys think she has a nice ass." James & Lore's eyes went wide and they both started to call their son on his cursing when Greg wrapped his arm around the boy and said, "JG, don't curse like that! Besides the fact that Momma is in the room – so is your sister!" Jay half grinned and said, "Oops sorry Uncle Greg. Its ok Momma, I know you couldn't come. How are the babies anyway?"

Greg looked up and met Lore's eyes before saying, "They're both good. We can go down and see them in a bit if you want to." Nina bounced on Lorelai's lap and said, "Yeah! I wanna go see the babies! Plwease Uncle Greg, take us down there!" Lore groaned painfully and grabbed hold of Nina before saying, "Sweetie stop, it hurts Momma when you do that. Daddy & Uncle Greg will take you guys down to see them."

James went over and lifted the now frowning girl off Lore's lap as she said, "I sowwy Momma, didn't wanna hurt you." Lorelai kissed Nina's hand and said, "I know baby, its ok." Greg got up off the bed and started for the door when he said, "Come on JG let's go see if I can sneak you guys into the nursery without getting caught by the evil witch and get sent to the clinic." Jay did get up off the bed but shook his head saying, "I'll be right there, I wanna ask Momma something. And stop calling Aunt Lisa a evil witch, cause I'll tell her you say it and get you more time down in the clinic!" Greg actually looked half scared that Jay would do exactly what he had said, so he nodded and followed James out into the hallway, leaving Jay alone with Lorelai.

Jay went over and leaned against the window-sill and while looking out the window he said, "Momma, I was thinking about something. You're the babies Mom, but Dad isn't their dad right?" Lore nodded and said, "Yeah, Uncle Greg is their dad." He turned back to Lorelai and said, "But since you're my mom and their mom, don't that make me their big brother?" Lorelai smiled and said, "Yeah, kind of, but technically you are their half brother. We can figure all this stuff out later though. Why don't you go down and meet your baby brother & sister – but don't talk about this with Nina, she won't understand it, ok?" Jay nodded quickly and kissed his mother before saying, "Ok Momma, we'll be back in a while."

As Lorelai watched her oldest son run from the room she knew she couldn't let Greg take the kids and leave. They were a family and now that Greg was officially a family member he couldn't leave. It would take getting used to and a lot of time, but Lore wanted all 4 of her kids to grow up in one home – with their fathers. She decided right then and there that as much as it hurt that this is the way things were meant to happen. She & James were meant to have Jay & Nina and she & Greg were meant to have the twins.

Grinning, Lorelai realized that they didn't have names yet. She & Greg had sort of come to a decision a few weeks back that he would chose their middle names and she was pretty sure that he already had them picked out. That left her to choose their first names. She thought for a while and eliminated quite a few choices that had been thrown into consideration. After a while she was almost positive that she had the perfect name for each baby – but she wanted to see them again before telling anyone what it was. So she grabbed the phone off the bedside table and after fumbling with it to try and figure how to call out of the hospital, she dialed James's cell phone.

The nursery stillness was broken by the ringing of James's phone. Quickly walking away from the small crowd of people surrounding the twins' beds James answered his phone, "Hello?" Lore heard the soft conversation of the nursery going on behind James and said, "Hey old man, why don't you guys come back down here and bring the babies with you?" Not knowing if he had heard her correctly James said, "Wait, what did you say Lore?"

Lore laughed and said, "Ok listen to me this time James, come back down here and bring all 4 of the kids with you. God, we need to get you in to have your hearing checked." James scoffed lightly and said, "Hey, that's not fair. I heard you; I just wanted to make sure I understood you. And we'll be down in a bit kid, love you." Lore grinned and said, "I love you too."

After hanging up the phone James went back across the room and said, "Lore wants us to bring them back down to her room." Greg looked up at James and said, "Really? That's good, come on guys lets go back to Momma's room!"

