Disclaimer: Kubo Tite owns Bleach, not me. I'm just playing. :3
Note: With all my drabbles, it really is up to you whether or not the word and definition have any value within the drabble itself. I don't actually start with either.
Word Count: 310
Perceptive: having or showing keenness of insight, understanding, or intuition.
"Don't make me hurt you." Ichigo didn't even need to open his eyes from where he lay, on the ground, to know who had snuck up on him.
Ishida stopped moving, becoming so still not even breath fluttered in his chest, although other things did. His hands were poised: a needle and thread in the right one, and a metallic tinted thimble on the thumb of the left. Silence reigned for moments, then minutes. Finally:
"Che. Dork." Ichigo sat up, throwing an annoyed glance and the now blue Ishida Uryuu.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Ichigo demanded, leaning back against the concrete section of the school roof's wall. His knees were bent and he rested his elbows on them, looking up at the sky.
Ishida took a gasping breath, choked, coughed, cleared his throat, and looked at Ichigo through his hair.
"I heard you got in a fight." And wanted to come up here and laugh at you. His glasses flashed menacingly.
"Eh?" Ichigo looked down at himself, fingering his tattered school uniform shirt and frowning at the rips and bloodstains in and on his grey pants.
"Yeah…so?" Was all he said.
"Mmm." Ichigo's tone had a note of practiced evenness that didn't sit well with the dark hair teen. It very much disturbed Ishida to bear witness the facets and complexities that made up Ichigo. Sometimes he almost wished he could go back to simply hating the shinigami, despite that, in his mind, he knew Ichigo was worth more than that. He didn't like seeing the more vulnerable side of his almost-friend; it wasn't natural, and it made him uncomfortable with the knowledge that there were powers enough in the world that could actually harm the insanely strong idiot.
"Give me your shirt." Ishida held out his left hand (the one with the thimble on his thumb).