WARNING: While there will be no actual 'Lemon' content contained herein, adult situations, language, violence and acts of a sexual nature are strongly implied.

Disclaimer: The rights to 'Ranma 1/2' are owned by its creator, Rumiko Takahashi. The rights to 'Gold Digger' are owned by its creator, Fred Perry. The rights to characters from other sources, which are likely to make cameo appearances, are retained by their respective creators. This story is for entertainment purposes only and written without expectation of monetary or material profit.

Notes: While drawing primarily from the original 'Ranma 1/2' Manga series, some elements and characters from the 'Ranma 1/2' Anime series may also be utilized. This is BOTH a 'Continuation' and an 'Alternate Universe' fan-fiction in regards to the characters and events of 'Ranma 1/2' and 'Gold Digger', meaning: the characters WILL be 'Out-of-Character' to one extent or another and that canon events the reader is familiar with may or may not have been altered to a greater or lesser degree. This fan-fiction is also a 'Crossover', combining elements from the two aforementioned sources. For most of the story, we will attempt to adhere closely to canon, in regards to Fred Perry's 'Gold Digger' series, but at some point, events will diverge from canon and concessions will have to be made for the intermingling of the two base series.

Furthermore, it is 'presumed' that the events of the 'Ranma 1/2' Manga series take place over a span of less than one year, as there is little, if any, real indication of the passage of time in canon. Therefore, Ranma and Akane are still freshmen at the time this story begins, while Nabiki and Kunou are juniors.

Timeframe: Immediately following the failed wedding attempt at the end of the 'Ranma 1/2' Manga series; there are several months remaining until the end of the current school year at Furinkan High... ('Gold Digger' timeframe will become apparent when introduced into the story.)

WARNING: This is self-beta'd if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, please PM me with the paragraph and fix.



Ryan Slicer

(original story concept, writing and guidance)

Book One: Control

Part Four: The Date

Ranma woke up before his father, for once, and quietly began to head out to the backyard. It was a better morning than most, but this morning, Ranma had a lot to think about.

Last night with Nabiki, Ranma felt very good after the dancing and talking. While he would like to get more details about what Nabiki knew, but he also agreed with her thoughts on if he didn't know everything, then he wouldn't go over the top with anyone if he knew what they were planning.

He also needed to think about Nabiki and what she is starting to become to him. After last night, and the kiss, Ranma was unsure of what Nabiki actually thought of him. He started to warm up, getting ready to do some katas as his thoughts started to clear. As he started to do his katas, he felt himself being watched, he didn't pay too much attention to who it was, as he could tell it was one of the Tendo sisters. He figured it was Kasumi, as she was the only one who would be up at the same time. He felt relatively calm while doing his workout, attributing it to Kasumi's calm nature and quiet reverence.

He started to wind down from his kata, and turned to find Kasumi standing there with a towel in one hand and a smile on her face, "Good Morning, Ranma. I see you are up early."

"Better than being woken by Pops." Ranma acknowledged his early rising. "Thank you for the towel, Kasumi." He took the towel she handed to him and wiped down what little sweat he had.

"You're quite welcome, Ranma-kun." Kasumi continued to smile before heading back to the house. "You want to help me with breakfast?"

"Sure thing, Kasumi." He followed her back to the house and they both began on breakfast for those in the Tendo-ke.


Nabiki awoke to the smell of her coffee being made, she looked around to find that she was still in her outfit from last night. She sat up and rubbed her forehead before reaching for her pills that keep her awake when she's been out all night at the dance clubs. She popped one in and got up. She removed her blouse and skirt before groaning that she had a bra on all night. 'I must have been very tired to have forgotten to take this off.' she thought while she changed into some comfortable clothes.

As she was putting on her shirt, a knock came from her door, "Who is it?"

"It's me." Ranma replied, "Kasumi told me to come get you."

"Alright. I'll be down in a minute." Nabiki answered once her shirt was on. She opened the door and was greeted by Ranma in his tank top and pants. She always knew he was built strong and it showed with the tank top. She gave an appreciative smile and beaconed to him, "Lead the way, Ranma-kun."

Ranma nodded and noticed that she was wearing her jeans and striped t-shirt. He went down the hall and down stairs with Nabiki not that far behind. When they got to the main living area, both he and Nabiki sat down on the same side of the table, like they did for dinner the night before.

Kasumi sat down after bringing the rice cooker into the room, sitting on the free side of Ranma, next to her father at the head of the table. Genma, roused by the smell of breakfast, had come down and saw that the side next to his good buddy was opened, and sat down next to him. The rest of the food was all ready out and Kasumi started dishing out bowls of rice for everyone.

Everyone started eating, while Soun looked at the newspaper. Genma tried to steal food from Ranma, only to be deflected multiple times. Once Kasumi started eating, she looked up from her meal, "It was a very quiet evening last night."

Both Ranma and Nabiki were in mid-bite when that statement was brought up. Both started choking on their food before reaching for the tea to wash down the food.

"What brings that up, Sis?" Nabiki says as she finally catches her breath.

"Oh, just making a little statement." Kasumi smiled at her sister, in almost a gotcha smirk that disappeared under her serene smile.

Genma looked up from his food, having stolen a small portion from Ranma as he was drinking his tea, "Where were you, Boy?" Genma questioned. "You weren't in your room after dinner."

"Ahh, well you see..." Ranma started to panic before the familiar sound came about.

ring ring.

Ranma hoped it was the same sound that he heard yesterday before coming home after school. Maybe this would save him from explaining why he wasn't in bed when Genma went to sleep.


Then a soft clank and all parties looked out to the yard and found Xian Pu with a take out box and her bike. She hopped off and grabbed the take out box and walked up to Ranma, placing the box in front of him.

"This thank you for what you did, Ranma." Xian Pu casually mentioned, "Great-grandmother say must reward people's when they do nice things."

Nabiki arched her eyebrow and looked at Ranma, who was about to wave his hands in his typical manner that meant he didn't do anything, but he silently snapped his fingers in his head to go along with an idea.

"Yeah, Shampoo. Tell the Ol' Ghoul thanks." He replied, nodding slightly to Xian Pu to go along with it.

Xian Pu almost didn't see it, but she caught on that she should run with it. "Ah yah, will tell great-grandmother. And welcome too." Xian Pu sat at the end of the table next to Nabiki.

