Standard Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho, Yoshihiro Togashi does, but I did wish I owned it (sob). If I did Hiei and Kurama should have been together…

A Comedy

Sorry I haven't updated in such a long time. I had so many things to do. Now it's almost the end of the school year, so hectic! So I am really sorry for not updating in such a long time. Well, I noticed that I haven't gotten so much reviews, but not that I am expecting, but I guess that people wouldn't understand my story after all it did start in the falling action. My story doesn't really have a plot, it didn't have an exposition, and it began at the falling action. So yeah, I guess it is understandable. Well for those who read my finished fanfiction 9 Months of Maternity I think that these last two chapters would have a better fit than the original one I made. I mean, replace the last two chapters in the story 9 Months of Maternity to this two shoot A Comedy. So anyway, I am kind of wasting my time in just making the A/N so here's the last chapter! Hope you enjoy!


Three years have past, the half-koorime demon lived with the redheaded fox, and both had such a strong bond that they were capable of creating life. Whichever gender a Koorime was she is still capable of bearing a child, regardless of being a man or a woman. It happened to the half-koorime, Hiei. He bore a daughter with the fox.

As the years past, Yuki had grown to become a child who is smart, lively, healthy and happy. She lived peacefully in a new home with both of her parents guiding her and watching over her.

Kurama thought that it was about time his family moved into a house right after Yuki was born. After six months after Hiei's labor, they moved into a new house. It wasn't too special; it was just a simple house where a small family could live in. They avoided many people so they decided that they would have the house near by the woods, and also they thought it was more convenient because there were times either Hiei or Kurama would be asked to go to Makai. And so the dream house was put into reality.

Ding, Dong!

The doorbell rang. Hiei was with his daughter, they were watching TV. Kurama wasn't home, he was at work or at least he was he was suppose to be out half an hour ago. It was 6:30pm, a Friday.

"Yuki, can you get the door? I think it's your Otosan." Hiei asked his daughter. Yuki was only allowed to answer the door when Hiei asked her to, Hiei knew who was coming through the use of his Jagan eye. And this time the visitor was safe.

"Okay Papa." She jumped down from the sofa and answered the door as her father told her to do so. She went to the door, barely even reaching the door knob, she tiptoed. She finally got a good grip of the door and opened it.

Kurama was outside the door, he pretended to be surprised and carried his daughter as he saw her. "Hi Otosan!" She said as Kurama carried her, she kissed her father on the cheek. Kurama laughed.

"Hi sweetie, I really missed you. How's your day?" Kurama kissed Yuki on the forehead, and closed the door behind him. He took of his shoes and went to the living room carrying his daughter.

"Fine! Papa and I did weird things today. He thought me how to take a bath all by myself! Also, he thought me how to dress up by myself!" Yuki was cheerful as she said her "adventures" of the day. Kurama went to his mate, and greeted him with a kiss.

"Oh is that so? So do you know how to do these things now?" Kurama sat at the sofa still holding her.

"Er…well, I'm still practicing…" She admitted she didn't accomplish what was thought.

Kurama laughed.

"Otosan! It hard to put the shirt on! There are too many holes! I don't know which one was for my head and for my hands! And putting the shampoo was scary…I think that the bubbles would go to my eyes…Papa washed away the soap, but still!" The little girl pouted.

"Well practice makes perfect Yuki. You're still young but you'll manage how to do it some day." Kurama smiled at his daughter.

Yuki grinned.

Hiei simply smiled as he watched his mate and daughter. Hiei remained at home, as usual, he was like a housewife, in other words a "housemate" (A/N: Is that suppose to be a joke?).


The family ate their dinner; surprisingly it was Hiei who cooked the dinner. Kurama had been too busy with his work to deal with housework, it was Heidi's job, and he didn't do anything at home so he was the one who cleaned the rooms, kept the house at shape, and take care of Yuki. It was unusual for the fire demon at the begging, but he had gotten used to it.

"Finish!" The little demon announced as she finished her second bowl of ice cream.

Both couple waited for their daughter to finish. At the same time they were having their own conversations. Hiei took her bowl and washed it, together with all the dishes that were used.

"Yuki, wash up, and get ready for bed now. Or do you want your Otosan to help you?" Hiei asked his daughter.

"Hn, I can do it myself." The little youkai said out loud proudly.

"Suite yourself." Hiei made a sly smile. "Go upstairs now."

As the little youkai left, Kurama turned to his mate. "Are you sure it was the right thing to do?" Kurama said his mate seated on the chair of the dinning table.

Hiei smiled. "Don't worry about her. She'll call for help when she needs it. She is three after all, not such a big baby…" Hiei returned all the wash dishes inside a cupboard.

"Yeah, but she is still our baby Hiei. Three isn't that old. You teach her things in advance, koi, don't worry, she'll learn all those when the time comes. But for now, she is still our baby." Kurama said to the fire demon who sat across the fox.

"Hn, I still think it is best for her to learn as early as now." Hiei stated.

Kurama merely laughed. "She is so much like you Hiei. You may not see it but she is so much like you. Everything comes in a right time. Don't worry." Kurama held the hands of his mate.

"HN, speaking of timing, she will be calling for you soon. She is having problems with reaching the bath soap." Hiei closed his eyes, his Jagan being reveled watching how his daughter was from the second floor.

"You shouldn't sneak up on her Hiei." Kurama smiled.

