Deadly Seduction

Summary: It was him that made her pregnant, it was him who left her and it was him who denied their child. Now 5 years later after their graduation, she sees him again. Only this time, she would keep away from him and his hell hole world.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry potter although I wish I did.


"Hey wait!" A voice said roughly. And by the sounds of it I knew it was Malfoy.

"Shit" She muttered as she quickly pressed the 'close' button. "Come on.."

As she watch the door as it was about to close a hand clamped on to the door. Oh god, she thought as the hand slowly eased the door open and she came face to the glaring Draco Malfoy.

Chapter 3

"You can't run" He growled as he got inside the elevator. He hit the closed button and stood in front of her, his face inches away. She could smell his cologne...he smelled so nice. She wanted him. She had always wanted him...but her brain always got the good of her. She would never let her body take control of the situation...never. She knew that it would only cause trouble if she did.

"W-what are you talking about?" Hermione murmured as she took a step backwards and felt the elevator walls. He was getting closer to her and she couldn't even move a inch back.

"You know what I mean" He whispered in her left ear as he clamped his hands on each side of her head.

"I won't give in" Her breath shooked as he put his mouth to her neck. It felt was the same as when she was in his office before. But this felt better.

"You smell nice..." He trailed off as he slowly kissed her.

"Stop it"


"I-I'll sue you for sexual harrassment"

"How can you sue me for sexual harrassment when you yourself is giving in to my kisses?" He asked quietly as he gently took her mouth in his. His lips were soft and moist. He was so so gentle. Unlike the Malfoy she knew before. Sure...he had the same attitude...the same snobby style..but his touches...they soft. Every touch gave a electrical spark up her spine. She gasped as he began biting her lip which were getting alittle swollen from the kissing.

"You know I'm not this kind of person. Now let me go." She whispered.

He pulled back alittle and she looked into his eyes. Her stomache churned...he was really a good looking man...but she couldn't give in that easily. No way. She was on a mission and she would do anything to finish it. Besides, she was suppose to be getting payback. She guessed that she was getting him turned on...but he didn't love her yet.

Draco's eyes were filled with lust...but he still spoke smoothly.

"I got what I wanted"

"What did you want?"

"To feel your lips" He murmured as he took another kiss before she heard the elevator doors open on the ground floor and he got out. "Remember, don't be late tomorrow"

She stood there frozen, watching his back. Hermione touched her lips. They were a puffy pink. She had wanted to punch the shit out of him. To put a bag over his head and kick him hard. Then she would get a bat and hit him hard at each of his body parts. But she knew she couldn't get herself to do it. Although thinking about it from time to time was nice.

She wasn't worried though. She had other ways to get payback.

Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.Dinner for Drake.

Shit, she thought as she rushed out of the elevator. It was 6:30pm. Drake was a smart smart as she was. Even though he was young of age, he had a natural instinct which would tell him what to do.

But he was still too young to cook dinner. He was only 5.


"Drakieeee" She called out through her condo as she went through the front door. It took her 20 minutes to get home and it was almost 7pm. She decided that she wouldn't cook today so she got a medium pizza. With only cheese. Drake had only liked chesse, nothing else...he was disgusted with pepperoni.


His soft voice was coming from her bedroom. She walked to the door and found Drake looking at pictures from her Hogwart days. Her face turned alittle pale as she slowly walked to her son and kneeled down.

" never told me daddy looked like this" He whispered as he turned to face her with his pale blue eyes all watery.

"Oh Drake...your daddy was a bad man. I didn't want you to see him..." She whispered as she took her son in her arms and held him tight. He was adorable...and as cute as ever. She was thankful that her son didn't get any of Malfoy's attitude. "Can I have back daddy's picture? Drake?"

"I don't want to see him ever" He said quietly as he pulled back alittle and gave her the picture.

When she looked at it, she laughed inside her head. Her Drake was so silly...but she didn't want to laugh in front of his face...she didn't want him to get mad. The picture wasn't even Draco Malfoy. It was that time when she, Ron and Harry went to a muggles restaurant called Macdonalds and she had taken a picture with Ronald...the mascot or something like that.

She was still happy that Drake didn't seen Malfoy's real picture though.

"Mum..I'm hungry"

"Alright...I got us pizza. Lets go out and eat"


"Yes cheese."

"No pepperoni?"

"No pepperoni" She chuckled as she held his small hand and led him into the dining room.

Drake was hers. He was the special person in her life that kept her going...the person that would always be there for her. It had been Draco was the past. She was focusing on the future. To get her missions complete...get her payback...and then she would move away from the horrid place of where she would always see Malfoy.


"Hermione..." He whispered as he took her mouth in his.

"Oh Draco" She murmured as she looked at him. His eyes were so beautiful...she had never really seen anything like it...and she could stare at them all day.

He would be her first...and she wanted to cherish the moment forever. She wanted it to be a special night...only thinking about them both...only thinking about their relationship. Nothing else. She didn't care about the other women he had been going out with before...she knew he loved her. She just knew it. She was risking her love for him...but she didn't care. She knew it was worth it...atleast she hoped it was worth it.

"Are you ready?" He asked as he stroke her cheek with his hands. Kissing her neck.

"You know I am" She chuckled alittle as he kissed her again on the lips.

"I don't want you to regret this...ever" He whispered as he slowly took her in his arms.

She woke up, beads of sweat coming down her forehead.

She had dreamed the night where it had been her first time with Draco. He was the first...and had beem always the first. She had actually been kind of her first of everything. He had been her first love. He had wanted her to not regret it that night...but now she did. She never knew she would regret it. But every memory of them being together was coming back. And it hurt.

She sobbed alittle as she tried to cover up the past in her head.

"Mummy?" A small voice whispered as her bedroom door slowly creaked opened and Drake came in while rubbing his eyes. "I couldn't sleep"

"Come here" Hermione murmured as he walked towards her bed and she lifted him up into the bed with her. She hugged him tightly as she and him laid down on the bed, covering themselves with her blanket. She carefully stroked his soft platinum hair. "Sleep Drake...Mummy's here"

She heard him yawn as she watched him. Hoping that their would be more happier days in the future.