When Jay opened the door into Lore's room Nina shoved past him and screamed, "Momma, there's 2 babies!" Jay quickly caught his sister and took her a chair. He sat down and then pulled the small girl up on his lap before saying, "Yeah Nina, Momma knows there are 2 – they were in her belly remember?" Suddenly remembering Nina hung her head and started crying softly, nodded and said, "Oh yeah she does 'member…" James stopped beside the chair where his children were seated and lifted the girl off her brother's lap. He pulled her up even with his face and said, "Sweetheart, don't get upset. It's ok that you forgot about that. Come on will you help me push this bed over here to Momma?" Nina sniffled loudly, smiled and said, "Yeah Daddy."

Greg looked over at Jay harshly and quietly said, "Why'd you make her cry?" Jay glared at his uncle and said, "I didn't make her cry, I was nice!" Greg was close enough for Lorelai to reach, so she slapped his arm and said, "Knock it off, he didn't make her cry. Give me that baby girl, I want to see if the name I want to use works for her." This got everyone's attention back on the babies.

James & Nina were now over on the far side of the bed and James said, "You decided on their names? Tell us what you came up with!" As Greg handed Lorelai their daughter, she grinned up at him and said, "What do you think about calling her Imogen?" Greg looked at her strangely and said, "Imogen, that sounds like an old woman's name!" Lorelai furrowed her brow at Greg and said, "I like it! If you don't like it though, we could call her Immy or something…"

Greg thought for a few seconds and then said, "Hmm… Imogen Alexandra House, I think that could work if we call her Immy." James had been watching his best friend consider the name the baby girl and said, "Alexandra, where did you get that from?" Greg looked up and met James's eyes before saying, "My best friend in high school. She was the only thing that kept me sane when I was growing up and also kept me from killing my dad after all the things he did to me. I also thought about using Alexander for his middle name, but what did you want as his first name?"

Lorelai had only heard bits and pieces about Greg's troubled childhood. James had told her a few things that Greg's father had done to him as a child and it shed some light on Greg's attitude about people in general. She was glad that Greg had had a friend like this Alexandra to get him through those rough times. Lore looked up at Greg and saw that he was fighting back tears. She quickly grabbed his hand, squeezed it tightly and said, "What if we call him Isaac?" Greg smiled slightly and then tried out his son's name, "Isaac Alexander House, I like it.

The next morning Lorelai & the twins were released from the hospital. Even though she & James had done this twice before – it was still required that they be shown how to fasten the babies into their seats. Greg hadn't ever seen this part of bringing them home and never really seen how to do it properly, so he stood at the door to the van intently watching as the nurse fastened his son's seat. When the nurse was finished, she looked up at Greg and said, "You see how I did that Dr. House or would you like me to show you again?" Greg shook his head and said, "Nope, I'm good. Now get out so we can get these kids home."

James had been standing right behind Greg and heard the man's comment. He started laughing and apologized to the nurse once she had climbed out of the van. The nurse looked at him oddly and grabbed the wheel chair that Lorelai had rode down in, pushing it back inside the hospital James could hear that she was angrily mumbling about how much of an ass Greg was.

After almost a full week of being stubborn and trying to care for his children alone, Greg finally gave in and asked Lorelai for help. It was 2:15 and Greg had only been allowed to sleep for maybe a half hour without being interrupted by one of the children. With what Greg knew was a migraine coming on, he grabbed his cell phone and called Lore's – he was even too tired to try the stairs. Lorelai quietly answered her phone and said she would be right down to help.

20 minutes later Greg & the twins were all sound asleep. Lorelai had taken both babies up to their nursery and confiscated Greg's baby monitor. She stood at the nursery door listening to each baby's breathing as they slept; sighing contently Lorelai went back to bed knowing that it wouldn't be long before one of them was awake again.

