"Spring" chapter 2
by: Hanyou_Inuyasha
Author's notes: I'm so glad that you liked
the first chapter. Now I'm really encouraged to right more. Thank you for your
support, and thank you for all the reviews! I'll try my hardest to make the
next chapters even better. Arigatou gozaimasu! I also must apologize for my
horrible grammar. I'm not too skilled when it comes to that. I'll try harder to
make my story more enjoyable. Thank you for being patient, and once again,
thank you for all the reviews!
Legal stuff: Inuyasha doesn't belong to
me nor do any of the other characters. I only use them for my enjoyment in this
fic. Don't sue me onegai!
Some Japanese you might want
to know:
Youkai: Demon
Hanyou: Half-demon or (in
the manga) half breed
Taiyoukai: Master-demon
Osuwari: sit
Dooshite: Why
Naze: Why
Hai: Yes, okay, here (as in
handing something to someone)
Iie: no
Nani: What
Baka: Idiot
Okasan: Mother
Ottosan: Father
Hayaku: hurry
Oyasumi nasai: Good night
No ja/ Na no ja: this is
only the accent that Shippo has. It doesn't really mean anything. Kind of like
Chichiri's "no da" in Fushigi Yuugi.
Nani mo nai: Nothing
Nani mo ne: nothing with bad
pronunciation. Sort of like saying nothin'
Honto: Really, truly,
Yamete: Stop
Kitsune: Fox-demon
Onegai: Please
Daijoubu ka: Are you okay?
Dare: who
Chooto: wait
Demo: But
Mau: jeez
Inuyasha stared on in
confusion as he noticed Kagome sitting by herself looking utterly alone and
depressed. She held her knees tightly against her chest and he saw a tear slip
from her chin, to her knee. He ran to her. She was sad, so he would try to make
her smile.
"Kagome?" No answer.
"Kagome?" Inuyasha reached out to touch her shoulder, but his hand went right
though her. Had he died? "Kagome?" He said a little more urgently. Still, there
was no answer. Kagome's head slumped, her shoulders began to shake, and she
began sobbing, mumbling incoherent phrases. What
happened? Inuyasha wondered. Why is
she crying? Inuyasha reached out once again, but this time to caress her
face. She wouldn't feel his touch, and Inuyasha wouldn't feel her skin, but he
somehow thought it might make things better. As he slid his hand across her
cheek, she looked up in surprise. Could she feel him there? Kagome's eyes
widened in both shock and horror, and now more tears streamed down her flushed
cheeks. He could see her tears and smelt her fear. Naze? Inuyasha realized that she wasn't looking at him, but through
him. The Hanyou spun around to see what scared her and saw Hinite. He was
smiling cruelly down at her. Kagome got up to run but he caught her hand,
pulled her close and forced his lips on hers brutally. His lips muffled
Kagome's scream, and Inuyasha snapped at the sound of pain in her voice. He
tried everything to tear them apart, but realized he could do nothing. Pain and
horror overwhelmed him. He'd had never been this terrified. Kagome… MY Kagome is… Inuyasha closed
his eyes, unable to watch. The hanyou clutched his fists and tried to
concentrate on the pain from his claws digging into his palms. He didn't want
this… this couldn't be real! It was too painful. The next thing he heard was
Kagome horrified scream, and Hinite's vicious laugh. No…NO! YAMETE!
Inuyasha's eyes snapped open
and he realized his hand was stretched out reaching for… Kagome. He was
breathing heavily from panic and fear. Inuyasha blinked noticing the wetness
under his eyes. Tears? He had cried
for her, yet he'd never cried. "Demons don't cry." He whispered to himself. What has she done to me? The room was
dimly lit, but his senses showed him everything. Kagome had fallen asleep; her
body away from the futon, but her head lay peacefully on his stomach. She was
safe in his arms. They were in the room alone. Inuyasha breathed in deeply,
taking in Kagome's scent. He also smelt… tears? She had been crying as well?
