A/N. I wrote this for as part of my claim at 78-tarot, for the card 'The Fool'. For information on the meanings of the cards, do a search on Wikipedia. I would directly link you if the site allowed me to, but alas, it doesn't. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own House, MD, nor the copyrights to the song 'The Sun' which is referenced in the title and summary.
The Battle's Almost Won
There was an undeniable innocence to him. Perhaps it was the way the light fell across his soft cream skin, so delicate in its pallor, or maybe the glint of the sun in his bronze-brushed hair. Perhaps it was the vulnerability of seeing him in her bed, his limbs splayed carelessly in slumber and naked except for where his torso was entangled in her crisp white cotton sheets. She knew that if she were to lie next to him, she'd be able to smell his scent – lemons and jasmine and a faint hint of sweat, golden and warm.
Whatever it was that made him so untouchably pure, it was like drops of white wine to her, or champagne, something brilliant and sweet and glimmering with the sun. He was her new beginning, she decided, her second – make that third – chance at happiness. And for all his optimism and mistakes, she let herself believe that this time she really had a shot at making things right. They were both so earnest. Maybe they both wanted it badly enough for it to work.
Cameron wondered sometimes if they were too much alike – both too idealistic, too sympathetic, too needy of neediness – to fix each other. It was all about healing, after all, about mending the tears and scars of time and past relationships.
But then there were other times… times when their clumsy kisses made her chuckle because it was like they were teenagers whose inexperienced fumblings could yield nothing but an eventual dissolution into laughter. A day at the beach when, halfway between the dunes and the car he pressed a small stormy blue pebble into her hand and told her it reminded him of her eyes, or the time she lean into his shoulder in the MRI observation room because she could tell he was exhausted and wanted to infuse him with some of her energy. It didn't work, but she got a tiny smile and a murmur of thanks for the effort, and later that night he kissed her on the lips and told her he loved her. (It wasn't the first time and it wouldn't be the last.)
Moments when all of their willingness and abandon made it seem like this could be the dawn of something new in her life, as if she hadn't seen the sun for years and suddenly, inexplicably, it was rising in his eyes.