That morning at breakfast Greg walked in the kitchen looking more rested than he had in days. James had already gotten Jay & Nina up and dressed and was now fixing their breakfasts. Greg sat down beside Jay and said, "Jimmy-boy, your wife is my favorite person on the planet." James grinned at his best friend and said, "Yeah she is pretty awesome isn't she?" Lorelai walked into the kitchen about that time with a baby in each arm. Seeing that Greg was sitting at the island, she went over to him and said, "Here take Immy and help your favorite person out."

Greg spun in his seat and carefully took his daughter from her mother's arms saying, "There are Daddy's monkeys, come here baby girl." Lore smiled at Greg's interaction with Immy as she crossed the room to make bottles for each baby. James kissed his wife and placed a quick kiss on top Isaac's head as he said, "Mornin' kid." Lorelai shifted Isaac so he was lying in her arms instead of against her chest and said, "Mornin' old man," and started making both bottles.

When she had both completed she grabbed James's arm and said, "Hey can you help me?" He nodded and turned to see what she needed, she then said, "Here can you screw both tops on these and hand them to me; Isaac doesn't want to be put down today." James again nodded and ran a gentle finger against Isaac's face as he said, "Sure, that's not a problem." Quickly completing the task Lore had given him James grabbed both bottles and turned to Lorelai saying, "Here let me feed him while you get something to eat." Lore handed Isaac to James and thanked him. James then slid the other down the counter to Greg.

When both babies were totally absorbed in their bottles Greg looked up and said, "I need to go get some pacifiers and crap like that, Isaac won't ever quit crying for me." James looked up from Isaac and said, "What, he doesn't need a pacifier, he's fine. I don't ever have a problem calming him down." From the pantry Lore heard the conversation and started to giggle, she loved how ironic it was that James hadn't been able to comfort his own son and Greg could, and now the situation was reversed – James was the one who was now comforting Greg's son.

It wasn't long before all the breakfasts had been eaten and James & Greg were ready to take Jay to school and Nina to daycare. Lore would be left to care for the twins. Greg kept asking if she would be alright by herself with a pleading in his eyes. She knew he was just trying to get out of having to do clinic duty, but Lore would be fine with the babies. James finally had to grab Greg's arm and say, "Seriously we need to leave NOW! We have to get Jay to school on time and then get to the hospital. Stop whining to Lorelai and get your ass in the jeep."

Nina chose this specific moment to reenter the room and heard her father cursing and shouted, "Daddy no bad word!" James then lightly punched the wall and said, "Damn-it, why does she always catch ME!" Again Nina heard him and screamed, "Bad Daddy," while stomping her small foot on the floor. Greg started laughing and glanced over at the almost 3 year old girl. He started laughing even harder when he saw just how she was standing, staring at her father. Nina had her hands on her hips and her face was set in this stone serious glare at James; it was the stance Greg had coined the 'Super Jimmy' stance.

Lorelai handed Immy to James for a bit and went over to her oldest daughter before saying through a fit of giggles, "Nina, Daddy knows he shouldn't be talking like that, but you shouldn't be yelling at him. It's not very nice sweetheart." Nina looked Lorelai square in the eyes and said, "But Momma, Daddy said bad words. He's a bad boy." Lore watched Nina for another second and then said, "Yes I know Daddy is a bad boy. Would you like if Momma spanked Daddy for talking like that?" Lore quickly glanced up at James with an evil smirk on her face. His face was now going red and he had to turn away from his wife & daughter to keep from laughing. Nina had thought about Lore's offer and said, "Yes, Daddy needs spanking."

Greg had done well with keeping his laughter very quiet, but could no longer keep quiet and had to say, "That might not be a good idea Nina-Bell, Daddy would like that way too much!" Nina looked up at Greg confused and said, "Daddy yikes spankings?" Greg nodded and said, "Oh yeah, Daddy loves being punished. You should hear him begging for more." Lorelai had jumped back up and clapped a hand over Greg's mouth before saying, "Greg! She's not even 3 years old; you are not telling her anything about that."