Was it because of him? Inuyasha sat up slowly, careful not to wake Kagome, and
affectionately looked down upon her face. He noted every feature, her eyes, her
soft skin, and her alluring lips. She's
so beautiful. He gently caressed her face hoping to rid her of any remains
of her tears, just like he wanted to in the dream. He felt content. She was
with him. Somehow, that was enough. Inuyasha thought back to the previous night
and blushed. What was I thinking?? He
asked himself. She just looked so
beautiful, and I couldn't stop myself… I needed her… Inuyasha cursed his
desires. Kagome would never want me like
that… or would she? No… She would never love me… would she? Damn it not after
what happened last night! I tried to protect her, but wound up being more of a
threat. What did his dream mean? Would he die? What about Kagome? Was this
their future? No, It couldn't be. He would never let Kagome… He'd never die not
when she needed his protection. It was just a dream though right? The dream had
seemed so real. He HAD smelt her fear, and dreams were always too unclear, and
blurry. This dream was different. It seemed real. Inuyasha thought of what
Hinite had said.
"I'll be back hanyou. I'll kill you and the girl, after I
take her virginity that is." Inuyasha narrowed his eyes. That bastard would not
have Kagome. Hinite would have to kill him first. The hanyou gazed at Kagome
with concern. She has to go back to her
time. He realized. She'd only be
safe if she were on the other side of the well. He wouldn't be able to see her,
but she would be safe. That's what mattered. That's all that he cared about.
Inuyasha put his arm around her waist and laid her beside him on the futon. He
draped his blanket around her as well. He was gentle and didn't wake her, but
he winced a little at the sharp pain this created in his back. That's what had happened. That's why I was
asleep. I lost too much blood. That's
why she was crying. I made her cry again. I'm only hurting her… He
realized. He would tell her to go back through the well tomorrow, but tonight
he would sleep beside her. He would protect her. The hanyou moved Kagome so her
back was against his chest, and protectively placed his arm around her waist.
Feeling at ease, Inuyasha let his exhaustion win, and fell asleep. His wounds
would be better by tomorrow.
Inuyasha woke up feeling dizzy and exhausted. It had
taken most of his energy to heal, but he still felt much better. He'd have to
try sleeping when he was hurt more often. Inuyasha sat up and felt pain
overwhelm him. Even though he was better, his wound wasn't even close to being
completely healed. Suddenly Inuyasha noticed that Kagome was gone, and panic
took over. Where was she? It was too early in the morning for her to be awake, right?
Had Hinite come in during the night? Inuyasha leaped out of bed and ran
outside. He noticed Kagome immediately, and calmed. She was holding a sleeping
Shippo and was looking off into the sunrise. Inuyasha only stared at her. He'd
never seen anything more beautiful. The breeze was gently tugging on her hair
and she looked absolutely tranquil, yet a little sad.
Kagome sighed miserably. She was too worried to sleep.
Was Inuyasha okay? He had been hurt because of her. How would she make it up to
him? Inuyasha…why would you do that for
me? Why would you risk your life for me? I never realized how much you put on
the line to protect me before. That Idiot, making me worry…! Kagome looked
down to the sleeping kitsune. Even he was upset. No matter how he tried to hide
it, she knew the two youkai loved each other. She'd seen Inuyasha risk his life
for Shippo, and she'd noticed the worried look in Shippo's eyes when Inuyasha
was in trouble. They were almost like brothers. No… almost like father and son.
Kagome treated Shippo like a son as well. They had almost adopted him when they
found out he had lost his parents… well Inuyasha agreed to take him with them
eventually. Kagome smiled at the thought of being a mother, and brushed a few
pieces of fur from the kitsune's face. Would
Inuyasha make a good father? Kagome blinked startled by her thoughts. Him? Kagome blushed. Scenes from last
night flashed through her mind, scenes of Inuyasha touching her, scenes of when
he kissed her. Kagome shook her head trying to rid herself of suck thoughts and
sighed once more. Inuyasha… I wonder if
he's okay. Kagome looked over to Kaede's cabin. She hadn't expected
Inuyasha to be up and stood, showing her surprise. She was thankful for the
lighting the sunrise brought. It was hiding the blush that she felt burning at
her cheeks. To Inuyasha's surprise, she smiled thankfully. He's okay. She repeated to herself silently, driving away her
anxiety. Inuyasha knew of nothing more beautiful than her smile, though he'd
never tell her so.
"Your up early." He stated
simply, trying to ignore how pleased he was to see her smile.
