Day 10

They stayed at the inn for several more days, recuperating. They decided that once they departed Ireland, they shouldn't make contact for at least six weeks. In the interim, they both would be investigating the names in the file as well the brainwashing technique the Covenant was using.

Friday morning they decided they would have to leave the next day. Jack thought they should take the day to visit some local shops and museums. He was also planning to take Irina to dinner that night as a surprise.

When they walked past a clothing shop on the way back to the inn, Jack stopped. "Let's go in," he suggested.

"What for?"

"We need some new clothes."

"What for?" she repeated, exasperated.

"We are going to Aingel & Diabhal." It was one of the places they had truly enjoyed on their honeymoon. Delicious food and great dancing.

"Really, Jack?"

"Really," he smiled, indulgently. "I want you to buy something extravagant. The sky's the limit."

Once in the shop, they went their separate ways. Jack found himself a nice Gucci suit within 20 minutes and waited for Irina in the chairs at the front of the store. Finally, she emerged from the racks with her purchase carefully concealed.

"What did you get?"

"A dress."

"Uh, huh. Could I see it?"

"No. Not until we leave for dinner. Now pay up, Mr. Bristow."

Heaving a sigh, Jack paid for their garments and they continued back to the inn to dress for dinner.

Irina commandeered the bathroom as she readied herself. Jack waited for a while before he began getting dressed himself, knowing it would take her forever before she was satisfied with her appearance.

Just as he was about to pound on the door, Irina exited. She looked stunning in an emerald green, strapless silk dress that stopped halfway down her calf. The skirt had a slit up the left side. Jack let his gaze linger tantalizingly.

She returned the favor, taking in his all black suit and shirt. A silver tie that matched the silver in his hair offset the darkness. That man did things for black that made her blush.

Jack offered her his arm, gallantly, "Shall we?"

Irina took it, nodding, and they were off to the restaurant.

They spend the evening as any normal couple would. They made sure to steer clear of topics that would incriminate or upset, instead discussing more mundane ones like books, movies, or music. And when George Strait's Lead On started playing, Jack held out his hand and asked Irina to dance.

He held her close and as she lay her head on his heart she could feel the vibrations as he sang quietly along. Irina felt as though he were singing the words straight from his soul.

She said I don't recall

Seeing you around

You must be new to this town

Said I'm just passing through but

Girl from the looks of you I

Could see me settlin' down

Then she smiled and said the invitation's open

'Cause you look like just what I've been waiting on

So I said why don't we take

This matter somewhere else

And get to know this feeling that's so strong

Lead on

She said I had a love once

But he just up and left me

I said I be he broke your heart

I had a love once too but

I acted like a fool oh

What I'd give to be back in her arms

Then she smiled and said the invitation's open

'Cause you look like just what I've been waiting on

So I said why don't we take

This matter somewhere else

And get to know this feeling that's so strong

Lead on

She said I don't recall

Seeing you around

You must be new to this town

When the dance was finished, Jack paid the bill and they left holding hands.

Back in their room, Jack and Irina sat on the couch awkwardly. Neither knew what to say.

"I'm going to miss you," she said at last.

"I'll miss you, too."

Irina turned and planted a soft kiss on his lips. Hungrily, he opened his mouth and began a duel with her tongue. She pulled his tie off and began unbuttoning his shirt as he unzipped the back of her dress.

"Bedroom," she instructed.

Jack lifted her with ease and carried her to the bed. He set her down, then climbed up behind her, planting kisses on the bare expanse of her back and neck. All the while, he was tugging the front of the dress down. Her nipples puckered as the cool air hit them and she gasped as his warm fingers played with the tips. He urged her to stand up so he could slip the dress the rest of the way off.

Kneeling in front of her, Jack placed an open-mouthed kiss on her abdomen. He started peeling her stockings down, kissing the skin that was revealed as we went. By the time he reached her feet, Irina was a quivering mass of arousal.

"You're wearing too many clothes," she managed to get out.

"That can be rectified," he asserted. He lay her down, then proceeded to strip down to his boxers. He lay next to her, kissing her as his hands parted her thighs. He stroked two fingers in and out while his thumb worked at her clit. It wasn't long before she climaxed, shouting his name.

"That was amazing," she said breathlessly.


"My turn," Irina had a wicked gleam in her eye.

She cupped him through his shorts, marveling at his restraint. She helped him shimmy out of the boxers then licked a path down to his erection.

"Irina, you don't have to," Jack groaned as she kissed the tip.

"But I want to. Just lay still and let me do all the work."

He attempted to follow her directions, but try as he might; it wasn't long before he was thrusting into her mouth. She managed to take him all the way in, alternately licking and sucking.

"Oh, God, Irina! I'm . . . gonna . . . come!"

She didn't stop, let him explode in her mouth. Soon she was lying next to him again; both sated for the moment.

When he regain his breath, Jack said, "You didn't have to, especially . . . you know. I tried to warn you."

"I told you I wanted to. I love the taste of you. Besides, it's been a long time since anyone has made me feel this good," she paused, "So, old man. You ready for round two?" Irina reached down and gripped him, not surprised to find him hard again.

"Who you calling old? As I recall, you're only two years younger. And I believe my lifestyle is slightly less stressful than yours."

Irina straddled him, helping him to find her entrance, and the argument was over. As he slid home, Jack groaned. He looked up to see tears running down her face.

"Did I hurt you?"

"No . . ."

"Then what?"

"It's just that it hasn't been like this for me since . . . you. And I never though I'd be with you again. I just want to remember this feeling for the rest of my life." She began to move in a leisurely pace, encouraging him along.

They moved together slowly, wanting to savor each other's bodies. Eventually, Irina sped up, and Jack flipped her over. He plunged in and out; he would pull almost all the way out before pushing all the way back in. It wasn't long before Irina cried out in ecstasy, her cries only increasing Jack's desire. A few more thrusts and he shouted her name as she came for a final time.

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph," he sighed.

"I don't think they had anything to do with it, sweetheart."

Jack sighed again. He pulled the covers over both of them. "We need to get some sleep."

"Jack . . . don't go away on me."

"I'm not. But we have to leave early tomorrow. I want to spend the rest of the night with my arms wrapped around you."

"It won't be forever, you know."

"I do."

"Jack," she said after a moment.


"I love you."

"Love you, too."