So how many of you want to hunt me down and hurt me for not updating sooner?? (everyone raises a hand)


I do not own OTH or anything associated with it.

Can I just say how much I'm dying without it? What's it been? Like a month since I've seen a new episode..ugh!!

In God's Hands

She'd gotten to the airport early and was now waiting by herself on a hard plastic seat to board her flight. She hadn't brought magazines to flip through, not even a book, the only one she owned brought back painful memories she wasn't ready to face. The Winter Of Our Discontent held such ties to the girl she was when she was in Tree Hill.

Looking from left to right she scolded herself for thinking he'd show up. He didn't even know she was in the airport, he didn't even know she was coming, how on earth could he come here and carry her away to her happily ever after? Brooke nearly laughed at herself for thinking these things. After the laughter the tears flooded her eyes. Brooke wasn't one to cry in front of people, especially those she didn't know but today in this airport, surrounded by all these people, she found it silly that she felt so incredibly alone. One tear after another dripped down her cheeks and she took deep breaths to calm down. Checking her watch she noticed it was soon time to board her flight. She checked to see if she had her carry on and anything else she needed, her things would be sent for in time.

An announcement echoed throughout the passenger plane and Lucas lazily woke up from his sleep. Rubbing his eyes he noticed that those around him were preparing to land. The anxious faces of people made his nerves twist. They all looked excited to get off the plane, were they waiting to see loved ones too? Waiting to see the women and men that they hadn't seen for a long time or the women and men that they so desperately needed?

The plane landed safely and Lucas took his carry on in his hands and filed out of the plane slowly even though he had an urge to shove everyone out of the way so he could get to Brooke faster.

Brooke had never been as disappointed as she was in this moment. She thought that after all the time she'd been back home Lucas would have came for her at least once, made any attempt to find her and tell her that he was sorry and that he loved her, but sadly she was boarding a plane for him, again she was the one making the effort.

Wheeling her bags over to her gate she could have sworn she heard her name being called. She did a full turn and her shoulders dropped slightly when she realized it was just her heart playing tricks with her. She cursed herself through gritted teeth and handed the man her boarding pass.

"Brooke! Brooke is that you?!" Lucas left the baggage claim running when he saw a young brunette woman from further down the airport. Nearly out of breath from dodging bystanders he caught up to the young woman and tapped her on the shoulder. "It's not you" he said sadly. This woman had no dimples, her eyes didn't sparkle like Brooke's and she looked down right pissed and definitely not cheery. He apologized to the woman and made his way back to the baggage claim.

"Lucas! Lucas Scott!" his head whipped around and he searched for her. Finally he spotted jumping and flailing from a woman on the escalator. It was her. Lucas' face lit up and he ran to her. She pushed people aside the escalator and tried her best to go down the 'up' escalator.

"Sir! Sir you can't go past here, you need a pass. Sir!" the man at the gate screamed after Lucas but it was too late. Lucas was already gone.

Brooke dropped her bags and jumped into his arms. He looped his arms around her waist and she wrapped her legs around him. He breathed her in and smiled.

"Looking for me?" she whispered when she pulled back to take a look at him.

He shook his head in amazement and smiled before kissing her. Brooke sighed softly against his lips. He set her down but never lost contact with her. She buried her head in his chest and held onto him tightly. Activity had bustled around them as people moved on from the show but Brooke and Lucas remained cemented in their spot never letting go.

"So what now?" he asked her.

"I don't know, it's in God's hands now" she smiled and he never thought he'd be as happy as he was now seeing her dimples and sparkling hazel eyes.

So that is it. Hope you guys liked it. I apologize for all the waiting...I'm horrible...sorry!!

Thank you. THANK YOU to all of you that reviewed and to all of those who read this fic. I really really really..(really times 1000) appreciate it!!

Love yah,
