Prue looked down at the half sister that she never got to meet in person, the half sister she had always known she had but never could meet. The half sister that her mother had given away at birth. The half sister she quite frankly was excited to meet when she was eight years old and she watched her mother's stomach grow every month. The half sister that she honesty thought was her sister by her mother AND father; because she didn't know about Sam. The half sister that her mother and grandmother made her forget with magic. But deep down Prue knew that she had another sister out there some where who needed her, but Prue lived her life without trying to find her sister.

Now this half sister had so willing given up her life so she, Prue, could come back and live with the younger sisters that she, Prue, had grown up with.

Phoebe looked up from where she was sitting next to Paige's left side. "This is all your fault Prudence Halliwell. Well go back up there and let Paige come home, NOW!"

"You think that I had Paige give up her life so I can come back!" Prue asked shocked. "You think I'm that cold hearted!" She shook her head.

"Yes!" Phoebe breathed fire as she rushed at her sister and pushed her back away from Paige's bed. "You don't have the right to stand any where near her, you don't deserve to be here." She was so angry that she lost her voice. All she could do was glare into her dead older sister's face. The dead older sister whom had come back to life, but at the cost of her baby sister.

"Paigey it's time to wake up sweetheart, I need your help to calm Prue and Phoebe down. Remember kiddo it's me and you double teaming to keeping peace in the family." Piper stroked Paige's hair from her eyes.

Leo knelt down in front of Piper and put his hand over hers. He managed to still it. "I'm sorry Piper, but Paige won't be coming back."

"Of course Paige will be back, Leo, she's just being stubborn is all. She wants to be the full focus of the party is all; so that's what she is going to be." Piper smiled indulgence down at her still baby 1/2 sister. "All right Missy Paige; you are the star of this party. It's time to wake up so we can start to have some fun."

Prue turned away from a steaming eyed Phoebe and looked down at her old bed where her baby 1/2 sister's body lay. "Oh God." She whispered as tears fell freely down her cheeks.

"Look what you have done, Prue." Phoebe's hands clenched at her sides. "You have done this too Paige, if you hadn't found a way to come back than Paige would still be here with Piper and I. Than we wouldn't have to lose another sister." Tears run freely down her checks.

"I didn't do this, Phoebe." Prue said moving over to touch Phoebe's shoulder. "Paige did this all on her own. I didn't know she was going to do it, honest."

Phoebe snorted and jerked out of Prue's hands. "If you don't want to be a dead sister once more, Prue, than I suggest you don't lay a finger on me right now. Not ever again, do you freaking understand." Angry tears run down Phoebe's checks as she glared seething into Prue's sad eyes.

Leo walked over and put him self in between Prue and Phoebe. "Enough of this you two," he hissed. "What's done is done. Now we just have to figure out a way to fix it, together !" He looked over at the bed. "Piper won't be able to help us on this."

Phoebe turned and looked over and saw that Piper was still in her very own self made world, a world where she didn't have to feel the pain over losing Paige. "We need to call daddy." She whispered. "Piper needs him. I need him."

"In a way I need him also." Prue said with a nod. "Don't ask." She said as Phoebe turned surprised eyes on her. "I don't even understand it."

"Well at least Daddy will be happy to see you again." Phoebe softly said as she pulled away emotionally once more.

Prue reached over and touched Phoebe's shoulder. "Phoebe, I'm sorry ok. I'm sorry that I died and I'm sorry that this had to happen in order for me to come back to you and Piper. I didn't plan this you know, non of it." She sighed deeply with tears in her eyes. "The only plan I had to back to you guys was to come and visit and finally meet Paige face to face. She's my baby sister also you know; and I had been waiting to see her face to face since I was eight years old."

"I know Prue," Phoebe said with tears running down her eyes. "I know you would never chose to trade places with Paige, or Piper or me. I know you didn't plan on dying when you did leaving your sisters." She put her hand over Prue's on her shoulder. "I'm sorry for reacting the way I did when you finally came."

