
Disclaimer: .................BWHAHAHA~~! I own Digimon! I HAVE POWER OVER YOU ALL! *pauses* Wait a minute... *checks her list of Things I Own'* Hmm... about 50 Animorphs books... a Gabumon plushie... five gazillion notebooks... nope, not Digimon... *looks up; glares* ALL RIGHT! Who told me that I owned Digimon?! I. WANT. ANSWERS!

*sigh* I don't own Digimon, and I never win, unless a nucluar missal hits Earth and I'm the only one to survive, in which I would own everything. ^^;

Truth or Dare, Mimi? -- Part 6

This royally bites. Mimi muttered as she sat on her desk at school the day, Mayuki, Sakura, Himeko, and Sora looking at her with a confused look.

Mimi continued, I go to a movie with Koushiro, and what do I do? I say that, Yeah, I'll have some popcorn'! I mean, honestly.... Sora, you and Taichi were sitting right in front of us, making out, and--

Making out?! Himeko and Sakura said at the same time, staring wide-eyed at Sora, who gave Mimi a angry glare.

Just continue, Mimi! Sora said furiously.

Anyway, WHY CAN'T I DO ANYTHING?! I mean, there I am with a totally nice, cute, polite, kind, kawaii-

Get to the point, Mimi-chan. Mayuki intercepted.

Mimi sighed. I'm sitting there with him, and we're alone, and I act like a ditz! Mimi said, frowning. Like I said, this royally bites.

Sora, Sakura, Himeko, and Mayuki all said in unison, already losing interest.

PAY ATTENTION! Mimi screamed in their ears, making Mayuki and Sora both fall out of their seats with a loud bang. Also, of course, drawing the attention of all of the boys in the room, including Koushiro.

Koushiro blinked. Mimi, are you okay?

Mimi said, her voice going to the highest octave possible, and making most of the people in the room, including Mayuki and Yamato, collapsed and roll on the floor, clutching their hands to their ears. I'm fine!

Okay, if you say so. Koushiro said, turning back to his laptop.

**~Sudden POV switch for no apparent reason~**

Yotami yawned, her violet eyes drooping. Twirling her brown-but-nearly-black hair around her fingers, she scanned the room, looking for a pencil sharpener. That was all she needed. A pencil sharpener.

**~Oops... wrong POV switch... my bad~**

Anaka was talking to a group of her friends happily, not really noticing the sudden outburst from the not-cool' side of the room. After all, she was one of the, if not the, most popular girl in Odaiba High, and there was no way that anything from the not-cool' side of the room would interest her.

All of a sudden, at a brief and not caring glance to that side of the room, Anaka saw something that was for sure the greatest thing ever. She didn't care that it was from the not-cool' side of the room. All that she could see was red hair, a nice smile... it was...

Only the hottest guy she'd ever seen!

Grabbing her best friend Tami by the collar, Anaka hissed, Just who is that guy?!

Tami blinked, and looked in the direction of the boy, who was typing quickly on a computer in the room. Oh, him? That's Koushiro, Yamato's friend. He's a computer geek, but pretty cool, from what Yamato has to say. Why?

A cool computer geek?!' Anaka thought, looking at the guy. Looking up at Tami, Anaka told her what she was thinking. That is going to be my new boyfriend.

**~And now, back to the psychopathic Mimi, with her troop of merry me-- women~**

So, what do you think, Mimi? Sora asked, looking over at Koushiro. I mean, Koushiro is kind of.... dense when it comes to love, but I'm sure that you could get through to him, right? I mean, you're both members of the group, right?

Mimi frowned, looking down at her hands, and then back up at Koushiro. Well, yeah, but I just can't say anything! Whenever I'm by him, I get so nervous.

Mayuki shrugged. Fine, I'll do it for you. Jumping up and standing on the top of her desk, Mayuki shouted, HEY, KOUSHIRO-KUN! MIMI LI--!! Mayuki would have continued, had not Mimi stuffed a hair brush in her mouth. Mpmth! Mmmppth!

Koushiro turned at the sound of his name, and saw Mimi shoving Mayuki to the floor with something that resembled a hair brush in Mayuki's mouth. Looking at Mimi, Koushiro asked, What was she trying to say?

She was just proclaiming her insanity again, Koushrio-kun. Mimi said nervously, subtly kicking Mayuki. Nothing big!

Oh. Okay. Koushiro said, turning back to his computer.

Mimi glared at Mayuki, who had taken the hair brush out of her mouth and was coughing. Sheesh, Mimi, well was the last time you bought a new brush?! Mayuki stammered, coughing some more. I'm going to be spitting out hair for a week!

Serves you right. Mimi muttered, crossing her arms and returning her gaze to Koushiro. After a few moments, everyone at the table was silent, with the exception of Mayuki, who continued to hack and cough.

How on Earth am I going to tell him?!' Mimi thought, looking desperately at the red-haired form of Koushiro.

A/N: ^^; I have officially stopped trying to make this a serious romance, and am now going for the humoristic view of things. ^^; I hope you liked it, and please review! ^^! Ja ne! Kyra-chan