"I heard Shippo whimper in his sleep. I tried to comfort
him so I brought him out here to get some fresh air. He still hasn't woken up,
but he seems to be a little more relaxed now." Inuyasha moved a few lose
strands from the Kitsune's face, copying the gesture Kagome used just a moment
ago, and it looked as if a small smile was playing across the kitsune's
features. Kagome looked up to Inuyasha, stunned. He really is kind when he chooses to be.
"Eh? Ne Kagome, what's with the look?" Inuyasha asked
indignantly. Inuyasha pulled away from Shippo and pretended he'd never done a
thing. "Kagome, you have to go home." Inuyasha said without explanation. Kagome
almost feel over. Where did that come
from? She wondered.
"Eh? Nani?" Kagome asked. As expected, she began to look
irritated "Dooshite?!" she said darkly.
"You'll get hurt here stupid!" Inuyasha yelled.
"No I won't! I'll be fine!" Kagome countered.
"Why do you always have to be difficult?! I tell you to
stay, and you go home. I tell you to leave and you wanna stay. Damn it! You do
this to vex me don't you wench!" Inuyasha lifted Kagome off the ground, and
over his head, and began walking towards the bone eaters well. "You'll be safer
there. Why can't you just listen to me for once?!"
"OSUWARI!!!" Kagome yelled. Inuyasha hit the ground hard,
but Kagome landed on her feet gracefully, and kept Shippo from awakening.
"Because I'd be happier here risking my life knowing you were okay, than being
home wondering if I'd ever see you again!!" Inuyasha stared up at her from the
ground, taken aback. "Besides, I can help you in your fight remember?" Inuyasha
glared down at the earth beneath him. He'd forgotten about that. In the fight
against Hinite he'd need her to pinpoint where he was, and she could see the
jewel. No it didn't matter. She is NOT going to be in danger!
"Like hell I care! You're going back!" He reached for her
again, but Kagome was ready.
"OSUWARI! Besides," Kagome continued. " I think Hinite
has the last two shards. I want to be here to complete it!" Inuyasha gave up.
He knew he couldn't get her back with the damn rosary around his neck. Damn
her! Inuyasha snorted, and picked himself off the ground for the second time. Wait… Last two shards?
"Fine!" He said as if it were really his decision. "I'll
let you stay for now, but if it gets more dangerous, you are going back home! I
mean it wench!" Kagome shrugged.
"You could TRY…"
"Wench." Inuyasha mumbled.
"Youka… I'm sorry I couldn't save you! Don't worry though
because I WILL kill them. I'll make it as painful as possible. I promise." He
added forebodingly.
"Hinite-sama" Another youkai squealed. "Just how will you
kill them?" She asked intrigued. She appeared at his side, and gently played
with the sleeve of his kimono.
"Go away, Kamari." Hinite warned brushing her hand away.
The woman simply smiled provocatively, and waved her finger in front of the
larger youkai.
"Don't dismiss me so coldly!" She wined seductively.
"Besides, I can help you my love."
"Love?" Hinite snorted coldly. "Don't make me laugh! I
suppose I will permit you to help me though."
"Good. I'll be a great asset. Together, we WILL make this
as painful as possible for them. I have the most delicious way to do it too."
Kamari smiled evilly as she began explaining her plan.
"Would you stop following me?!" Kagome yelled.
"Your in heat in the middle of spring Kagome! Do you just
want me to fucking leave you alone where demons can get to you?! You're
practically emanating a smell that says: Fuck me, fuck me now!" Kagome just
glared at Inuyasha. He's been secretly following her all day. He would hide in
trees and make his way through the woods as she gathered firewood, or went to
the market for Kaede or anything. She could always sense him behind her. And
now it was getting annoying. He'd been doing it for hours!
"Is Spring dangerous because ALL male youkai are effected
by it?" Kagome asked innocently.
"Yes, and if you aren't more careful then…"
"Careful around male youkai?" she asked batting her eyes
and looking more innocent. Inuyasha was getting more annoyed and confused by
the minute.
"Yes damnit! What are you…?" Kagome raised her eyebrows,
and dropped the innocent act.
"Aren't YOU a male youkai?" Inuyasha face-faulted.
"Na…na…NANI????" Inuyasha asked completely stunned.
"So wouldn't I be
safer away from all youkai?" Kagome asked sardonically.
