Veronicas POV

Lilly was 13, and me, Logan, and Duncan were all 12. I always wondered why she hung out with us, but I never asked her. It was one of those things that we never asked but really knew the answer.

"O! Let's play truth or dare!" Lilly said, with laughter, of course.

"Ok," I replied. I always hated this game because I was shy and Lilly knew that but she suggested it anyway. Lilly knew how to make me mad! But I loved her anyway!

"Ok, Logan will go first!"

"Ugh. Fine. Lilly, truth or dare?" he asked

"Of course its dare!" she yelled!

"Ok I dare you to kiss someone in the room on the lips!" he said getting in position. Everyone knew that Lilly and Logan had occasional make-out sessions. It wasn't anything serious. But she stopped when I told her I liked him. After she heard that, she's been trying to get Logan to ask me out.

She walked to where Logan and I were sitting and went into Logan's face. Just as he leaned in she changed and kissed me!

"OH MY GOD! THAT IS SO GROSS!" Duncan yelled

"Ha…a little girl-on-girl action!" Logan said.

"LILLY!! That's disgusting!" I screamed!

"Ok my turn. Veronica, truth or dare?"

"Truth," I said, taking the easy way out as everyone scoffed.

"Ok. What did you think of Logan when you first met him?"

Lilly knew I had a huge crush on him. I first thought that he was so cute and nice and that I wanted to be his girlfriend! "That he was nice and polite…and kind of cute." I said being quiet at the end and then didn't look at him.

"Seriously? You thought I was hot!" he said acting arrogant.

"NO! not hot! I said cute. Ok my turn! Umm…Duncan, truth or dare?"


"Ok. I dare you to…sit on Logan's lap and kiss his check!" I laughed!

"EWW! No way dude! Come on do something better!" he whined.


----Later into the game----

"Logan I dare you to…make-out with Veronica for 10 minutes!" Lilly yelled.

"Lilly! What are you doing!" I whispered.

"Ok. Fine with me." His tone made me VERY nervous!

"Veronica you will be fine! Just let him lead. He. Is. A. Good. Kisser!" she said.

Logan and I sat on the couch as he leaned in. I went with my instincts and I gave him a peck on his check. I know. Lame. But it was Logan Echolls.

"Ronnie that was so lame! What, are you afraid that I can kiss better? Or are you just nervous. I'm going with option A!" he said

I knew his game. He was trying to get me mad so that I would cave. It wasn't going to work. Even though he was right. I was afraid. But only because I never ever kissed a boy.

"Oh my God!! This is going to be your first kiss!! Isn't it! You cant hide it. I can see your embarrassment in your eyes!"

I caved! I quickly put my lips on his and rapped my hands around his neck. I stratled my legs over his and he put his hands on my lower back.

"Well I'll be damned! LOOK DONUT! Don't they look so adorable kissing!"

10 minutes passed and we were still going at it. I was starting to feel very sick, so I pulled back and ran into Lilly's room.

"Uh-oh. I'll be right back," Lilly said getting up and following me.

"Veronica what's wrong! You finally kissed him! You've been waiting for like ever! And know you're sitting in my room crying?" she said

"Lilly, I don't feel so good. I want to go home." I said between sobs

"V, you're just nervous. It was you're first time. Come on, I promise that if you just try it again you'll be fine!"

"No…Lilly really" I was cut off because I ran out the door and straight to her bathroom. I leaned over the toilet and started gagging.

"Oh my god! Veronica hold on" she said as she ran downstairs.

"You guys help quick! Veronica is sick! She's gagging in the toilet! I think she needs to throw up but she wont let it come out!" Lilly said sounding nervous.

Logan's POV

The 3 of us ran upstairs. I was getting nervous. I liked her. A LOT! I didn't want her to be sick.

"veronica what's wrong?"

"I…don't…feel…good! I feel really week and sick." She cried.

"do you have to throw-up?" Duncan asked.

I shook my head yes. "But I don't want to. I hate to throw-up!"

"veronica you have to let it out! You could get really sick!"

Veronica's POV

"NO!! I'm not going to!" I yelled.