James's face was now beat red, but he saw how late it was getting. So he went over, handed Immy back to Lore and picked up Nina. As she settled against his hip Nina looked placed a hand on her father's cheek and said, "Daddy why you so red?" This comment started a new outburst of laughter for Lore & Greg. James glared at both of them and calmly said, "I guess I'm just too warm, why don't we go outside and see if that helps. It looks like Momma & Uncle Greg just want to laugh at me today, so let's get going. Jay, come on. It's time to go."

Jay walked in carrying a now screaming Isaac and said, "Ok Dad. Here Momma, Atticus musta knocked something in the playpen cause Isaac started screaming." Lore carefully took Isaac and shifted Immy so she could hold both babies. Greg's laughing stopped as he saw how much Lore was struggling to hold both children and he said, "Sure you don't want me to stay here and help?" Once Lorelai had gotten the twins settled she looked up at Greg and firmly said, "Yes I'm sure, we'll be fine. You guys need to get going or you'll be late. See you tonight – love you all. Go Greg!" Greg had started to pout slightly, but Jay grabbed his arm and yanked him towards the garage entrance in the kitchen.

Once Greg, James & the kids had left, Lorelai took the babies back upstairs to her bedroom. She laid them both on the bed and sat facing them. Both babies watched her intently as she sat quietly. Finally Lore said, "Ok monkeys, what are we going to do today? I know I need to take a shower, but just as soon as I get in there one of you two will scream. How about I get your bouncy seats and you can hang out in those while I get a quick shower?" Neither baby protested, so Lore went down to the nursery and got both seats and came back to the bedroom.

She carefully put each baby into a seat and took them to the master bathroom. Immy was perfectly content with staring at the toys hanging above her head, but Isaac ignored the toys and cried because he couldn't focus on where Momma was. Lore had discovered the night before, that if she or James spoke aloud that it calmed Isaac. He just needed to know that he wasn't alone and the 2 voices he preferred were Momma & Uncle James, for some reason hearing his father only stirred him up. It was something that Greg was starting to hate.

Greg getting used to the fact that his son liked James better than himself took a few weeks. James didn't know why Isaac felt calmer with him and tried to distance himself from the baby. But one Saturday afternoon Greg opened the door into James's office at the house, limped over to the desk and shoved Isaac at him saying, "I don't know why he likes you better, but I need you to get him to sleep. He hasn't slept all day and I need a break from this screaming." James half smiled and took the baby, carefully settling the exhausted boy against his shoulder James said, "Ok, you go lay down or take care of Immy. I got him for now." Greg let out a relieved sigh and left the room, leaving his best friend to take care of Isaac.

Lorelai came in the office a while later and found James & Isaac both sleeping on the couch. Smiling at how adorable her husband and son looked, Lore grabbed the camera off one of the bookshelves and took a quick picture before quietly leaving the office, shutting the door to keep the children out. Lorelai had then gone down to Greg's room to see what he was doing and found the diagnostician sleeping on the bed holding their daughter. Lore repeated the same action she had done with James & Isaac, because she had brought the camera down to show Greg the picture. She then slipped out of the room, shutting this door as well to keep Jay & Nina from disturbing them.

About another month went by before Greg was at the hospital pacing in the conference room when he looked up at the only duckling in the room and noticed a pained look on Allison's face. Throwing the case file down on the table Greg went over to her and asked, "How far apart?" Ally looked up at her boss and said, "It's only been 10 minutes since my last one. I can't have the baby yet, we aren't ready." Greg led her to a chair as he said, "You two are beyond ready for this baby. So just sit down princess, while I call the wombat."

20 minutes later Robert was nervously pacing beside his laboring wife's hospital bed. House walked in and rolled his eyes at his employee and said, "Calm the hell down, you've done this before Chase." Chase stopped briefly, but it wasn't 5 minutes when he was up pacing again. Greg reached up and slapped the back of Chase's head as he walked by for the third time and said, "Sit down! You're making me nervous and I'm not the one who's in labor." Allison reached up and grabbed Robert's hand and said, "Sweetheart, please stop."