"Oh? Aren't you both male and youkai? Or haven't you told
me something? What makes you different huh?" Kagome asked incredulously.
"I could never hurt you." Inuyasha mumbled. Kagome blinked.
"Eh?" Had she heard him
"Nani mo ne!" he ignored the
thought. If he said it he'd be vulnerable, and he hated that so he went on
guard instead.
"I would never want you in
that way!!" Inuyasha said defensively. Kagome shot back and stared at him with
a hurt look in her eyes. This, however, only lasted a fraction of a second.
"OSUWARI!" Kagome screamed. "Listen!" she said with
forced patience to the twitching form that now lay on the ground. "I just need
some time to myself!"
"Then go home! You can be alone AND safe there!" He
"NO! Would you stop that already! I'm not going back!"
Kagome yelled.
"Okay, but demons could pop up any moment and…" Inuyasha
jumped and was in front of Kagome in a fraction of a second. "They'll catch
"Kyaaa!!!!" Kagome began hitting Inuyasha repeatedly.
When she snapped out of it, she glared at the hanyou. He glared back, rubbing
the latest lumps on his head.
"Why you…" Inuyasha growled.
"You asked for it! You should never sneak up on a
defenseless girl like that!"
"Defenseless? Feh! Shippo may be defenseless, but YOU
aren't!" Inuyasha barked. "Only against sex-crazed youkai." He added. Kagome
ignored the last comment.
"Speaking of Shippo, have you noticed he's been acting
weird all day?"
"Whaddya mean?"
"Well, he's not being his normal mischievous self. He
seems… upset."
"Upset?" Inuyasha looked away feigning indifference.
"Yes… I'm worried. Inuyasha I'm going to take a bath now.
Follow me and feel my wrath!" Inuyasha glared and pointed to the lumps on his
head. Kagome looked embarrassed.
"What? You scared me…"
"Anyway I'm NOT leaving you alone!" Inuyasha yelled
"Fine I'll just say the 's' word until you can't move.
You decide!" Inuyasha's eyes narrowed.
"Wench." he mumbled.
"So be a good boy and check up on Shippo okay?" Kagome
said with forced sweetness.
"Feh. Stupid human. You don't know what's fucking good
for you!" Inuyasha growled as he walked off. "You'll beg me to protect you
later you'll see!" He mumbled, mostly to himself.
Kagome sighed in relief as
he walked out of sight. I really want a
bath, but in reality I NEED solitude. I haven't had a moment to myself to
really think things out. What's going on between Inuyasha and I? What happened
the other night…Inuyasha kissed me… did he mean it? She asked herself.
Kagome stripped and stepped into a nearby hot spring. All her worries seem to
slip away and she finally relaxed. Inuyasha was fine now. From now on,
everything would be okay.
Inuyasha snorted. Stupid
girl! Doesn't she know she's just going to get herself hurt if I'm not with
her? I would have never left her side if the hot spring were farther away. I
can tell by her smell, exactly what's she's doing if I concentrate hard enough.
Inuyasha sighed. He secretly wished he could've taken a bath with her. As much
as he hated to admit it, spring was killing him… his instinctive need to rut
mixed with his desire as a man to be with Kagome was almost impossible to
manage. Am I losing control? He
wondered. It seemed as the days went on that he needed her more and more. But
just like his need, his determination grew as well. He couldn't take her like
that asshole Hinite had tried. He wanted- no… he NEEDED to know if she wanted
to be with him first. He would wait, maybe one day she might want to be with
him as well. Inuyasha began walking slower. He'd pretended that the sits he
received weren't as painful as they actually were to ensure that Kagome
wouldn't be worried. The wound hadn't reopened, and the pain would subside
eventually. Inuyasha thought back to his dream. He wasn't enough to save her in
his nightmare… what about in the future? He couldn't bear losing her. Inuyasha
shrugged. "It was just a dream." He repeated to himself for what seemed like
the thousandth time that day. Now, he had to find Shippo. He didn't have time
for this. The sooner as he found Shippo, the sooner he could be back with
Shippo watched silently as the clouds rolled through the
sky. Since it was now spring, the cold of winter had gone away and death was
now replaced with life. Everywhere there was healthy green grass, and flowers.