"I know, but like you said fox, she is still our baby, and I have to see every move our baby makes to keep her safe." Hiei paused.

"Otosan!! Can you help me please!!" Yuki called from the second floor.

Hiei opened his eyes. Looking at Kurama telling him to go. Kurama sighed. Yuki was still calling him from the second floor.

"Oh well, duty calls." Kurama said to Hiei as he stood from his chair. And went up the stairs.

Meanwhile Hiei did his final cleaning ups. Soon he was finished he went upstairs and settled at their room.

"Yuki?" Kurama entered the bathroom; the bathroom was inside the room of Yuki. Yuki was found in her tub her hair was tied in a bonnet. The bath was ready all it needed was soap for the fun to begin. Yuki had her bath toys ready.

"Otosan, can you reach the soap for me? I have a hard time getting it." She made an excuse.

Kurama went to the tub, all her bath toys were in the water soaked and wet. Everything was ready only she needed the soap for the fun to begin. "Alright. But I thought that you can bathe on your own, you told your Papa." Kurama said reaching the bubble bath soap and pouring some on the tub. Yuki began to mix it until bubbles were formed.

"Yes, but…" Yuki didn't want to admit that she needed help.

Kurama filled in enough soap and placed it back to where it was. "Okay sweetie, do you needed anymore help?" Kurama asked.

"Hmm…no for now, but Otosan can you stay here, can you play with me?" Yuki asked. Splashing.

"Hmm…okay, but don't get me too wet." Kurama folded the sleeves of his polo and began to play or bathe his daughter.

Both had fun. Kurama thought that playing in the water was too bad if they were soaked in such a long time, so she had to stop and get herself dry. Kurama got a towel, and wrapped it around her. He carried her out of the bathroom. Yuki was standing on the bed still naked with a towel while her Otosan was getting her, her pajamas.

Kurama dressed her up in pink pajama's the pink emphasized the color of her skin tan, which she took from her fire demon father. "Yuki better brush your teeth before saying your good nights." Kurama said to her, while cleaning up.

Yuki went to the bathroom again. She stood on a stool so that the sink and the mirror were at least her height. And then she started brushing her teeth.

"Yuki, I'll go to our room now, alright?" Kurama left his daughter as she brushed her teeth.


Hiei was settled at their room, his room with Kurama. He was lying down the bed, thinking aimlessly at thin air. Kurama entered the room; Hiei could see that Kurama did some helping with their daughter. Kurama sat on the bed just beside his mate. He couldn't resist but lie beside him and embrace him, Kurama's eyes were closed he seemed to look like he was asleep though he was not.

"Fox," Hiei called.

"Hm?" Kurama replied still embracing him.

"You look exhausted; you better get ready for bed as well before you fall asleep." Hiei said to him. Brushing his hair.

"5 minutes, I just want to feel the warmth of your embrace." Kurama said.

"Hn, fine. You always say that." Hiei smirked.

They enjoyed their quiet company for a while. Then Yuki came in their room. She usually said her good nights when she looked ready and about to sleep.

"Oh Yuki," Hiei saw Yuki at ones and pushed the fox to get up.

"Papa can I sleep here?" Yuki asked.

"Yuki…you know that you can but you have your own room." Hiei said.

Yuki looked like her own father neglected her. "Please? Papa? Otosan?" She begged.

"Come' on Hiei, don't you want to be beside your daughter just for tonight." Kurama asked him also wanting her to stay.

Hiei looked at the father and daughter. He couldn't argue with this matter with the both of them, he always lost. He sighed, "Alright, alright."

Yuki's eyes sparkled. "Yey! I can sleep with Papa and Otosan!" She leeped for joy.

Both parents smiled.

After the couple got ready for bed, they both joined their daughter who was about to sleep. Yuki was in the middle, Kurama was on her left, while Hiei was on her right. Both demons tucked her to bed putting a thick blanket over them. As they were set, they all cuddled.

Yuki was barely awake. "Good night Papa." She yawned.

"Good night Yuki, I love you." Hiei managed to grip at his daughter's forehead and kissed her.

"Good----night Otosan. Let's play again tomorrow, after you get home from your work." Yuki made a big yawn her eyes falling to sleep.

"Anything for you sweetie. Good night. Love you." Kurama kissed his daughter on the cheek.

Both mated couple embraced their child and drifted to sleep as they said their good nights. It was peaceful night. The day was ordinary but it was filled with so much life for the Minamino family. It was a small family who cared and bonded with each other. They may be three but their love for one another was great and strong. Each day was similar to this, nothing too big.


Alright, I am finally finished! Another story finished. So which would be a better ending? The original one where Hiei dies or this one? I think that this one is too fluffy though, but I like it. It's sweet in a way. It concentrates more on the life they are living at the present.

Make a poll: If I make a squeal would I base it on the story where Hiei dies or this? Take your pick…

So I've got some things to say, I am not sure if my grammar improved in anyway, but I try my best to check it before posting it. Sometimes I am just really lazy…So please just deal with me.


I turned 15 last week!!! Yey! I am Kurama's age now! Hahaha, I am so shallow. I don't feel any different though…

That's all I've to say, I may be making another story…I am not sure, no time. That's the only problem I have. Tomorrow choral recitation…grrr…Shakespeare…the horror…

So I bid my farewell this is the end of my story, A Comedy.