"Oh my, should I get you some breakfast too, Shampoo?" Kasumi asked, worried that she wasn't being a good host.

"Thank you no, Nice girl Kasumi." Xian Pu replied, "Ate before delivery." She smiled at the eldest sister, knowing that upsetting her would cause her to not be able to spend time with Ranma at the Tendo home.

"I'll still get you some tea then." Kasumi got up to grab another cup from the kitchen. When she came back, most of the breakfast was finished and she handed Xian Pu her tea.

"Thank you." Xian Pu said, before taking a sip. "Ranma, great-grandmother say may need help today during lunch time. You come help, yes?"

This was almost a blessing from the Gods as it would get Ranma out of why he wasn't in bed, "Uh, yeah, if you need me. Just get me before it starts, okay?"

Xian Pu nodded and waited for Ranma to finish eating. Nabiki had done so as well and got up with Ranma. "Let's get you back on your way, Shampoo." Nabiki stated, walking her out of the house towards her bike, which Xian Pu obliged. Walking with her out of the Tendo-ke, they stopped a block away from the house before Xian Pu turned towards Ranma.

"So Ranma pick up Shampoo for date?" Xian Pu asked, "Pick up at 7:00?"

Nabiki arched her eyebrow and looked at Ranma, who looked like he was about to stammer out a response, "So you decided to play the field this time?" Nabiki gave a soft smirk, she saw him stop his response once he heard her before he turned and faced her.

"I haven't even left the dugout yet for my turn." Ranma replied after he calmed down, he smiled back at Nabiki before looking at Xian Pu, whose cheeks were puffed out as she stared at both Ranma and Nabiki.

"Ranma no play field, Xian Pu asked Ranma on real date." She leaned her bike up against the wall when they stopped, crossing her arms under her bosom. "Ranma agree to take on proper date."

Nabiki raised her hands in a surrender pose, "Easy Shampoo." Nabiki took a few seconds to think about what Xian Pu said, which she agreed that Xian Pu never got a proper date with Ranma, only Ukyo and Akane had any dates with Ranma, "I'm not saying that you can't take him out. But if you need a place to go, I'll help you get one." Nabiki almost fell back as she got subjected to the infamous Amazon glomp. She started blushing and how squishy and cuddly Xian Pu felt in her arms before she was let go.

"Thank you, Mercenary girl, Xian Pu go get ready after lunch." She pulled away from Nabiki and hopped on her bike. She took off down the street and then jumped on her bike onto a stone wall and then onto the roof of a house back to the Nekohanten.

"Uh.. sure Shampoo. I'll see you then." Ranma turned and saw Nabiki looking at him with her arms crossed. "N..N.. Nabiki, this isn't what it looks like." He started, arms flailing as he was about to explain. "When she mentioned the date I wasn't expecting it to be the next day."

"Relax Ranma, I'm not upset with you asking her on a date," Nabiki placed a hand on her chin and tapped her finger on her lips, "Though I do have to agree with her on that she hasn't had a proper date with you." She came up and patted him on the shoulder, "Besides, it's not like we're in a relationship." She bit her lip and almost cringed at how blasé it sounded to her, "But I'll still help you set it up so that you both can go on your date." She looked at him with a friendly smile, "Just think of it as another way of exploring your social boundaries." She squeezed his shoulder, letting him know that she wasn't at all upset with him.

Ranma nodded and reached up to Nabiki's hand, squeezing it as well before they both let go of each other. "Thanks, Nabiki. It actually felt good that finally someone listens to me and not just goes off the deep end when this stuff happens." he stopped for a moment to focus on Nabiki, "Instead of afterwards when they have already jumped to the wrong conclusion." He took a moment to breath before asking her the most important question. "Are you sure you're not mad that Shampoo asked me to try and go out with her. Even though I should still be mad at her for what happened at the wedding?"

Nabiki shook her head at his question, noticing that he looked more relaxed after finally telling her how he felt about the situation, while not being yelled by what happened to him and not caused by him directly. "No Ranma, I'm honestly not upset." She wasn't sure what to do, but she did know what Kasumi would do. She gently took him into her arms and hugged him, finally realizing that he didn't consciously cause most of his problems. Sometimes people took advantage of what he said or did to get what they wanted, 'Like I did.' she thought to herself. 'He really is a good guy sometimes, like what Kasumi had told me.' she pulled away from Ranma who looked back at her.

"What was that for?" He asked, while not wanting to let Nabiki go, as this also felt good to him as well. Still he was hoping he didn't upset his new friend, one that he was desperately wanting to keep.

"Let's just say, it was well overdue, Ranma-kun." Nabiki smiled before taking his arm, not noticing some of the butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she did this.

From up the street, Akane had just turned the corner as she saw Ranma and Nabiki talking, she wasn't close enough to hear them tall, but she did notice they were definitely closer to each other, like they were the other day at lunch. She thought back to what Ranma had told her during that lunch period. 'Yes, when Ranma is studying with Nabiki, Daddy and Uncle Saotome don't bother us as much, while when we do it, they are outside my door and ready with party favors and dancing.' She thought, slowly walking up to her home, she stopped when Nabiki and Ranma got back to the gate and Ranma opened it for her sister, who almost looked like she was blushing at the simple thing of Ranma opening the door for her. Akane's eyes narrowed as she saw him smile at something Nabiki said before they walked in. 'What are they doing?' She thought, wondering why they were walking back to the Tendo-ke. 'I've never seen them together except at school, so why were they together now?'

Nabiki and Ranma walked up to the stairs and headed towards their rooms, as they got to the Saotome's room, Nabiki reached out and squeezed his hand, "Just come get me after lunch, I'll think of a few places to take Shampoo out on that date." She squeezed his hand once more before heading to her room, just before she got there, a dainty hand reached out from Kasumi's room and pulled her in. Ranma blinked as he saw Nabiki disappear into Kasumi's room. He shrugged and walked into his room, deciding that it wasn't any of his concern.