Chase nodded and went over to the window. Greg looked back to the file in his hand and said, "Ok Ms. Immunologist explain to me what these test results are saying." Allison took the test results of their latest patient from Greg's outstretched hand and between contractions she tried to interpret what they were saying. This was Greg's way of helping distract Allison from the pain of contractions and it was working.

James had a feeling he would find Greg in Allison's room disturbing them, so when he opened the door and saw House standing at the foot of the bed with a patient file he wasn't surprised. He went over, grabbed Greg's arm and said, "Why should I even ask why you are down here making her run differentials with you. Greg she is labor and by the looks of that monitor over there, her contractions are less than 5 minutes apart. Shut up, get out of here and leave them alone!" Greg scowled at his best friend, but took the papers from Allison & Robert's hands before leaving the room.

When James started to leave the room Dr. Lucas Marks came in and said, "Are we ready to have another baby Chase family? Oh hello there James, how are Lorelai & the twins doing?" James smiled at the mention of his wife's name and said, "They are all doing really well thank you. Why don't I get out of here and let you get to more important things? Call me or Lore later will you Chase?" Robert nodded at James's request and returned his attention to Allison.

A few hours later James & Greg were on their way down to the hospital daycare to pick up Nina & the twins when James's phone rang. Answering the phone James discovered it was Lore. She sounded very excited when she said, "Hey old man, where are you guys? Don't leave the hospital; Jay & I are on our way there now. Robert just called and wants us to come see their baby girl." Grinning James said, "Ok kid, we'll meet you down in the lobby and then we can all go see them." Greg looked over at his best friend as the younger man slid the phone back into his pocket and asked, "What's going on?"

The smile on James's face was still abnormally goofy as he said, "Lore is coming here and we're all gonna go see Ally & Robert's daughter." The elevator doors opened with a loud ding and House rolled his eyes saying, "Do I have to?" James pushed his friend out of the elevator and said, "Yeah you do, because they're our friends. And even more because you're their boss! Now quit whining and let's go pick up the kids."

James & Greg were both sitting holding a baby watching Nina spin around in the lobby when Lore & Jay rushed over. Lore looked like a little kid on Christmas morning when she said, "Come on, I want to go see them!" Greg slowly stood and shoved Immy into Jay's arms as he said, "Here make yourself useful and carry her. Lorelai get your daughter before she spins herself sick," and headed for the elevators. James rolled his eyes and said, "He's moody tonight and doesn't really want to go up and see them, but I told him that he has to."

When they all got to Allison's room they found that Robert had gone down and picked up Marcus. They wanted him to meet his baby sister. Lorelai quickly crossed the room carrying the still semi-dizzy Nina. Nina grinned and said, "Momma, Aunt Awwy had the baby! What she name the baby?" James & Isaac, Jay & Immy, and Greg were all now in the room as well and James asked, "Yeah what did you name her?"

Allison looked up at everyone with a huge smile on her face and said, "Well everyone, I'd like to introduce you all to Mackenzie Elizabeth Chase." Lore & James both said that they loved the name. Robert grinned and said, "Mackenzie might be a bit of a mouthful for the kids for awhile, so we are going to call her either Mac or Kenzie." Jay then said, "I like Kenzie that's really cool!" Allison thought for a bit and then tried it out, "Kenzie Chase, hmm… I think we have a winner!"

Greg stood on the far side of the room leaning against the wall watching both the Wilson & Chase families. Sure he had Isaac & Immy now, but he still felt lonely. James had Lorelai and Allison had Chase, who did he have? Again Greg felt jealousy settle in his heart and as hard as he tried he couldn't push it away. He wanted someone too! Now if he could only stop acting like an asshole all the time… that would be the hard part for Greg.

The End – Would anyone like to have a sequel to this story?