Rose sat at breakfast with Cal. She stared hard at her tea, wishing this day would end.

Suddenly, she realized Cal was staring at her. He spoke up, "Sweetpea, I asked if you would like to shop around today." Rose just simply nodded, and stared back into her tea. Then, she set her cup down. "I'll go dress now."

Rose walked out of the room, and down the hotel corridor to her suite. Room number 43. She scanned all the door numbers until she found hers. On the right of her was Cal's. She opened the door, and walked in. Trudy was making her bed. "Oh. Thank you Trudy. I would like to dress when you are done."

"Yes, miss." Trudy pulled out a corset, and a pale blue day dress. "Would you like to wear this, miss?"

"Uh. Yes. That will do."

20 minutes later, Rose walked towards Cal's Room, she looked stunning in her blue dress, with her hair pinning up exquisitely, with a matching blue hat pinned on top of it.

Rose knocked slightly, then walked in. "Darling? Are you ready?" Cal walked up to her, smiling, "Yes. Let's go."


They took the lift down to the lobby floor, and walked out into the blazing morning sunlight. Parked in front of the hotel was their white Renault. The driver opened the door for Rose and Cal.

"Since you only had tea this morning, I thought we would go out for breakfast, sweetpea."
Rose cringed at the pet name, but instantly became composed, smiling.

"That sounds nice."