Summer Holiday
By Takako

Takki's notes: Sorry for not updating that often, the summer holidays are coming and I'll try my best to update more. well please enjoy!


Taiora, Mimato, Takari and Kouyako alert, don't like then don't read.

Thank you for all the reviews!!


Chapter 7

Matt to the rescue

Mimi Tachikawa - The Pink Princess

Matt is kinda acting weird these days. Just like Miyako. He's kinda always in la la land. It's like when you slap him then after ten minutes he goes like "oh why the hell did you slap me?". Does he really like me? I thought he hated me. Oh well.also I've learnt that Sora can be really (I mean really) mushy and girly. She told me about how unloved she was now that night. And ever since Tai met that Akiko girl he kept on talking about her. It turned out that Akiko was his old time friend or something like that. But to me she is just basically a slut always trying to flirt with Tai.

Sigh. Why does life have to be so complicated? I know I'm pathetic, thinking about how my life sucks while I'm on vacation.

So, it was our third day. We're planning to do some shopping along Ala Moana Blvd., just some road in Hawaii I suppose, and guess what. The most extraordinary, unbelievable thing happened.

So I was walking along the road minding my own business while the others were shopping in another shop. And guess who I ran into?

The bastard, my ex, Asakawa Hiroshi, with a girl beside him. The last person I want to see.

"Hey Tachikawa Mimi!" he yelled, I tried so hard to pretend not to hear him, but I couldn't. It was too obvious that his shout was in my earshot.

And he had to call me by my full name.

"Yeah?" I turned around slowly.

"Wazzup?" Hiroshi said casually. "Haven't seen you around for a long time."

"Who's that?" the girl beside him asked.

"She's just a friend. Haven't seen her for ages." Hiroshi replied. "Mimi Tachikawa. This is my girlfriend, Mika."

"Nice to meet you!" I faked. God knows how much I wanna slap the * beep * out of her. I pulled out my hand, she didn't even shake it.

"Where's your boyfriend, Mimi?" Mika asked, smirking.

Damn it. "I don't-" I started and I was interrupted by a voice. "Mi-chan! There you are!"

It was Matt. Yamato Ishida. My enemy. My rival. The guy that I will NEVER expect to call me Mi-chan. Before I could come back from la-la land, Matt was standing next to me, his arm around me.

"Where have you been?" he asked me, winking like mad. I knew I had to play along.

"Oh I was just looking around and I met my friend. Hiroshi Asakawa." I turned to Hiroshi and Mika, the look on their faces were priceless.

"I'm Yamato Ishida. Only my friends call me Matt." Matt introduced himself. Immediately, Mika's eyes popped out.

"Oh my god!! Yamato Ishida from the Teenage Wolves?!" Mika exclaimed.

"You're going out with her?" Hiroshi asked.

"Yeah you have a problem?" Matt said, raising his voice slightly. It was my turn to have my eyes popped out.

"Matt, I." I started.

"At least I see what's in her, but you don't." Matt turned to Hiroshi. "Too bad now your girlfriend's drooling over me as well."

I looked at Mika, she was staring at Matt admiringly. "Let's go now, we have to meet the others."

"?" My mind was blank. What on earth had just happened? I came back to Earth again as Matt walked beside me, his arm still around me.

"You're OK?" he asked. "Look I'm sorry I shouldn't have butted in-"

"I'm sorry. It wasn't your business actually, you shouldn't have helped me." I said in a small voice, avoiding his gaze. "eh."

"Oh sorry." Matt apologized immediately, dropping his arm. I blushed. And he blushed. And we just blushed. That was what we did for our 1 minute walk, which seemed like an hour to me, when we found the others. They were all SMIRKING.

Joe Kido - Apprehensive doctor in training

"That was SO SWEET!!" Kari and Miyako exclaimed, each giving each other a high five.

"That's from Love Generation." Sora pointed out.

Girls. I just don't understand girls. Yes I'm not those girl-crazy guys. I'm a bookworm. I love books more than girls. I kept on imagining my wife leaving me just because I read too much. Oh well, that's life. That's me.

And guess what? I have a crush on Mimi. That's what I want to confess. And yes, no one knows.

Taichi Tai Kamiya - the ancestor of goggles

Ever since I met Akiko in the beach, Sora never talked to me again. Well, she did, like, "thank you." Or "no thanks." and occasionally "Hi" or "What?"

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HER??? What did I do wrong this time? I didn't send her hairpins or anything. She was perfectly normal when we went for a walk on the beach some night before. I looked at her, she was chatting happily with Matt.

"Hey Taichi-kunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!" some shrieked and "hanged" herself on me. "Did you miss me?? You wanna join me and my friends for dinner? Bet they are much better than YOUR friends who don't even talk to you."

"Hey Akiko." I greeted the hyperactive girl. "Ya OK, I'll come." Since no one wants to talk to me, fine. I have other people. And since Sora was flirting with Matt, then I might as well backfire.

"Let's go now Akiko." I smiled at her.

She looked at me oddly. "Now?? It's only 4!"

"Never mind, let's go somewhere else, ya?" I winked. "You can do some shopping if you want to."

"Thanks Tai, you're the best!" She grinned broadly, her eyes sparkling.

Ha, Matt and Sora. IN YOUR FACE!!!

And we left without a word.


Takki's notes: Aww. I love the Mimato part!! It's so cute! Sorry for the VERY late update, I'm sorta losing interest in 01-02, but I hope I will gain inspiration and write more, I sorta have the whole plot, but I'm just too lazy to write. I hope I can finish this fic this year. Email me if you have any comments.

Thanks for reading and plz review!

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