Xian Pu came in the back door of the Nekohanten, her face beaming because of the feeling that she would finally get a date with Ranma. She set the takeout box on the counter towards the main dining hall and spun around, she wrapped her arms around herself and giggled at the thought. 'I get to go with Ranma, finally I have a chance!' she thought to herself, she almost squealed before she heard a loud cough behind her. "Eeep!" Xian Pu squeaked, before calming down as she saw who it was "Great Grandmother! You scared me half to death." She said, speaking in her native tongue.

"What made you so happy, Xian Pu?" Ku Lon responded, hopping off the counter and onto her staff, pogoing into the kitchen to start the grill and stove for the lunch hour coming up.

Xian Pu smiled again, showing that she did, in fact, have something to finally be happy about, "Ranma is going to take me on a date tonight. He finally is going to see that I do care about him and not for only one thing."

Ku Lon stopped what she was doing and looked at her Great Granddaughter with wide eyes. "Didn't I tell you not to upset him?" She started, "The Council specifically forbade you from trying to upset son-in-law so he wouldn't use his destructive abilities on us."

"I did not upset him. I told him that he should at least give me a chance to prove myself to him." Xian Pu replied, crossing her arms again, this time in a bit of defiance, "He finally acknowledges that I never got a proper chance to show him that I do care for him, and not just because you want his babies to be raised within the tribe." As soon as Xian Pu said that, her eyes went wide and she covered her mouth with her hands, "I'm sorry, Elder, I didn't mean..."

"It's all right child, I haven't been up front with you and have always touted that his genes would be good for the tribe. So it's no surprise that you would think that way." Ku Lon sighed and began pulling out pans to start on the lunch rush. "Still, you need to be careful and not make an enemy of the lad. He is far too powerful now that he defeated Saffron. We don't want that power turned on us because of some slight."

Xian Pu bowed her head and acknowledged that Ranma was indeed powerful now, "Of course Great Grandmother." She lifted her head and smiled, "But I have to thank the mercenary Tendo sister as she will be making sure Ranma takes me to a nice place."

"Be sure to give her a proper thanks for that." Ku Lon said as she finished her prep work for the lunch hour, "But be weary of her as well. She has been known to backstab those who get in her way."

"I will, Great Grandmother." Xian Pu replied, "I'll go get my outfit ready for tonight." And she bounced on the balls of her feet and went up the stairs to her room, not realizing that Mu Tsu was standing near the steps, hearing everything that was spoken.

'I will not let you take Xian Pu away from me, Saotome. I'll make damned sure of that.' Mu Tsu thought as he stepped away from the stairs and began to wipe down the tables.


Kasumi sat down on her bed with Nabiki sitting next to her. She held Nabiki's hand as she looked at her, squeezing it tightly, "You were almost caught last night coming home from one of your dance parties."

Nabiki sat back and pulled her hand from Kasumi's grip, waving it in front of her as if to brush off the offence that she was caught, "I made sure we were okay." Nabiki sighed and closed her eyes.

"But I saw you with Ranma. Did he leave with you? Or did he see you come in?"

"He came with me, he needed to get out of the house for a while." Nabiki mentioned as she stretched, she opened her eyes and looked at Kasumi, noticing that she gave her a sly look.

"So Ranma was that good of a gentleman hmm?" Kasumi started, finally getting something on her sister about her relationship with Ranma, "He was so good to you that you want to keep the engagement for yourself?"

"You mean that wasn't part of my dream?" Nabiki says quietly.

"It sounds to me like you want Ranma as your fiancé." Kasumi comments, shaking her head. "So you still want to tell me you two are not married now?" She teased her sister with a poke to her ribs.

"We're NOT married, Kasumi!" Nabiki forcefully tells her older sister. "You think I would be that dumb to get married to that lunkhead?"

"Why not?" Kasumi asked, "You seemed to enjoy yourself in the bath, and every time you go out with him." Kasumi gave her sister a sly smirk, finally able to get something good on her younger sibling.

Nabiki slaps her face with the palm of her hand, sliding it down to her chin, "That was going to bite me in the ass when you saw it?" She opened her eyes to look at her sister's smirk, "I'm going to regret this am I?"

"Oh no, dear sister." Kasumi continued to smile, "You just have to tell me everything that happened last night to warrant what you said."

"After lunch, Kasumi." Nabiki shook her head, "I kind of have to get my thoughts together to tell you everything."

"I'll hold you to that promise, little sister."


After lunch, Ranma sat on the roof of the Tendo home and thought about his life for a bit. He knew that Xian Pu would like to go somewhere, but he wasn't sure exactly where. His ideas kept bouncing between a park and a club, but he was unsure of that. As Xian Pu didn't come get him for the lunch rush at the Nekohanten, he figured he would ask her what the delivery was for on their date.

Thankfully Nabiki said she would help him, as it was one of the few times he took anyone out that wasn't to the park or something martial arts related, he figured he could ask her what a good place to go would be.

He took a few more moments by himself before jumping down off the roof and into the house. He walked up the stairs towards Nabiki's room and he wrapped his knuckles on the door.

"Come in, Ranma-kun." He heard Kasumi's voice come from the room, he opened the door and saw both Nabiki and Kasumi sitting on Nabiki's bed, with Nabiki shaking her head and Kasumi... Ranma had to do a double take as he saw the matron Tendo sister with a grin that looked very out of place on her.

"Is this a good time to talk, Nabs?" Ranma said as he stood at the door.

Kasumi gave him a slight nod and kept her smile up until she walked up to him, he moved out of the way and Kasumi smiled serenely to him before passing him. As he was about to walk into the middle sister's room, he squeaked as he felt someone pinch his rear. Looking behind him, he saw Kasumi give him a smile that looked like it would melt butter as she walked down the hallway towards the stairs with a bit of hip movement only he could see.

He looked back at Nabiki, whose face was actually flushed at the attention before motions with her hand to come in. As he stepped into her room, he didn't notice the door next to Nabiki's open slightly and someone watching him.

As Ranma shut the door, Akane stepped out of her room, pondering what Ranma would need to ask Nabiki about on the weekend. She shrugged and decided that it was probably still school related, as Ranma had told her, and decided that she would go workout in the dojo. 'Maybe if he gets his grades up, he won't be doing summer school to catch up in his classes. Then I could keep an eye on him so he doesn't try anything perverted with the girls who are in the lower classes if he doesn't pass.' She walked out of her room in her gi and headed towards the dojo, intending to work out what frustration she could into her workout.