A soft breeze tickled at the kitsune's face as he lay on the soft earth beneath
him. Shippo sighed. No one knew. No one would understand. Today was the day that Okasan and Ottosan had died. The kitsune
covered his eyes, blocking the warm rays of sunlight that shone from above. Were Okasan, and Ottosan happy? Were they in
heaven? Could they see him now? Shippo couldn't help but feel utterly
alone. Kagome had left a while ago, and Inuyasha had been missing all day. He's Probably
spying on Kagome no ja. Shippo thought. Inuyasha
wouldn't care about my problems anyway. If I told HIM how lonely I feel, he'd
probably just hit me over the head and call me a wimp for giving into sappy
emotions. Besides, Inuyasha has been acting really weird lately. In the clouds,
Shippo could almost see the faces of his parents. He let a tear fall from his
cheek. He was beginning to forget their faces. I don't want to forget. The young kitsune held his breath, and
tried not to cry, however his efforts where in vein, and now tears spilt down
his cheeks. Why did Okasan, and Ottosan
have to die? How can I survive alone? Even Inuyasha almost left me all alone.
He almost died because he's such an idiot. That moron!
He should be right
around here. Inuyasha
thought. The hanyou brought his nose to the ground and began sniffing, just to
rid him of any doubts that this was indeed, the right course. Inuyasha ran in
that general direction and finally saw the kitsune. He was just about to yell a
greeting when he noticed the lost look in the kitsune's eyes. Wanting to
investigate this further without getting involved, Inuyasha soundlessly climbed
up a nearby tree and surveyed the younger youkai. Inuyasha watched in silent
concern as he noticed the tears running down Shippo's face. More fucking tears? What the hell is going
on? Why should the runt be crying? Inuyasha thought back to last night, and
the kitsune's act of innocence. Now his ears lay flat on his head, and he has
the look of shear annoyance so he gripped a nearby tree branch and nearly broke
it in half. Feh. Why the hell should I
care? Inuyasha questioned stubbornly. Because
he doesn't have anyone else. The human, yet bothersome part of him yelled
in return. Inuyasha sighed and jumped from his perch, making his way to the
kitsune reluctantly.
"Hey." Inuyasha said simply. He pretended not to notice
Shippo's frantic struggle to rid himself of any remaining tears. "What're
"Na…na…nani mo nai no ja!" Shippo said indignantly.
Inuyasha didn't know weather to be annoyed or relieved.
"Hai…" Inuyasha said suspiciously.
"Honto ja! I'm just thinking and looking at the clouds."
Shippo nervously replied. Feeling extremely uncomfortable, Inuyasha picked the
less personal subject.
"Looking at the clouds huh? Dooshite?" Shippo stared at
Inuyasha for a few moments before responding. Is he trying to make fun of me? No… he was trying to be…nice????
"Haven't you ever watched the clouds na no ja?" Shippo
"Eh?" Inuyasha shifted uncomfortably. "I haven't since I
was a… kid." He eventually forced out. Inuyasha looked more awkward than he'd
ever seen him, well unless Kagome was involved. "I used to watch them with my…
uh… mom." Shippo was stunned.
"You're mom?"
"…" Inuyasha had a
mom too. Shippo realized. Why didn't
I think of that earlier? Everyone had a mom, even idiots like Inuyasha. What
happened to his mom? Why didn't he ever mention her before? Why did he look
like he wanted to kill something? "My mother was a… was a… well she was a
human okay!" Inuyasha growled answering all of Shippo's questions in one
sentence. "She died when I was young." Inuyasha said softly. Shippo sighed.
Inuyasha's parents had died too. Oddly Shippo felt better. They were both alone
together. Strangely it made sense.
"So you grew up all alone?" The Kitsune asked. Shippo
noticed a strange gleam in Inuyasha's eyes. Is
that loneliness? The kitsune wondered.
"Yeah so?" Inuyasha asked
feigning indifference.
"Wasn't it hard? Aren't dog demons pack animals?"
"Feh. I'm a demon, I don't get lonely!" Inuyasha said
"I'm a FULL blooded youkai, but I get lonely." Shippo
stated without thinking.
"Eh?" Now Inuyasha was really uncomfortable. Not only
that, but Shippo didn't look any happier.
"I miss my parents. I'm alone now. I have no family."
