
A/N: I do not own Love Hina or anything from it.

side note this is going to be a one shot and pretty much nothing more than that, well unless people ask for more then I would definately consider it, this story will contain the feelings that Kitsune has and how she will deal with them so I hope that you will enjoy this.

" means talking "

means thought


In the evening time Mitsune Konno or, as she is known by her friends, Kitsune could be often seen lounging in one of the few lounge chairs up on the roof of the Hinata Inn; this is the place where she liked to be alone and think about whatever has happened during the day or her life in general. But on this particular evening she was not thinking about the day's events or anything of that nature at all.

In fact… she was thinking about Keitaro Urashima, the current owner and manager of the all-girls dorm. Kitsune was not blind; she knew that Keitaro had his feelings set on her best friend, Naru.

But still, that didn't stop her from dreaming…and dream she did.

As Kitsune lay in her chair thinking about her manager she couldn't help but hear the shouts that were echoing throughout the roof access door, which was left open so that Shinobu could come up to hang the laundry or Motoko, who would be able to practice her kata's, and of course for Kitsune to lounge and have a silent drink by herself.

Within a few minutes the shouts that she had heard before came to a violent halt and she could hear the all-too familiar scream and crashing sound which meant that Keitaro had just been launched by either Naru or Motoko for probably doing something that they deemed perverted.

And to their credit nearly everything Keitaro did was perverted, according to them.

But Kitsune knew better. She had either witnessed or been involved in most of the incidents of his supposed perverseness. She knew that Keitaro couldn't do anything about his natural clumsiness. She knew it were all accidents for him to trip over his own feet and grab whatever he could reach to keep his balance, which usually was a girl's shirt, skirt and so on, as well as walking in to clean the hot springs while one or two of the girls were having an evening bath.

It made Mitsune giggle as she remembered everything Keitaro had gone…and still was going through.

At that moment there was another crash and a cloud of dust just a few feet away from her. She looked over and what she saw made her stomach turn over just a bit: he was lying in a small crater in the hardwood floor, which was made by the impact and she could see numerous cuts and bruises already starting to form over his body.

And at that point she made a decision that would probably change her relationship, not only with Keitaro himself but with the other girls as well. So she got up and walked over to Keitaro and helped him out of the crater he created.

"Keitaro…I think we need to talk" she said to him as she helped him keep his balance.

"What about Kitsune?" he asked her while still looking down at the hole he had just been helped out of.

"About what is going on around here" she said evenly, and at that Keitaro finally looked up and what he saw there kind of frightened him: the reason was Mitsune having a look of anger.

'No, wait…' he suddenly thought. It wasn't just anger… but also sympathy and what looked like… longing?

"What do you mean…What's going on around here…? I don't understand." he said to her as he looked down at his feet.

"Keitaro…just listen to me 'kay? Now, where to start...?"she stopped as she sat herself and Keitaro down on the chair she had been lying on previously. "Keitaro I have noticed that… no matter what you always seem to get blamed and beaten up for, everything that happens around here whether it's your fault or not…" at this she stopped because Keitaro decided to interrupt.

"Well most of the time it IS my fault Kitsune…I mean, if I wasn't so clumsy or…perverted than maybe, they wouldn't blame me so much for everything…" Kitsune felt a pang of guilt at his words; she knew damn well that her own antics had caused a fair share of his pain, but she decided to press on anyway.

"Listen to me Keitaro. Yes you ARE clumsy but I for one… don't think you are perverted. Because I KNOW that you have never meant to walk in on us while we are in the springs or…I don't know, when you fall over and grab onto somethin' you shouldn't…I mean come on Keitaro! If someone would remember to put up the 'occupied' sign then… things like that wouldn't happen! In any case Keitaro… you have to remember that accidents happen, and that not everyone here thinks you're a pervert." at this Keitaro looked up at her face once again.

"Not… everyone...? But then WHY does it feel like you ALL blame ME for everything?" he said with evident pain in his eyes.

"Because Naru and Motoko have practically HAMMERED the idea that you're a pervert, and that everything is your fault into your brain! But I, for one… am here to tell you that's NOT true because I have it on good authority that Shinobu-chan, Su-chan, Mutsumi-san and me DON'T blame you for these accidents" at this, she could see his face start to brighten up at her words.

"Kitsune... I'm not sure what I can say right now. The only thing I can think of is… thank you." he said with a smile on his face, which in turn brought a smile to Mitsune's own lips.

"Keitaro… there's this…one other thing that I want to talk to you about." she stopped, not sure on how to bring it up.

"What is it?" he looked at her with in full attention.

"Well...I know that you have… strong feelings for Naru-chan" 'Hell, you're all head-over-heels for her' she stopped short of saying, "and I know that you believe that she is your Promised Girl but… there is something that I must say now because if I don't… then I will never know if I ever had a chance"she didn't finish because Keitaro cut her off.

"What do you mean… you never had a chance? A chance for what?" he asked in complete confusion.

At this, Mitsune drew a deep breath to calm down before speaking again.

"What I mean is that in the past and… on more than one occasion, I have put my own feelings aside for someone that I loved. It was because Naru had also the same feelings for the same person and so… I felt that she should have'em 'cause I felt she deserved more than I did. But on the times that I have done this for her she… never had the…guts…to make a single move and it made me so angry that I… threw away any chance that I have had to be with that person. But not this time Keitaro...this time I AM going to take a chance and tell this someone how I truly feel about them"

"You should have never put your feelings aside for Naru or anyone else Mitsune…it's just… not right." He tried to comfort his friend and tenant.

"I know Keitaro. And you're right. This time I'm not letting this go. I just want to let him know… how I feel. I know how to do it…but I'm not sure I have the guts…" she stopped to look him in the eye.

"Well, I'm not one to talk about courage, but…well…if you think the way you have in mind is right, then…just do it!" he scratched the back of his head with a goofy smile at his advice. This made Mitsune's lips turn upwards into a true, heart-felt smile.

"That's good advice, sugar" and with that same smile on her lips she rose up from her seat and walked over to Keitaro.

The hairs at the back of his neck stood as the voluptuous woman drew closer to him.

"Ki..Kitsune..wh..what a-a-are you do-doing?" he stuttered.

"I'm taking your advice Kei-kun" she said almost casually. She knelt down in front of him and spoke the words that she longed to say for so long.

"Keitaro, I love you"


A/N I hope that you all enjoyed that, I wanted to do something like this because I feel Kitsune doesn't get enough credit and I feel that she would go great with Keitaro.