Ranma sat down on the floor in front of Nabiki, who sat on her bed looking at the pigtailed youth. After seeing her sister walk past the younger Saotome and goose him, she was worried that Kasumi would start to get a little jealous of her taking Ranma out now. Nabiki shook her head, 'No, Kasumi wouldn't be jealous, though she might want to see if she could go out with him at some point.' Nabiki thought as she waited for Ranma to talk.

Ranma, however, felt like he was being paranoid that Kasumi might want to do what he asked of her and Nabiki after the wedding. Though for him it would be something that both sister's may not want to do together. He mentally shrugged his shoulders and looked at Nabiki, "You said this morning that if I needed help with the date with Shampoo to come to you."

"That's right." Nabiki nodded, her finger tapping her knee slightly as she thought of a place or two that Ranma could take Shampoo too. "A movie and a dinner, with a dance club at the end. Does that sound like a good idea to you?" Nabiki smiled as she saw Ranma nod.

"I figured the dinner and movie, but wasn't too sure where to take her for the club." Ranma sighed and closed his eyes for a moment, "Not really good at figuring out places to go that isn't a place to train."

Nabiki clicked her tongue before she stretched a bit, showing her abs and midriff. Ranma definitely got an eyeful once he opened his eyes. Nabiki looked at him and smiled slightly at his gaping look. 'Even though he saw me naked a few weeks back, just showing a bit of skin gets him bothered.' she noted in her mind, 'Looks like I still got it where it counts.' she sat back up, covering her midriff in the process before she spoke, "Well there is the Black Lotus a few blocks from the movie theater in Juuban." Nabiki thought as she tried to remember a few places, "Or there's The Regular, a place that has good music and a nice dance floor."

"Nice music there?" Ranma questioned as he thought about the two clubs. To him, the Black Lotus sounded like the first club Nabiki took him to, while The Regular would allow him to be more at ease and not have Xian Pu be more creative with her options.

"They play the usual music you hear some of the kids talk about, so it's a pretty good place to wind down after a long weekend. Drinks are pretty normal, like the one I got you our first time out." Nabiki smiled, remembering that outing, along with the older woman who got Ranma to loosen up.

Ranma nodded and took a moment to decide what to do. "So I was thinking of taking her out to a nice dinner and movie, and I think I'll take her to The Regular like you mentioned." He voiced his decision to her.

"Sounds like a good idea, I think the girls who visit Black Lotus would eat you up before Shampoo even got a chance." Nabiki shook her head as she thought of the few times she went to the Black Lotus.

Ranma nodded and stood up, with Nabiki standing to walk him out of her room. As Ranma reached out to open the door, he felt Nabiki's hand grab his free hand. He turned and looked at her, noting that she looked like she had some concern in her eyes. "What is it, Nabs?" he asked, wondering why she would be so concerned for him.

"Just be careful around Xian Pu, Ranma-kun." Nabiki said, trying to keep her voice from wavering and showing how concerned she was about this date, "You know that her great grandmother has big plans for you." She saw Ranma nod his head before he responded to her.

"I know, and I told her this was just a date because she never got one proper date unlike the other girls." He grumbled, "As long as Kodachi doesn't hear about it, this will be the last date I do with them all."

"That bad?" Nabiki questioned, tilting her head as she was very curious at the reason why he wouldn't try to go out with them again..

"I'm just sick of all the fighting between them." Ranma sighs, finally willing to get his frustrations out without yelling at Nabiki, "I understand that my father messed up with Ukyo and the Tendo family, but Xian Pu doesn't help with her 'bubbly' way of jumping on me and trying to get me to go back to China." He gently squeezed the hand that Nabiki was holding, trying not to hurt her hand as it wasn't all her fault that they were fighting over him. He knew she didn't make it better over the last year, but she was keeping up her promise not to

"And Kodachi?"

"Crazy as a loon." He grinned at her, "I'd sooner get together with Mr. Green Turtle then think of her as a viable option."

Nabiki giggled at the thought of Ranma getting together with Kodachi's pet. "You would sooner have him as a handbag than as a date." She smiled at him and hit him softly in the shoulder. "You'd better get ready for your date." She gently pushed him towards the door, "But when you get back, you need to tell me everything that happened."

Ranma looked at her before smiling at her, "Of course." He nudged her hand with his back before leaving her room.


Before Kasumi could ask if Ranma was ready, he walked down the stairs and stood at the doorway, Kasumi looked at him and noticed he was in one of his nicer blue silk shirts, his black silk pants and was about to put on his soft sole slippers. She came up to him and nodded appreciatively. "You look nice, Ranma-kun."

"Thanks, Kasumi. I'll be back later tonight." He mentioned to her so that she wouldn't worry.

"Going out with Nabiki again?" She whispered softly so that only he could hear.

Ranma shook his head, "Not tonight, but if you want, you can ask her where I'm going." He gave her a slight wave before slipping his shoes on before leaving the house, Kasumi watching him as he jumped over the wall as he left. Kasumi gave a soft sigh and went back to fixing dinner. With Ranma out, Akane might be a little more tolerable than usual.

Ranma walked down to the Nekohanten, his hands in his pockets as he traveled. Nabiki gave him some extra cash just in case he couldn't pay for everything. But with his newly budding friendship with her, he held onto more money than he usually did. It wasn't long until he was at the Nekohanten. He took a quiet breath, shook his head and walked into the den of the Amazons.

When he stepped in, the dinner rush had just started, not a lot of people at the tables or booths and Mu Tsu waiting tables. The older Amazon was in the back as usual when he came, cooking as expected. When he took a few more steps in, standing next to a table who hadn't gotten an order, plates flew out towards him, with the old woman calling out, "Pan fried pot stickers for table two, ramen special, and beef broccoli table two!" Ranma grabbed the plates in mid air and set each one at the table he was at, turning to give the two women at the table a smile as he set them at their respective patrons. The women looked up, not noticing that their waiter had changed when the plates were flying out of the kitchen. One of them did however blush at Ranma as he automatically responded.

"Here you go, pot stickers with a ramen special and beef broccoli. Is there anything else that you need?" While normally Ranma would be a waitress when he had to help the Nekohanten, he did sometimes wait tables as a male when there were more female customers than male. His voice sounded nice to the women, one of whom bearing a striking resemblance to Nabiki, blushed a bit more as she gave him a sultry smile.

