Prolouge- Red Marble

Okay first Harry Potter fic, so bear with me. And to those who don't like an author putting their name in, truly sorry, but it has been wallowing in my mind for sometime now (try months and months). And so here I am trying to get it done, so review please this prologue and tell me what you think.

A Harry Potter story with no main title

Prologue: The Red Marble

            It was just about sunset as Burnaby Williams trumped up the rain sodden field to head home. His mother had warned him not to cross over this field over several times.

However he was late.

Very, very late. He hopes his mom would forgive him. Unfortunately it wouldn't be the case because the sky opened up and poured in heavy torrents, drenching him.

            "The Potter house used to be there." His mother once told him, "But You-Know-Who destroyed them. Now nothing good ever happens, so I don't want you to cross through there ever again! It's cursed!"

            Burnaby was just about to scoff at this memory when his heel met something round, and he took a spill backwards and into the thickening mud. He rolled upright, silently cursing. What had he stepped on?

            Cautiously, he peered into the mud and saw that the rain was bouncing against something small. Shoving the mud aside he saw a red round orb, no bigger than a marble. He heard a chime from a nearby muggle church, meaning he was really really late, and proceeded to run home. He slipped and slid, but kept on going as he saw his mother waiting with a scowl on her face.

            "Look where I catch you coming home from," his mother's voice cool and even, which only meant she was a time bomb waiting to go off, "The Potter field! How many times must I tell you NOT to go there!"

            Her tirade of berating went on for twenty minutes solid, until Burnaby promised never to go there again.

            "You mean it this time?" the sternness in her voice softened, "I swear Burnaby Milo Williams-"

            "Really mum I mean it." He said as he fished out the red marble from one of his pockets and began rolling it from one hand to another. It flashed in flecks of gold and silver and suddenly a question seemed to wriggle into his mind.

            "Mum I thought everything was taken and cleared away when the Potter house got blown up." Burnaby looked at his mother's back as she waved her wand to get the mop while setting up the dishes.

            "Indeed, everything got cleared away, dear." She shirted a bit as she sat down, "Why do you ask?"

            "Oh nothing," Burnaby propt up the marble, "I just slipped and nearly broke my neck on this that's all."

            His mother gaped at the marble and then took it from his hands. She quickly washed it by hand and dried it.  Lifting it to the light, she saw the flecks of gold and silver. But the silver wasn't silver, more like a pale milky white color. She studied it closely, bringing it so close to her face that her nose was turning red.

            Mrs. Williams saw that this wasn't a muggle toy, rather something she had heard about while You-Know-Who was still in power.

            She saw what was inside and screamed.

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Okay so it isn't much, but it's late and I want to sleep.

So read review tell me how you like such a prologue. And if I should continue to write it.