Disclaimer – All characters belong to George Lucas! Sadly not me lol.


I don't not have anything against Obi-Wan lol he is so cool but for me its Anakin and Padmé all the way.

.x. Unfaithful .x.

.x. Reuniting a doubtful love .x.

Padmé Amidala Kenobi looked around the temple waiting for her husband to return to her. Padmé was a Jedi knight. She had married Master Kenobi a year after the Jedi re-enforced the whole no attachment rule. The clock was ticking and she was growing impatient. She huffed and walked around in circles. The temple was strangely quiet that day. She went outside to the hanger and awaited his return. He was off fighting General Greivas. There had been reports of his and his padawan death but she didn't believe them. She could still feel his force signature. The minutes passed by like hours. The boredom was consuming.

"What's happening to me?" She asked herself. She used to be excited when Obi-Wan was coming home. The time passed slowly from anticipation not dullness. When she used to think about him she got butterflies but now she didn't feel a thing.

"I used to be free" He held her back. She was free to do as she pleased. He wasn't like that at first. He let her go out by herself. Hang out with her friends. Now he had to be with her every minute. She needed space from him. She looked round at all the other wife's and girlfriends waiting with eager face. She wished should at least pretend be excited.

"He used to need me" He never went near her anymore. She felted as if she was never good enough for him. Like he was almighty or something. When they went to bed it was a quick kiss and snoring for hours on end. It was driving her mental. She hadn't had a decent sleep in two years.

"Maybe we have been married to long, we are not right for one another" Realisation is a hard thing to deal with. Padmé had a lot to deal with then. "Maybe this was nearing an end" She was pulled by her thoughts from a familiar voice.

"The news of the fighting is in Master Yoda" Padmé turned to see the Jedi council master and Senator Bail were stood a few feet away from her. "Anakin Skywalker killed Count Dooku and rescued the chancellor."

"Good, very good" Yoda replied. "What of Kenobi?"

"He was unconscious master, Skywalker saved him as well"

"Very brave, that young knight is" Yoda said smiling. He turned to face Padmé and his smile widened slightly. "Ah Knight Padmé"

"Hello Master Yoda" She said with a bow.

"Glad to here of their return are you?" He never made that much sense but Padmé seemed to understand him.

"Yes master I am very happy" She looked at Bail who was staring at her intently. "Hello Senator"

"Ah Padmé no need for formalities, call me Bail" She smiled.

"Hello Bail"

"Hello Padmé" She giggled and looked away. She hated how how made her feel. She felt dirty under his stare. Like there was something so bad it caught his attention.

"Master so you know when they will be back?"

"Be patient young one" He said calmly, he pointed to the sky. She followed his finger and saw Obi-Wan 's shuttle flying in.

"Oh" Bail was still staring at her. She began to feel uneasy. It didn't take less than five minutes for the shuttle to land on the platform. A few moments later three figures exited the ship. She walked over to her husband who was running towards her. He embraced Padmé tightly and kissed her face.

"I've missed you Padmé" His voice was filled with emotions she couldn't return.

"And I you" She replied flatly.

"I have waited so long to have you in my arms again"

"How was the mission?"

"Same old" She knitted her eyebrows and tilted her head upwards. "We won" She nodded and lowered her head again.

"I really missed you"

"You said that" She said coldly, he was too happy to notice her off attitude. He chuckled.

"Well I missed you a lot" She laughed a little. He pulled back, kissed her head and with Anakin Skywalker stood at his side.

"Master I am going to escort the chancellor inside." Padmé looked at the young man. She seemed captivated in his handsome face. She hadn't really seen him this close up. Anakin was no different he was staring attentively at her. But when he did it, it didn't bother her, she felt somewhat attractive something Obi-Wan never made her feel like.

"Hello Padmé" She looked at Anakin's side to see the Chancellor smiling at her.

"Hello Chancellor" He and Padmé had a close relationship. "Have fun?" She asked sarcastically.

"Most fun of my life" Padmé laughed and they shared a brief hug. Obi-Wan elbowed her in the ribs, she winced a little bit and scowled at him.

"You're been to informal" He whispered. She rolled her eyes. Was he her husband or master?

"I'm glad your okay Chancellor" She said turning serious again.

"Please call me Palpatine."

"I am afraid I cannot do that chancellor" Palpatine and Anakin knitted their eyebrows. Padmé quickly and un-noticeably admired Anakin's face.

"Why not my old friend?" She turned and looked at Obi-Wan.

"Apparently it would be to INFORMAL TO TALK TO MY FRIENDS" She screamed in Obi-Wan's ear. He flinched. "Excuse me chancellor, Anakin" She said bowing. They bowed back and she stormed off.

"Your in trouble" Anakin teased, chuckling to himself.

"I gathered that Anakin" He said sternly. Obi-Wan looked after Padmé and wondered if he should go after her. She ran into a droid and used the force to throw it out of her way. He decided not to.

"Chicken" He heard his old padawan mock.

"Shut it" He warned him. Anakin laughed and walked inside with the Chancellor, leaving Obi-Wan on the platform all alone.

Well there is chapter one. Lol short I know, I hope you liked it. Please leave a review, it is much appreciated. Thank you :D
