This is my first attempt at a GWTW fiction. I decided to stay with the movie format rather than the book format for storyline purposes. So, in my fic there is no Wade Hampton or Ella. I hope you all will read and review to tell me what you think of it. I love any and all feedback, it really helps. I look forward to hearing from you all who love GWTW as I do. Thanks in advance to taking the time to read.

The Journey Home

Chapter One


The morning sun was climbing higher across the horizon, but Scarlett O'Hara Butler hardly noticed. She was sitting on her verandah and had been there nearly the whole morning. She was holding one of Rhett's handkerchiefs, every now and then wiping away the tears that blurred her vision when she thought of him leaving Atlanta… but it wasn't Atlanta he was really leaving, it was her. He had been so cold, so unfeeling the night he had left her. She had cried and begged and pleaded and yet, in spite of it he was gone.

What was she to do now? And, just as before, the thought came to her… Tara. Her strength, Rhett had once said. The rolling hills, the soft willows, the place where she grew up that still stood strong even when Sherman invaded it. Tara was her refuge, it was home.

She laid her head back but once again Rhett's image forced its way into her thinking. He had no doubt run to Belle Watling's waiting arms, she thought bitterly. Scarlett never did understand what Rhett saw in that woman. She was loud, crude and unrefined, being a woman of ill-repute only furthered her repugnance. She would never be a lady and it didn't matter how much money she gave away to try and buy it. These old crows around here would never have it.

Not that she was any more received by them, but she was one of them regardless of what they thought. Her mother had been a great lady and she had tried very hard to make sure Scarlett had turned into one, and even though she had done some questionable things, she really had tried to live up to her mother's expectations… even if she did fall short once and while.

Scarlett knew what they thought of her, but she didn't care. She hated mealy mouth fools who didn't have a straight spine to speak of. She prided herself on her ability to face whatever life threw at her and stare it down head on. She would survive as she had survived before, she was not going to let this beat her. She just needed time to get back on her feet.

If only Melanie were alive.

They had buried her the day before near Bonnie's grave. It was so very hard to stand there and not scream and curse the loss of the two people she loved the most. It was then that Scarlett realized that she really didn't know how much Melanie meant to her until she was no longer there. She had told Rhett the truth when she said she loved her, too. She was just too bound by pride and holding on something she thought she wanted for too long to realize it. If only she could take back all the pain and hurtful things she had done over the years. Tears welled in her eyes again at the thought of it.

"Miz Scahlett," Prissy interrupted her thoughts with her lazy, sing song voice. "Miz Merriweather is here. She likes to speak to you if you's up to it."

Scarlett cringed for a moment. She didn't need the Old Guard coming down on her right now. She had enough to worry about without their condescending attitude towards her. She wanted to tell Prissy to refuse her, but she knew that would just send their tongues wagging. She dabbed at her eyes once more to make herself more presentable and motioned for Prissy to go. "Fine Prissy, see her back here and bring us some lemonade while you're at it."

"Yes, Miz Scahlett," she drawled and slowly turned back into house. Scarlett sat up and straightened out her gown. Gracious, but she was sick of black. It seemed like she had been wearing it forever. She absently ran her fingers through her hair, patting a few strays back in place.

"Scarlett, Scarlett?" Mrs. Merriweather called for her as she came out onto the verandah.

"Mrs. Merriweather," Scarlett answered and sat up further.

"Scarlett," she stopped and folded her hands in front of her. "We must talk, my dear."

"Mrs. Merriweather, please sit. Prissy will be bringing us lemonade," she motioned to the seat nearby.

"I am not here to drink lemonade. I'm here to discuss your husband. It has been told he has left you. Is this true?"

Scarlett's mouth slightly fell open as she stared up at the older woman. "Mrs. Merriweather, I can't imagine where you heard such a treacherous lie." God's Nightgown! Rhett barely gone a day and the rumors were already starting.