"Maybe you, after you get off." She spoke, with her smile getting wider as Ranma stood there. Her companion reached over and slapped her hand.

"Shinobu, that's enough, don't tease the poor boy." The short, black haired woman sitting across from Shinobu said.

"But Ryunosuke, he's very handsome, like Ateru was when we were younger." Shinobu replied, looking back at her friend.

"And just like Ateru, probably caught up with a girlfriend or fiancee like he was. You've heard the rumors about Nerima, this Sao-something kid has several girls after him, like Ateru." Ryunosuke answered, "What if he's that guy?"

Ranma blinked at the fact that they were talking about him as if he was a soap opera character, he shook his head and began to walk away from the table, before he got into trouble. As he got closer, he was about to get on Ku Lon about using him without any payment this time, but he noticed Xian Pu coming down the stairs next to the kitchen.

Xian Pu wore a blue sill mini, with a gold trim at the edges of her dress, and a white floral pattern across the whole dress. Her hair, normally in the two bun style with the rest of her hair falling down her back like a waterfall, was now in a long braid, with a few jewels and barrettes holding her hair in place. Her ears were showing with her hair pulled back, with blue studs where most women would have their ears pierced, but upon closer inspection they were clip-on earrings. She carried a purse matching her dress and her soft sill shoes completed her outfit.

"Well, Sonny-boy, you sure you don't want to marry my great-granddaughter? She does make a lovely bride." Ku Lon spoke as she hopped out of the kitchen, noting that no new customers came in yet and she could step out of the kitchen to tease Ranma a bit before his date.

Ranma took in another breath so he wouldn't go off on the older woman, as he was only doing this date to even the girls up. Not because he had any interest in them right now, especially after the wedding incident, "Look, Old Ghoul, I'm only doin' this because Ukyo and Akane both had proper dates with me and Shampoo didn't. I still ain't too happy about the whole disaster at the Tendos because you all decided to barge in on something that you shouldn't have been at." He turned away from Xian Pu and looked at the elder amazon, "And I ain't your hired help whenever I walk in the damned door." He only half-heartedly growled out. He didn't want to ruin the evening right at the start.

Ku Lon chuckled and looked at him, "I knew it was you when you walked in, and their order was ready." Xian Pu stepped closer. She looked over Ranma and gave him a warm smile as she liked how he was dressed. She remembered that he had a blue silk shirt that was nice, and she was glad her outfit matched with his.

"Ranma look too too nice. Thank you for taking Xian Pu on date." She smiled before her eyes widened, "At ya. One moment. Forgot something." She turned and ran back up the stairs to the apartment where they lived and to her room.

Ranma looked up the stairs with a confused look and then back to Ku Lon.

"She's been very happy since you accepted to take her out." Ku Lon spoke as she also looked at the stairs, "That's all I could ever ask for at this time."

"Well, like I said before, I'm only doin' this because she never got a date before the disaster." Ranma answered, "But this doesn't mean that I'm going back ta China with you, Old Ghoul."

"I never dreamed of taking you back there after your first date." Ku Lon said respectfully to him. "Only after you and my great-granddaughter had consummate your marriage then we probably would have gone back."

Ranma looked at the older woman and filed that under the news to tell Nabiki, now that she was actively trying to help him. 'As long as we don't have sex, I won't be taken back to China.' He gave her a hard stare, "I was just making sure we were all on the same page tonight."

"Of course, Son-in-law." Ku Lon cackled as she hopped away on her staff back to the kitchen. "Keep her out as long as you want Sonny-boy. But I expect her to be able to work in the morning."

Ranma began to blush a bit before Xian Pu came back down the stairs, carrying a small fan before tucking it into her purse. "Ready, Ranma?" Xian Pu started as she came up to him.

"Sure, Shampoo." Ranma responded, as he extended his arm to the bubbly amazon, she calmly took his arm and they walked out of the restaurant.

Mu Tsu looked on with rage as he had more dishes tossed to him from the kitchen, 'I'll get you Ranma Saotome. I won't let you take my precious Xian Pu from me.' An empty dish flew out from the kitchen and beaned him in the back of his head.

"Stop daydreaming part-timer. You have to double your work because Xian Pu isn't here to help."

Mu Tsu grumbled and picked up the pieces of the plate before going back to work, 'Just wait until the dinner rush is gone. I'll save you Xian Pu.'


Ranma and Xian Pu left the movie theater with smiles on their faces. Dinner had been good as well, Ranma had taken her to a nice restaurant called the Nakano. They talked as much as they could, with Ranma asking a few times to clarify some things, but overall it was a good evening so far.

Xian Pu hugged his arm gently as they walked, giggling and smiling at him, which Ranma did return. However he knew that once this date was over, he probably wouldn't hang out with her again for a while. This date did provide him that he didn't really take the time to talk to Xian Pu as she was. Always scared that she would just take him back to China before anything else happened.

They arrived at The Regular, just as the crowds started to form up and they got in line. Xian Pu looked at him for a moment before she spoke, "Ranma take Xian Pu to club?" Ranma nodded as they stepped closer towards the entrance of the club.

"Didn't know if you'd been to one before, Shampoo." He replied, keeping an eye on what was going on, "Nabiki made it a suggestion and thought it would be good to go to after the movie."

"Must thank mercenary girl next time Xian Pu sees her." Xian Pu remarked as they got to the entrance. Ranma paid the fee to get in and they both walked in, neither noticing the white duck with coke-bottle glasses watching from the rooftop across from the club.

Ranma guided them to the bar so that they could start off with some drinks, nothing alcoholic at the moment, but something to settle their stomachs from the movie and dinner. As Ranma flagged down a bartender, he looked over at Xian Pu and noticed how she was looking around with wide eyes and awe. 'She probably hasn't been able to do something like this since she got here. With the Old Ghoul keeping her busy and all the crazy things going on.' Ranma thought, wondering if this is how he looked when Nabiki took him to a club. He gave a quiet shrug once he got the drinks from the bartender and he gently elbowed Xian Pu to hand her a drink. "First time at a club?"