Shippo sighed and avoided eye contact with the hanyou. Inuyasha had, had
enough, and lifted Shippo off the ground, hit him over the head and dropped him
"Whelp!" Shippo rubbed the lump on his head and glared up
to Inuyasha.
"What did you do that for no ja?!" Shippo yelled huffily.
"You have me, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, and Kaede-baba!
Baka!" Shippo blinked in surprise. "You can… er… come to me if you… um… get
lonely… so um… stop fucking crying!" Inuyasha forced out. Shippo smiled, and
wiped away any remainder of tears.
"H…hai." Inuyasha picked up the kitsune once again and
held him in his arms, and began working his way toward Kagome. Shippo was
surprised at first, but soon relaxed. When he closed his eyes he could picture
his dad holding him. Both his dad and Inuyasha held him the same way. Tight
enough to keep him safe, but also treated him as if he might break any second.
Shippo smiled for the first time that day. Inuyasha pretended not to notice.
Kagome sunk lower into her hot spring. What did Inuyasha
think about her? What happened the other night? If he did like her, why did he
always act so cold? Inuyasha's words had stung her even if she'd never admit it. "I would never want you in that way!"
Kagome sighed. Maybe he really didn't care for her. Maybe he really only kept
her alive because of the shards. Why couldn't that idiot just be clearer with
his feelings! The other night he had kissed her with love and passion. She
could feel it in his kiss. She thought she knew then that he did love her. And
when she woke up this morning he had his arm around her. Didn't that mean
anything? No. Maybe his kiss was out of lust… maybe all of his advances towards
her were all because of spring.
From the corner of her eye; Kagome could see a faint glow
approaching her. Shikon shards. Hinite. Kagome
wanted to run but he was coming too fast. It was too late. When the figure
finally materializes, and Kagome could see him clearly, she felt only slightly
"Inuyasha? Is that you?" Kagome asked covering her self
as best she could from under water.
"Who else would it be?" He replied arrogantly.
"Who are you really? You have two shards! Hinite right?"
"Feh. Nope. I met the bastard on the way here. We… uh…
settled our differences." Kagome didn't buy it.
"Why do you have the shards?" She asked dryly.
"I took them of coarse!"
"Why didn't you just give them to me?"
"I need them right now so I can protect you against
youkai like Hinite. If I gave them to you now, how could I protect you during
mating season?!" Kagome looked uneasy, but his story DID make sense. Was Hinite
really gone?
"Fine. Where am I from?" Kagome tested.
"You still don't believe me? Kagome stop it. You know
it's me, Inuyasha." He said while walking closer to her.
"Stay there. Don't come any closer!"
"Would you stop it already! I came here to tell you
something important." He yelled. Inuyasha stopped behind her and draped his
arms around her naked shoulders. "I've wanted to tell you this for a long
time." He whispered in her ear. "I love you." Kagome froze.
Inuyasha shot up. He smelled her fear. Something was
wrong. "Shippo, stay here I'll be right back." With that Inuyasha took off
running only to find a little kitsune clutching to his back. I told you to stay
"No! I'm coming too! Kagome's in trouble huh?"
"How did you…?"
"I could tell by the look on your face."
"Feh. You're as bad as the wench!"
Kagome tried to stay calm. This wasn't Inuyasha. Inuyasha
would never admit his feelings for her so openly. He'd never use the shinkon
shards to gets stronger either. It didn't make any sense.
"I love you Kagome. I always have ever since I met you."
He said. Kagome sunk deeper in the water. This had to be Hinite. He probably
didn't know about her ability to see the shinkon shards. What was he planning?
"I wanted to show you something Kagome. I wanted to show
you the place where I grew up."
"The place you… grew up?" Kagome repeated.
"But first…" The man reached out his hand and caressed Kagome's
face then leaned in to kiss her. Kagome pulled back and swam a little ways from
the edge of the hot spring. This however didn't discourage him, and he moved
into the hot spring fully clothed, and grabbed Kagome's wrist before she could
move farther away.
"I will have you!" He said more forcefully. Kagome stared
at the man infront of her. She knew it wasn't Inuyasha but… with his face he…
Kagome looked away and cursed herself when a tear slid down her cheek. Inuyasha… Suddenly He moved away and his
form changed for a second. The man looked on wide-eyed then he disappeared.
"KAGOME!!!" Inuyasha yelled as he appeared at the spring.
