Chapter 1: Dream

Mwahahaha! I must be having some sort of a complex, because I feel like a GOD! So I've heard your demands and am eager to please. But bare in mind it might get slow going so please just grin at the slowness and bear with it.

The Mystery of the Lily, the Petunia, and the Ivy

By Windshale

Chapter 1:

The Dream

Harry was walking down a brightly lit hallway he had never seen before. The light at the end was bright, but not uncomfortable. He slid his hand casually against it, feeling the stucco bumps against his fingers. He walked through the light and into a kitchen, unlike his Aunt Petunia's kitchen; this did not have the false cheeriness and coordination that he had grown to hate. It was yellow with white trim, with checkered curtains that had a sunflower print, and it felt so welcoming that it took him sometime before he realized that he was sitting down. He looked up to see the back of a woman; with waist length burnished red hair and a lavender apron tied about the waist.

"Good morning Harry." A familiar voice said as the Daily Prophet was folded, revealing the face of his godfather Sirius Black. Sirius was smiling down at him, the haunted look in his eyes almost gone.

"What are your plans for today Harry?" a light, feminine voice asked. The woman now turned and faced him, her red hair spilling about her shoulders, and nearly hiding her face. Harry noticed that it didn't hide her eyes; they had flecks of gold and brown surrounded by a shade of green that reminded him of an evergreen tree.

"Um" Harry thought fast, "I'm going to meet up with Ron and do a few Quidditch runs."

"Alright, but tell me if Molly decides to keep you over for dinner." And with that he woman leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. It was a most wonderful sensation, as if he was her son and it was the most natural of things.

Suddenly a blaring sound rang in his ears, nearly giving him a heart attack. He shot out his hand and slammed the alarm quiet. Today was his birthday, and he was leaving the Dursley's early this year. He, Ron, and Hermonie were going to celebrate at the Burrow along with the rest of the Wesley's. He only wished that Hagrid and Sirius would have been able to come, but Hagrid was still with the Headmistress of BuBaton overseas in an attempt to find and create peace with the Giants. And Sirius had soon disappeared to find the wizards and witches Dumbledore had asked him to find before the school year had ended, which was easier said than done. Although they had kept in touch with Dumbledore, they had made sure that he did not know their true locations. Owls were sent and dropped off at a designated point for most of them far from their actual homes, and it was taking a bit longer for most to accept the fact that had mourned for the true betrayer of James and Lily Potter.

But all that didn't really bother Harry all that much as he got dressed, and headed downstairs. Mr. Dursley was hiding in his paper and Dudley was as fat as ever. Even though the Dursley's had tried to keep their son on his diet, Smeltings had caught him in the kitchens in the middle of the night wolfing down whole cakes, cookie platters, and ice cream. They sent a notice that if they caught him one more time, Dudley would be kicked out; till then, the diet must continue. Aunt Petunia was adamant that her Dudikins was just big boned and that it was just puppy fat. Any more puppy fat and Dudley might as well be a whale shark pup.

Aunt Petunia avoided Harry as much as possible as of lately, which was just fine for him. She handed out the dishes of grapefruit, giving Harry the smallest piece. Mr. Dursley frowned, but folded his paper and began to eat his slice. He had most grudgingly lost a few inches around the waist, however since he didn't really exercise; he now had flaps of skin hanging everywhere. Harry finished off his piece easily and was about to get up when Uncle Vernon's voice stopped him.

"So," Vernon's sarcastic voice, which was used continuously when regarding Harry, "How are you 'friends' coming to pick you up this time? They better not try to come through the fireplace again."

"No they won't." Harry replied, standing. "Now if you'll excuse me, I still have to pack up."

That was a lie of course, his trunk was packed and all set, but he had to wait for Hedwig to come back from sending the letter he had sent weeks ago to Sirius. He went upstairs and was about to recheck the trunk, when Hedwig wearily flew in and landed on the headboard of Harry's bed. He took the letter from her and cradled her gently to her cage, where she fell fast asleep. He closed her cage door and proceeded to open the letter.

Dear Harry,

Don't worry about anything here. It's taken awhile, but I'm almost done. Sorry I couldn't send a cake with Hedwig, but there is a hurricane coming in and I don't want you to lose her. So I'll just say Happy birthday to you. Keep your eyes open, and hopefully I'll see you at Hogwarts.

Your godfather


Harry smiled and put away the letter in his pocket. For some reason his feet had led him to the backyard, where his aunts flowers were in bloom. He wandered about the far corner of the garden in deep thought. Who was the woman in the lavender apron? Could it have been his mother? Couldn't have been, Harry thought, I have her green eyes and the woman looked different.

A breeze ruffled his hair as he noticed something peeking out of the far corner. There, clinging the corner of the house and fence was a curling patch of ivy. Beside it was a patch of upright lilies, and on its opposite side was a strange flower he couldn't recognize. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a car driving into the Dursley's driveway. He hurried over to the garden gateway and saw a ministry car. The front door opened and Mr. Weasley stepped out, with Mrs. Weasley on the opposite side, Ron, Fred, and George filling out from the back seats. Harry couldn't help but smile because unlike muggle cars, cars in the wizard world were altered for maximum usage and comfort.

"Hello Harry dear!" Mrs. Weasley said, waving as she got out of the car, "Are you all set?"

"Yeah I am." Harry nodded, "It's still in my room."

"We'll get it for you Harry!" Fred said nudging George foreword towards the door, which already had the Dursley's in its doorway.

"Ah, no" Harry noticed the look of revulsion on Aunt petunia's face, and Uncle Vernon's face going red in anger, "Ron and I will get it this time, right Ron?"

Ron looked uneasily at the doorway before replying, "Uh yeah sure. Lets go."

Harry nodded and then went to the front door, the Dursley's moving away from them as if they were lepers. Which was just fine for him as Ron followed suit. They ran upstairs and hefted the trunk easily with Hedwig still asleep in her cage on top. When they got downstairs, Fred and George went to take it from them and hefted to the trunk. No one spoke. Everyone remembered the last fiasco of when the twins had come in last and had dropped ton tongue toffee on the floor on purpose. Dudley's tongue had inflated to the point of choking him, and his aunt and uncle had refused to let Mr. Weasley fix the problem till his tongue had threatened to actually suffocate him.

As the Weasley's were piling on in, Harry turned to face his aunt, and uncle. "Well g'bye!"

All he received was a short curt nod in unison from them, which made Mr.' Weasley from in disapproval. He still didn't understand why they hated Harry so. Even Harry didn't really know the true reason, besides ignorance. Maybe there was something, he was learning more of his fathers past with every year, especially when it came to Professor Snape. Harry had fount out that he was once a Death Eater and that somehow, for some reason, he had gone back to the good side. Which, from what Sirius and Lupine had told him, was very much into the dark arts in his school years and was a slimy snoop. Trying to get them expelled.

Harry shook his head and pushed all those negative thoughts out of the way. Today was his birthday after all, and he was celebrating it at the Burrow with as many of his friends that could come.

But for some reason, the woman in lavender and strange green eyes seem to keep floating in his mind.

He wondered why.