"Yes, it Xian Pu first time at club. So loud and crowded." Xian Pu remarked, taking a sip of her water that she got from Ranma. Both of them finished their drinks before Xian Pu looked at him. "Take Xian Pu to dance?"

"Sure." Ranma nodded, setting both glasses on the bar before taking her out to the dance floor. Showing her a few of the dances he learned while out at the clubs with Nabiki.


Mu Tsu stood at the back door of the club, contemplating his next move, 'I'll go in and confront Saotome and make him give Xian Pu back to me. He wouldn't fight in a crowded area, so I should be able to get my Xian Pu back.' He was just about to head to the front, when the door opened and a waitress came out. She noticed Mu Tsu and gave a quick smile.

"Oh good, you're finally here." She said before grabbing his arm and dragging him inside, "We just called the temp agency and they said someone would be here shortly, but I was surprised how quickly you came." Once she dragged him through the kitchen to the staff room, she pushed him inside, "Get changed, we got a lot more people here than normal and one of our other hired help got sick. Uniform is in the last locker and there should be one in your size." She started to close the door as she turned away, "Hurry up and get dressed and I'll show you the tables."

Mu Tsu looked around the staff room with a confused look before grinning slightly. 'If I wear this uniform she mentioned, I might be able to sneak up on Ranma and get him before he even knows what hit him.' He went to the appropriate locker and checked the uniforms in there, finding one that would fit him. He quickly dressed and knocked on the door before opening it. "I'm ready, Miss." He stated, looking at her.

The woman took one look at him, leaned over and straightened his shirt before nodding her head. "It'll do, now here's what we have." She picked up a plastic card that had an outline of the club and tables as she went over everything about the club. Once she felt that Mu Tsu had the table information down, she pushed him towards the kitchen area, "Good, now take the next two orders to tables four and eight." She then proceeded to take a few orders and left the kitchen to deliver the food. Mu Tsu followed right behind her.

'I'll just do this for a while and see where Ranma is.' He started towards the first table he needed to deliver to and looked around the club, not spotting his quarry at the moment. Once he delivered the first order, he went back and got the next one. After a few more orders were passed out, he finally saw his enemy, standing at the bar with Xian Pu. Once he dropped off the food, he started to make his way over before his arm was caught by the same waitress who brought him in.

"Look, there's a table that just emptied, go clean it and come back to the kitchen." She dragged him to a server alcove and proceeded to give him a tub with a washcloth and some spray.

"Yes Miss." He said, taking the tub and headed towards the mentioned table and began to clean it. As he looked back towards the bar, Ranma and Xian Pu had disappeared. He growled to himself before going back to the kitchens.

Mu Tsu continued to help wait and clean tables for thirty to forty minutes, each time he finally would spot the pair he was searching for, the waitress that pulled him into the club kept dragging him back to the kitchen or to the servers alcove. It was really starting the grate on his nerves. He just had to confront Ranma and Xian Pu so that he could save her from being banished from the tribe.

At long last, he was able to find both Ranma and Xian Pu, and he could head over towards them as the latest task that the woman had given him allowed him to head in that direction. As he set the tub down he was going to use to clean off the table he was sent to, he stood behind Ranma. However Xian Pu spotted him before he could say or do anything.

"Mu Tsu, what you doing here?" Xian Pu exclaims as she holds Ranma close to her after their last dance. Leaning up against the bar as she did so.

"I'm here to stop you from staying with that Saotome cur." Mu Tsu calls out, pointing to Ranma. "He's just going to string you along and give you more hope that he will choose you." He growled out, "And then he'll pick that Tendo girl and where will you be."

"Xian Pu will be where Xian Pu always be." She hugs Ranma's arm closer, "Right next to Airen."

Ranma raised one hand up, as his other was being held by Xian Pu, "Now easy there, Mousse. We're not back home, and this is not the usual place we fight." He stepped away from Xian Pu towards Mu Tsu. "We can talk about this outside, away from the crowd." Said crowd had started to back away as soon as Xian Pu responded to him. They made a half-circle around the three, giving them a wide enough area that if the fight did break out as Mu Tsu had wanted, they could easily get away or keep the fight enclosed there.

"No, Saotome. We do it here and now!" Mu Tsu exclaimed, taking off the waiter's apron and throwing it to the ground. Mu Tsu had decided to keep his glasses on the whole time while he was helping the club, so he wouldn't miss Ranma or Xian Pu at all. As the apron hit the ground, Mu Tsu got into a fighting stance and was waiting for Ranma to make the first move.

"Mu Tsu, don't do this." Xian Pu replied, "Mu Tsu do this, will get Great-grandmother to keep Mu Tsu as duck." Xian Pu was about to step in front of Ranma, but he blocked her from going forward. She looked at him before looking back at Mu Tsu, deciding to trust Ranma this time. This wasn't a fight between her and Mu Tsu like with the usual arguments. This was Mu Tsu trying to get Ranma to acknowledge what he would do. Xian Pu was still very much upset that Mu Tsu interrupted her time with Ranma, 'And it was going so well. Why did that blind idiot have to show up!' Xian Pu thought, her hands clenching into a fist.

"Xian Pu, my love, this man will not keep you once he's picked that Tendo girl." Mu Tsu yelled out. "You will have a broken heart and then you will be cast out of the Amazon village." His coke-bottle glasses not showing his glare at Ranma, "I will not see my love cast out from our village because this indecisive male doesn't believe in our traditions." 'This is for the best, my love. If you don't get away from him, you'll be removed from the tribe for failing to take your husband.' Mu Tsu thought, though he was woefully incorrect about what would happen to her, especially since she was Ku Lon's heir, so she was given a little leeway about what happened to her on this journey.

Xian Pu began to hiss, like her Jusenkyo curse, at Mu Tsu. "Mu Tsu no know what he talking about. Mu Tsu jealous that Airen able to take Xian Pu on date." her hands clenching tighter, but not enough to cause her to bleed.

Mu Tsu puffed out his chest like his fowl form would have in anger, "I'm not jealous. You just won't believe that Saotome will leave you and doesn't love you." He began to try to make himself bigger, to hopefully get Ranma to fight him. Ranma's pride wouldn't let him go after Xian Pu, even though he did forget the times that Ranma let Xian Pu hit Mu Tsu just on general principle.