"I understand. Once we get Paige back with us, than all four of us can discuss things and make sure that this never happens again." Prue said. She sighed deeply. "But we first have to find a way to get Paige to come back." She nodded her head. "I agree that dad needs to be here."

Phoebe pulled away and started for the door. "I'll call him." She stopped and turned to Leo. "Leo you better orb to him and orb him here. Don't tell him about Prue and Paige, just tell him that Piper and I need him."

Leo nodded and orbed. He was soon back with a concerned Victor by his side. Victor's eyes widen and tears fell as he took in the sight of Prue standing next to Phoebe. "P-prue." He chocked.

Prue smiled with tears in her right eye. "Yes daddy, I'm back. Well for a visit."

Victor rushed over and put his arms around his dead oldest daughter's back and pulled her to him for a tight hug. "Oh Prue, darling, I have missed you so much."

"I have missed you too dad." Prue said returning the hug with equal passion. When she was pulled away, "We have a situation here which we need your help."

"What's going on?" Victor asked as he pulled his arms away from Prue. He turned around and faced the bed and saw Paige asleep on the bed and Piper laying next to her. "What's wrong with Paige?" He asked with a concern frown on his lips.

"She's dead." Phoebe cried out softly.

Victor's head turned to face Phoebe quickly than back over to the bed. "What!" He breathed.

"Paige came up with a spell to trade places with Prue, Prue would be able to come back to her sisters and Paige would die and take Prue's place up there." Leo said. "I didn't get to Paige in time and I couldn't warn Piper and Phoebe, otherwise non of this would have happened."

"But Paige will come back when Prue has to go back up there, right?" Victor shook his head side to side. "She's not really dead now, just resting is all."

Leo shook his head. "I'm sorry to say that Paige is dead for good, unless we find a way to reverse this." He tilted his head, "I'm being called up there. I will find out what the Elders know and will come back as soon as I can."

"Go." Phoebe said looking at Leo, "We'll take care of Piper for you."

Leo nodded and orbed up to Elder land.

"What's going on with Piper?" Victor asked still looking at the bed.

"Piper hasn't come to terms with Paige's self sacrifice, she has escaped into her own world where Paige is just sick and needs to be tended to, to get well again. Piper believes that Paige is just asleep." Prue said. "That's where you come in dad, we need you to remain in here with Piper and try to get her to tend to her own needs."

Victor nodded. "Of course."

Prue put her hand on his shoulder. "Phoebe and I may have to go up there so we could talk some hard sense into Paige, we may be gone for a long time."

Victor frowned in confusion.

"A hour up there is like a month down here. Time doesn't matter up there, not like down here." Prue said. "Do you remember us telling you about the time that Leo took Piper up to Elder land when they finally got together?"

Victor nodded, "Yes you said Piper thought it had only been an afternoon since she was gone, when in actual time it had been three months." He sighed deeply. "How are you going to protect Piper and Paige when you are up there? From demon attacks. Demons don't take holidays after all."

"We are going to set the crystals around the outside of the house." Phoebe said. "Grams did that one time back in 1967 when she, Grandpa Allan had a magic loving party. "

"But that didn't stop the demons from killing Allan." Victor said remembering hearing the story from his daughters the previous year. He shook his head.

"We will also cast spells in and around the manor to keep demons blocked from attacking." Phoebe said softly. "Piper and I had done some research on this matter right after Prue died. We knew we were weaken, even when we found Paige. Paige was still new to her powers and the sisterhood, we knew we were all sitting ducks." She sighed as she looked over at the bed. "We had casted the spells in and around Paige's loft in the beginning and no evil had attacked her there."

"What about the Evil Enchantress?" Victor raised his eye brows.

"That was Paige's past life, so the spells couldn't protect our Paige from her past essence." Phoebe sighed. She held up her hand. "The spells aren't full proof but we aren't planning on any of our past lives to decide to come and visit us."