"I have it on good authority that Captain Butler was seen in the company of that Watling woman and quite intoxicated," she informed her imperiously. "In his drunken state he was heard saying, among other things, that he had left you. If this is so, Scarlett, I am here to guide you in this most terrible time."

"Guide me?" she stammered.

"Yes, guide you. You know as well as I that your reputation hasn't always been sterling. I have always felt that you needed a good, firm hand to guide you."

"Mrs. Merriweather, I am perfectly capable of handling my own affairs," she retorted stiffly as she stood. "What my husband does or does not do is between him and myself and no one else."

"Hmmm," she sniffed condescendingly. "I see your stubbornness is still as strong as ever. You always were an impertinent child and you've grown into an impertinent woman. You never could stand constructive criticism."

Scarlett fumed at the audacity this woman displayed. She supposed all of the Old Guard was just waiting to pounce on her like the alley cats they were. She faced her angrily. "Is that why you came here? To gloat over the assumed failure of my marriage? Well, you'll get no such satisfaction from me."

"Scarlett, I am not here to gloat. I am here to offer my guidance. You've suffered a great deal over the last few weeks and now with Captain Butler behaving so scandalously, I felt my duty to step in to help you."

"I'm afraid that won't be at all necessary, Mrs. Merriweather. Rhett has not left me and as for him being seen with that Watling woman, why Rhett always did feel sorry for her," she lied smoothly, but Mrs. Merriweather was having none of it.

"Do not try and fool me, Scarlett Butler. I am an old woman and while I have not condoned everything you've done, I have always admired your strength. You remind me of me when I was a young girl. You can put on a brave face for everyone else, but I see right through you."

Scarlett's demeanor crumpled for a moment, but she was entirely too skilled at hiding her real emotions to let them come forward. She didn't know what had prompted Dolly Merriweather, of all people, to be so concerned for her but she was not going to be comforted by it. She had to do something to throw her off the trail.

"Mrs. Merriweather," she started. "I must tell you that your concern is simply not necessary. I am fine and my marriage is fine. You see, Rhett has agreed to take me away… we're going to make a visit to Tara. I need the time away and Rhett knows that's where I'm happy. So, you see, there is no reason for your well meaning concern."

Mrs. Merriweather stared at her skeptically. "And when are you and Captain Butler leaving for Tara, if I may ask."

"Soon," she answered, "very soon."

"Scarlett, far be it from me to judge anyone's actions but if you are telling the truth and you and Captain Butler are leaving for Tara, then I say it's the best thing for you. Staying in Atlanta will only bring up bad memories for you."

Scarlett only nodded in response. Bad memories were a kind way to put the kind of hell she had gone through. She had lost everything and everyone that ever meant anything to her. She was alone now, alone and afraid, not that she would admit that to another living soul. She would cut her arm off before admitting that. Fear was for the weak and simple minded and she, Scarlett O'Hara Butler was neither.

"I must be going now," Mrs. Merriweather said finally. "I've had my say and I'll be seeing myself out, but before I do, I will tell you a secret, Scarlett. While you have done some questionable things in the past, I never did believe India Wilkes lies about you and her brother, Ashley. Why, it's plain on the face of anyone's nose that he was in love with Melanie and not you. I don't know what that poor man will do now that she's gone."

Scarlett swallowed hard. She had promised Melly to watch over Ashley and little Beau. It was a promise she intended to keep.

"Goodbye, Scarlett," she nodded and started to turn away from her.

"Goodbye, Mrs. Merriweather," she said as she watched the older woman disappear through the doors. She sat down on the chaise and pressed her fingers to her forehead. So many things were floating through her head now, things she didn't want to think about. Well, she would just have to think of them tomorrow, today she had a plan. She had to find Rhett and tell him of her visit with Mrs. Merriweather.

Her heart sunk at the realization that he was indeed at Belle Watlings. It was only speculation at first, but now it was truth. He had gone there. Well, if that's where Rhett was then that's where she would have to go to find him. It was just that simple.