"It no matter. Xian Pu will stay by Airen's side even if Airen not want to be Xian Pu's." Xian Pu left Ranma's side and started to approach Mu Tsu, Ranma about to stop her but he saw that her aura was beginning to cause some of her hair to stand on end, "You are always interfering in my own personal life, and now when I finally get to have a night out with Ranma, you butt in and try to ruin it for me." She yelled at him in her native language, "You always ruin everything for me! Even when we were little you always ruined things for me." Her eyes started to water as tears began to flow down her face, her ki dropping off as she finally had just enough of Mu Tsu's repeated attempts to make her life miserable. "It doesn't matter what it is. You always take things from me that I love and ruin it because you think that what I need is you!"

"Now Xian Pu, my love, I was only trying to show you how much I love you..."

"You're smothering me with your so called 'love'!" Xian Pu screamed at her fellow Amazon, which started to draw a larger crowd and the bouncers, who had been called from the bar to come break up the fight. "You are always trying to show your love and it is UNWANTED!" She pushed him away as one of the bouncers came up behind Mu Tsu, who grabbed him by the shoulders.

"This man bothering you, Miss?"

Ranma finally stepped up behind Xian Pu and placed his hand on her shoulder, "Yes. He's bothering us, could you get him out of here."

"Saotome! This isn't going to stop me from trying to win back Xian Pu." Mu Tsu growled at him as he was pulled away from them. He almost shook off the bouncers but they held him close as they pushed him out of the club.

Xian Pu turned and buried her face into Ranma's shoulder, finally letting years of frustration at what Mu Tsu was doing to her come to fruition. "Xian Pu sorry Airen had to see Xian Pu's weakness." She spoke into his ear, "Take Xian Pu home." Ranma nodded and looked back at the bartender so he could clear out any tab he got. The bartender shook her head and smiled, waving him to go ahead and leave the club.

"Sounds like you need to get her home. She's had a bad night and staying here won't help. I'll clear your tab tonight." she answered his unasked question. "Just make sure she gets home safe."

"Sure." Ranma responded, taking Xian Pu by her shoulder and escorting her out of the club. Once they exited the club, they both saw the bouncers still holding Mu Tsu as they saw in the distance a police car coming down. Ranma guided the purple-haired amazon towards the train station so they could head back to Nermia.

As they walked to the station in quiet contemplation. Ranma wished he knew enough Chinese to understand what the young woman said to her stalker. "So was the feather-brain right? Will you get kicked out of your tribe if you don't bring me back?" He almost winced at how accusingly he sounded about that, but Xian Pu leaned against him more as they walked, wrapping her arm around his waist to get that little bit of comfort from him.

"Mu Tsu somewhat right. Normal amazon get kicked out, but Xian Pu heir to great-grandmother." Xian Pu took a moment to think of how to explain it. "Great-grandmother tribe leader, make Xian Pu heir and train to take over." She squeezed Ranma closer, feeling a bit frustrated as she tried to explain it better. "If Xian Pu no get Airen to marry, Xian Pu no leave tribe, but might not be heir to great-grandmother."

"So, because granny said you're her heir, you couldn't be kicked out." Ranma thought about it for a moment. "She's got a lot of sway over the tribe?" Xian Pu nodded, "So what were you yelling at him for if not that?"

"Mu Tsu always get in Xian Pu's way. Always takes things from Xian Pu." She took a shuddering breath, the tears from earlier having dried up a bit, but threatened to fall once more as she thought of how to translate what she yelled at Mu Tsu. "Mu Tsu think all Xian Pu need is him. Think that if Xian Pu marry Mu Tsu, Xian Pu be happy. But Mu Tsu's love... constrict?" she looked at Ranma, hopefully getting him to understand what she meant.

"Constrict? You mean smother?" Ranma asked, hoping that was the right word she was looking for.

"Yes. Yes. Mu Tsu's love smother Xian Pu. Xian Pu hate Mu Tsu because no leave alone. Always takes things from Xian Pu. Takes friends, hobbies, makes them no fun." Xian Pu stopped and looked at Ranma, "Mu Tsu takes from Xian Pu everything Xian Pu loves. Thinks Mu Tsu is all Xian Pu needs. It not fair." The tears began again and she hugged Ranma, crying quietly into his neck.

Ranma took Xian Pu into his arms, knowing that she was in a very vulnerable place and she was trusting him to not do something about it. He patted her back and waited until she calmed down enough before continuing their walk to the station. They were quiet once they boarded the train, which gave him time to think. 'So Mousse was pretty much a stalker and always tried to get in Shampoo's way. She said he even made her friendless.' while he knew how that felt, he also knew that she was doing sort of the same thing Mu Tsu did to her.

The train stopped at Nerima, and they disembarked, walking towards the Nekohanten. It didn't take them long, but at least he let her keep a hold of him until she calmed down. Once in front of the restaurant, he gave her a look and saw she was still very heart-broken from not finishing up their date. He reached out and gave her a hug, which surprised her as she was the one who hugged him the whole night. "Look, the date went really well up until bird-brain came around, and it looked like you could have used a hug before we parted ways, but that doesn't mean that I love you or anything."

"Xian Pu knows." Her eyes began to water up one final time, squeezing him desperately to hold onto the memory that he hugged her, her tears falling back onto his already damp shoulder, "Ranma is good man." She let herself show more weakness in front of the man she wanted to have as a husband..

"Shampoo, I still can't forgive you for what you did at the wedding." Ranma said, as he rubbed her back, letting her continue to hold him.

"Xian Pu knows. Xian Pu would not forgive Mu Tsu if Mu Tsu did same to Xian Pu"

"Just don't let the Ol' Ghoul try to convince you to do something that would upset me."

Xian Pu nodded, hugging Ranma tighter as if this would be the last time she would truly hold Ranma like this without him pushing her away. It felt warm and comforting to know that he at least still cared for her, even if she may have messed up any type of relationship she might have with him in the future. "Xian Pu try. Xian Pu doesn't want Air.. Ranma mad at Xian Pu anymore." She confessed, "Xian Pu felt sad after Ranma yell. Reminds Xian Pu of great-aunt who yell at Xian Pu." She recalled the yelling he did before agreeing to take her on a date. "Xian Pu will make Ranma be friend again."