He didn't waste time, jumped into the hot spring, and grabbed her shoulders.
"Kagome… Kagome… daijoubu ka??" Kagome's lip began to quiver and she threw her
arms around the hanyou. Inuyasha blinked in surprise. "Kagome?" Inuyasha asked.
Kagome began sobbing onto Inuyasha's chest, and finally Inuyasha placed his
arms around her naked body.
"Inuyasha… He tried to…I thought…" Kagome managed through
"Shh… calm down first." Inuyasha said gently. He
instinctively held her tighter.
"He looked like you." Kagome said finally.
"Nani? Dare?" Inuyasha asked in surprise.
"Hinite. It had to be Hinite. I saw the shards." So Hinite and change form huh? What was
Hinite planning to do with her? He'll pay for making Kagome cry. Inuyasha
thought. Inuyasha moved away from Kagome and took off his Fire rat's coat, and
handed it to Kagome reluctantly.
"Here put this on, and don't trust anyone. I'm going to
kill him." Inuyasha growled. When he began to move out of the spring, Kagome
caught his had, willing him to stay.
"Don't leave me alone again." Kagome said in a little
"I'm finally here no ja! What happened?"
"Nothing!" Kagome said quickly. Inuyasha gave her a
strange look. "Come on Inuyasha. Lets get back to the village." Kagome said
happily. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow.
"Hai…" Inuyasha said slowly.
The three arrived at the
village just as the sun began to set. Shippo ran on ahead to check up on Miroku
and Inuyasha and Kagome were left alone.
"Why did you lie to Shippo?" Inuyasha asked
"He's just a kid Inuyasha. He shouldn't be worried about
me. He's not old enough to understand anyway." Inuyasha narrowed his eyes.
"Feh. Like I said before, he's not as innocent as he
"Whatever Inuyasha. Look Shippo's alone. We're all he has
left. Can we try to make him happy?" Inuyasha snorted.
"Fine I'll be nice." Inuyasha looked down to the ground.
"are you saying without family people are lonely?" Kagome's eye's widened and
she looked up to Inuyasha.
"I didn't mean…"
"Do you miss your family?" Inuyasha asked.
"Sometimes…" When Inuyasha looked up and stared back at
Kagome, she could read the loneliness in his eyes.
"Are you lonely?" Inuyasha queried.
"No! You and everyone else… I never feel lonely when I'm
with you." Kagome smiled at Inuyasha and Inuyasha couldn't help but blush.
"What happened to your… your father?" Inuyasha inquired.
"He… died soon after Souta was born. "He got sick and…"
"Oh… sorry."
"He's still taking care of me even now. Just like your
father is with you. He didn't leave me with a sword however, he left me with
funds to secure my future, and to make sure I can take care of the shrine
properly. My father was a rich man and
he left me with enough money to last me my whole life. I inherit it when I'm
older but… I don't think I'll need it. I'm going to be able to take care of my
self by then. I'm not lonely because I know he's still protecting me. It makes
me happy to know that he loved me so much.
"I wonder if my father's still looking out for me…"
Inuyasha said, looking into the sky.
"From what I heard your father was a great taiyoukai."
He's probably looking down on you now." Kagome reached out and together they
held hands as they walked back to Kaede's. Inuyasha grumbled, and feigned
indifference. I hope I can make your
loneliness go away too Inuyasha.
"Damn it Kamari! What the hell were you thinking?! You
know I need your power and the shinkon shard's power to stay in a different
form! Why the hell did you stop?"
"I wasn't going to let you be with that stupid human
girl! I'm prettier than she is!" Kamari pouted.
"Damn it! It's to exact my revenge! I wasn't trying to
mate with her yet anyway!"
"The hanyou was coming regardless! It was too close. It's
better this way." Kamari reasoned.
"Either way, do anything like that again, and I'll kill
you!" Hinite yelled. "Now get ready the next part of the plan is just about to
"Hai. Hinite-sama." Kamari pouted.
End of chapter 2
Author's notes: hope you liked this chapter. Sorry it
took so long to post, but school was ending and I had major writers block…
GOMENASAI! Thanks for the reviews!
Without them, I would've just stopped writing. They really motivated me to
write more, so please review if you want the next chapter. ARIGATOU.