"Alright, everyone let's pay attention to the people who show us what they bought today and then you can ask any questions you may have." Minoru told the class. "First up, Vegeta."

"..." Vegeta pouted as he stomped to the head of the class. He held out his video game. "This is my psp. My papa bought it fo' me cause I didn't swear all month."

"That's so great, Vegeta." Minoru told Vegeta, who blushed slightly when Minoru gave him a small pat on the back. "Anyone have any questions."

"I get stuff even if I curse." Seto told Vegeta, who licked his tongue out.

"Seto, no bragging. Vegeta, we do not lick our tongues at our classmates." Minoru scolded them. "You may go back to your table. Bluma." Bluma quickly ran up.

"I have a capsule." Bluma said.

"Yucky, medine?" Yusuke exclaimed with a frown.

"Yuck!" Keiko agreed.

"It's not medine! It's a cool thingy that you can put a lot of stuff in." Bluma told them.

"Can I hide all Dad's stuff that I broke in there?" Jou asked Bluma, who nodded. (Minoru rolled here eyes.).

"Uh, huh."

"My brother when he's being mean to me." Yugi asked.

"Uh, huh."

"What about my older sister?" Kuwabara asked.

"Uh, huh."

"My evil step-father?" Kaiba asked.

"Uh, huh."


"Alright..." Minoru held her hands up. "Lee calm down. That is what prison is for."

"Oh..." Lee looked down.

"But it was a good idea." Que Lee's bright smile.

"You may sit down, Bluma." Minoru said quickly. "Turles."

"I bought a flash bom-"

"NO!" Minoru shouted, then cleared her throat. "I mean...Turles, we do not bring flash bombs to school. Let me hold it."

"But...if I don't bring it home, Daddy will know I took it." Turles explained to Minoru as she took the bomb from him and placed it in a drawer in her desk.

"Then, you shouldn't have taken it without permission." She told him as he pouted and stomped to his seat.

"Uw...you gonna be in so much twoubl." Naruto told Turles.

"It's trouble, idiot! At least, I have all my teeth." Turles teased Naruto, who frowned.


"I BRING THE YOUTHFUL POSES THAT MY FATHER AND MENTOR HAVE TAUGHT ME!" Lee exclaimed as he went to the front of the classroom and started doing poses.

"AH! My eyes! My eyes!"

"Why so bwight!"

"NO!" "It hurts to look at him!"

"Don't go into the light, Yugi!"

"Hold me close, Sango!"

"Teacher, Miroku is trying to touch me in a naughty place."

"I can't see!"

By the time that Lee was done and sat down, the class felt like their eyes were gonna pop out of their heads.

"Um...Next up Sesshomaru."

Sess shyly walked up to the front and shoved a boa in front of him.

"This is my mommy's boa. It's really soft and fluffy. Daddy bought it for her before she died." Sess told the class. Sensing this was a touchy and emotional item for Sess, Minoru told him he could sit down.

"That was a very beautiful boa." Minoru told Sess, who gave her a small smile. "Naruto, you may come up."

"This here is a Wamen pack! You can cook it an' eat it! Only big people can cook it thou'." Naruto said as he showed them a chicken favored ramen noodle cup.

"Can I have it?" Goku asked. Naruto frowned and moved to hold the cup behind him.

"NO!" Naruto told him. Goku pouted.

"But I'm hungry." Goku told him.

"You're always hungry Kakarot." Turles stated, earning a little glare from Goku.

"I'm hungry." Inuyasha said.

"Me too." Miroku said, eagered to agree with his new best friend. Yami, Yugi, Kagome, Sango, and many others nodded their head. Minoru gave a long sigh and wondered why they gave her so many students. It was usually 10 to 1. Oh, yeah...she took that bet with the principle and loss. Damn!

"I'm hungry, too." Ino said.

"Pigs are hungry all the time." Sakura pointed out. Before it could become an argument, Minoru stood up.

"How about we have snack time and finish show and tell later." Minoru said. "Alright, everyone go to your buddy chubbies and get your snack. We'll eat in the playground today for snack time."

"Yea!" Everyone cheered.

"What are you doing, Vegeta?" Hiei asked curiously as he ate his go-gurt. Vegeta was rotating between eating his oatmeal cookies to drawing a picture with crayons.

"I'm drawing a picture for-..." Vegeta trailed off with a blush as he glanced at Minoru who was holding a crying Naruto in her lap.

"I did tell you it was too hot. Wait until your ramen cools." She told Naruto, who nodded his head and smiled when she kissed his forehead. Vegeta looked back down and continued his drawing.

"What you drawing?" Neji asked. Sasuke nodded his head.

"It's a picture for Teacher." Hiei told them. Vegeta blushed and glared at Hiei.

"I want to draw one for Teacher too!" Goku exclaimed. "She's nice and pretty."

"She doesn't want your baka picture." Vegeta told Goku, who pouted.

"His pictures not beke." Turles said, standing up for his twin. "Yours is!"

"It's baka, stupid." Hiei told Turles as he stood up for his twin also. Turles growled a firece growl...it actually kind of sounded like an angry kitten...anyway, he jumped on Hiei and they started fighting.

In the mist of fighting, Vegeta's picture got messed up and his cookies were squished to crumbs. Vegeta started fighting too. Not wanting to be left out, Goku jumped in on the fight too.

"Look, they fightin'." Naruto told Minoru, who placed him on the ground and quickly went over to break up the fight. On the way over, however, she tripped and fell. She hit her head on a conveniently placed rock. Her last thoughts before she blacked out were: "Why the hell did I take that bet?"