Ranma gently rocked her from side to side, his chin resting on her head slightly, once she finally calmed down after her last outburst in front of the Nekohanten, he stepped back and contemplated if the hug was the right thing to do, but it felt like it. "I'll keep ya to that promise."

"Xiexie" Xian Pu spoke softly, pulling away from Ranma's embrace, "Thank you, Ranma, for trusting Xian Pu." She took his hand and squeezed it. "See you next time you hungry?" She questioned with a hopeful list in her voice.

"Maybe Shampoo." He replied, letting go of her hand and turned to walk away, back towards the Tendo-ke.

As Ranma left the Nekohanten, a figure in all white with white hair and round glasses, a crack showing in one lens, looks down from the rooftop a few buildings down from the Nekohanten, one arm around her abdomen, while her other arm up, a hand resting against her cheek before she slid her hand down and tapped her chin. The figure wondered at something as she watched the pigtailed youth turn the corner a few more blocks away from her. "Jinkies," She proclaimed to herself, "This definitely didn't happen the last time around." A small silver colored sphere appeared next to her, "Subtracto, keep an eye on Ranma Saotome. And look up any references to him from the last go-around." With that, both the woman and the sphere, named Subtracto, left the rooftop.


Ranma turns the last corner and sees the Tendo-ke, all dark and looking like everyone was asleep. He hopped over the boundary wall and was about to go through the front door, when he noticed Nabiki's window had a light on. He knew he was going to tell Nabiki about the date anyway, so he starts to walk over to her window so they can talk. As he was about to make the leap onto the roof, the gutter above Nabiki's window cracked to let just enough water escape to splash Ranma, changing him from his tall, black-hair male form, to his shorter, red-haired female form. Grumbling at the timing of this change, she wrung out her shirt and jumped up onto the roof. Once there, she takes her slippers off and walks over the edge, hanging onto the roof with her toes. Her blue silk shirt rides up a bit as she gets settled, before knocking quietly on Nabiki's window.

The middle Tendo sister looks up from her bed and sees the silhouette of Ranma hanging upside down in front of her window after hearing the tapping sound. She sits up from her bed and moves to her window, opening it up, taking in the sight of Ranma with her shirt bunched up around her breasts, showing the brown-haired woman Ranma's abs and how sculpted they are, even in her female form. Nabiki unconsciously licked her lips before grabbing a towel hanging off the foot of her bed. She kept the towel close by just in case Ranma gets splashed and visits her for whatever reason. "You're back early, what happened?" Nabiki moved back on her bed and allowed Ranma to come in.

Ranma slipped in through the window, taking the towel that was handed to her. "Thanks Nabs," she said, her voice a bit higher pitched than her male form. "Mousse is what happened." Ranma said as she sat down on the floor, Nabiki moved on her bed back against the headboard, getting back under the covers before patting the mattress for Ranma to sit on. Ranma obliged the older girl and got up from the floor and sat down. "We got to the club and after a few dances, we were getting some drinks, when he showed up and wanted to fight."

"But how did everything else before he showed up go?" Nabiki leaned back against her headboard, "I mean, did the dinner and movie go well too?"

Ranma nodded her head, the towel covering most of her hair as she dried it off. "Yeah dinner went great, and we talked about a few things, but it was mostly hard to understand her for the most part." Ranma let the towel slip down to her shoulders as she crossed her legs. "We enjoyed the movie too and the dancing at the club, until he showed up, demanding that I fight him there because I would cause issues with Shampoo for not coming back to the tribe."

"Really now, and what did Shampoo say to that?" Nabiki was a bit more curious now, sliding closer to the redhead.

"Oh she was pissed at him. Started yelling at him in her native language that he was smothering her with his love." Ranma-chan nodded, pulling the towel off her shoulders, and was about to hand it to Nabiki, who just pointed at the foot of the bed. She hung it on one of the bed posts before turning back to Nabiki, who was now knee to knee with her. "Apparently he's been doing it for a long time that she doesn't have any friends or hobbies she likes."

"And how did you find this out. I didn't know you spoke Chinese." Nabiki stated, gently poking Ranma on her breast.

"Well I asked her what she said. And she roughly explained that she was exempt from being kicked out of the tribe because of the Old Ghoul."

"Is that so." Nabiki hummed to herself, "Anything else you got out of her before you came home?"

Ranma took a few minutes to think of anything else, looking cute as she tilted her head from side to side, with a finger next to her cheek. "Well, granny did say that she wouldn't just take me back to China after one date, but definitely once I've had sex with her." the redhead nodded as she remembered that little tidbit Ku Lon left out for him.

Nabiki blinked in surprise about that bit of information. 'Well she wouldn't really be invested in him if he didn't have some interest in Shampoo, might cause some issues within their village if he was dragged there kicking and screaming.' She thought, focusing back on Ranma, who looked like she was pretty exhausted from everything. "You look a little tired there, Ranma-kun." She stated, getting up out of bed to help the shorter girl. Ranma did nod slightly, it being a long day for her. As she stood up herself, she felt Nabiki wrap her arms around her and hugged her. She felt Nabiki's chin on the top of her head.

"You okay, Nabs?" Ranma whispered, feeling a bit confused and comforted that Nabiki hugged her again for the second time that day.

Nabiki pulled back a bit, giving Ranma a smile. "I am now. I was worried that the amazons would do something to keep you from coming back." Ranma returned the smile before they separated, "Now off to bed with you. You need your rest."

"Geez Nabs, you're starting to sound like Kasumi." Ranma gently prodded the girl with her elbow as she began to leave Nabiki's room. "See ya in the morning. Good night." Ranma-chan waived her hand as she opened the door and left to go to the guest bedroom, closing the door quietly.

"Night, Ranma-kun." Nabiki said quietly to the empty room, she turned off the light and slid back into bed, her mind thinking of what she could do with the new information about the amazons.

Ranma opened the door to the bedroom she'd been sharing with Genma since they got there almost a year ago, surprised to find that both his parents were not in the room. She gave a shrug and did see that the futon was laid out and ready for her to go to bed. She yawned and took off her clothes, leaving her in her boxers and tank-top before climbing into bed herself. Normally she would have at least changed her form back again, but was too tired to do so. 'I'll do it in the morning before breakfast.' she thought to herself, before falling fast asleep.