TITLE: One Sister For the Other

SUMMARY: Set during season seven. So yes both Wyatt and baby Chris are in this story. This takes place AFTER Kyle is killed and after the uptioum (sorry about the spelling); the Elders have decided to reycle Leo so he is still the sisters white lighter.

Paige has finally come up with the summon that would bring Prue back to the manor. Piper and Phoebe excitedly repeat the spell little knowing that Paige gave up her life for Prue to come back to them. When they realized the implications thats Paige's spell was they ordered the head of the Elders down to the attic and they demanded that Paige was returned to them ASAP. The Elder tells them that they had to make a choice. Either they can have Paige with them or Prue. There was no room in the charmed ones destiny for four sisters only three.

RATING: T -Due to strong langauge

CATEGORY: Drama / Tragedy / Spirital / Supsensful


I stared down at the spell that I had just worded. The spell that would change everything for my sisters. AGAIN. The spell that would bring back the sister that they lost and loved very much. The sister who was there for them growing up.

The spell that would end my life.

"This time it has to work. It's been four freaking years all ready. We found Paige; we have bonded with Paige and now it's time for Paige to meet Prue. It's also time for us to see Prue once again." Piper said as she and Phoebe walked up the stairs to the attic. "The Elders owe us this."

"I can't wait till Prue and Paige finally meet face to face. Well spirit and live person." Phoebe said as she opened the door to the attic.

I look at the spell once more to make sure it was absolutely perfect. Piper didn't know it but she was about to get her wish to come true. I would make damn well sure of it. But what Piper and Phoebe didn't know was that in order for Prue to come back to them; I had to be out of the picture.

"Hiya Paigey girl." Phoebe grinned bounding over to where her baby 1/2 sister was waiting next to the podium where the Book of Shadows was kept. "Are you ready to met Prue."

I remained silent as I looked at the spell that would change everything for my sisters. Hopefully they won't miss me too much. But they will have Prue back so I know they will be in better hands than mine.

"Come on Wyatt." Piper smiled down at her two year old son who was walking slightly behind her. She had her arms full with Chris who was smiling happily up into her mother's face. Piper smiled down at her second born son. "Wait till you meet your aunt Prue, Chris, she'll be so proud of what your older safe did. Coming back from the evil future to save your older brother and your family."

At least I got to see the older version of my second born nephew. Even through it he was from the evil future; but at least I know for sure that we were successful in saving Wyatt. Only the last image of Chris I will have in my head is of his death. No Paige . I shake my head briefly. You have Chris as a baby for your last image of him.

I look up to find that Wyatt was in his playpen and Chris was beside his older brother. I saw that Piper and Phoebe had all ready with the candles where they needed to be. I smiled placing my sadness away. I knew that if my sisters even suspected what I planned on doing they would stop me. They would give up trying to see Prue. I can't allow that.

"Ready?" I asked husky. Praying that they think the huskiness is my feelings on finally meeting my oldest sister face to face.

"You are just going to love Prue; Paige. And Prue will just love you." Phoebe said as she walked over to place her right hand onto of her sister's right hand which was holding the paper with the spell they were going to use.

I was able to hide the words to the spell from Phoebe's eyes. I was going to have them repeat after me this spell. I knew that they would be too excited to see Prue again that they weren't going to pay to close attention to what they were saying. I needed the power of three for this to work.

Leo walked into the attic and saw the candles in a circle. He had heard what Phoebe had said. He looked over at Piper who was smiling peacefully over at him before she turned back to watching her two younger sisters. He turned his eyes and saw the excited look in Phoebe's eyes but what caught his attention in total depth was Paige's eyes. When he had walked in Paige had looked up to see who came in and Leo read the truth in his sister - in - law's eyes.

"Paige, before you three summon Prue; may I have a word with you. Alone please." Leo said after he walked past his wife and stepped in front of Paige. He knew that he had to get Paige out of there so he could talk her out of this life and death plan of hers. He had to make her see reason.

I knew that Leo knew what I was planning on doing. I knew that Leo wanted to get me alone so he could talk me out of it. I broke eye contact with my brother in law and looked down at the spell. I very slowly ripped the spell into millions of pieces before I looked back up at Leo.

"After we bring Prue back; Leo." I said firmly. "My sisters have waited enough to bring Prue back. I don't want to make them wait any longer."

"Go talk with Leo; Paigey. We can wait a few more minutes." Phoebe waved her hand airily. She knew that Leo was concerned about something. She knew it was a white lighter concerned for his charge. She locked eyes on Piper and knew that her older sister knew that also and that although both she and Piper were over eager and over anxious to see Prue again they could and would wait till Paige and Leo had their talk.

"Go with Leo. We have all the time in the world now." Piper said turning from her two sons who had their eyes on the scene that was unfolding in front of them. "We have waited for four years to summon Prue a little while longer won't kill us." She tried her hardest to keep her disappointment out of her voice.

I shook my head. "After we summon Prue; I'll go talk with Leo. There will be PLENTLY of time after Prue comes." I break my look at Leo and turned and smiled for Phoebe and Piper's benefits.

Leo reached over and grabbed Paige's hand. "Come on Paige." He didn't want to have to orb but he knew he very well would if Paige forced him too. He didn't want to alarm Piper and Phoebe that something was wrong. He knew that they would just blame themselves for wanting Prue back if they knew what Paige's spell would do to her. But Leo also knew that the two sisters would blame themselves if they did do Paige's spell and they realize what Paige had given of herself for them to have Prue back. Leo just knew he had to get Paige out of the attic where he could talk sense into her thick head.

I turned back and stared deep into Leo's eyes. I saw the truth and knew that I would have to break contact with Leo Wyatt before he decided that orbing was the only action he had to get me out of the attic. I smiled softly as I suddenly jerked my hand out of Leo's and stepped back. I held up my hand firmly and I saw in relief Leo realizing that he couldn't do or say anything to stop me with doing what I had to do.

Piper came over to stand next to her husband. "Go stand next to the boys so you three men can smile and wave at Prue when she finally turns her attention to you.

Leo shook his head as he bent down and kissed his wife on the check. "I'm sorry." He whispered before standing up straight once again and moved over to the play pen.

With a puzzled look on her face Piper was about to turn around and question her husband when what Phoebe had just said came into her ears. She turned quickly to her younger sisters.

"Why did you rip the spell up Paige? Piper and I haven't read it yet." Phoebe said as what her younger sister had done hit her.

Piper frowned darkly at this note but she quickly but her face back in the passive space in a matter of seconds. She knew that Paige knew how much she and Phoebe wanted this to work so she knew that Paige wouldn't do anything to ruin it. Paige's words relieved the disquiet in her soul.

"Just repeat after me." I said walking to stand in the center spot\ right next to the candles. "Phoebe come stand to the left of me but slightly behind me and Piper stand to the right of me but slightly behind me." I turned and watched as my two older sisters obeyed my commands with confusion written on their faces.

"Trust me you two for this spell to work we need to stand this way without touching one another." I said with a soft smile hoping that my sadness didn't reach my eyes. I turn quickly around to face the candle circle which was empty. It wouldn't be empty for much longer. I took a deep breath and began to say the spell.

"Oh spirit from the other side,
we three sisters miss the fourth sister who is on the other side.
Oh spirit from the other side,
grant our wish and bring the oldest back.

Oh spirit from the other side,
heed the wishes of your children.
Oh spirit from the other side,
grant our wish and bring the oldest back."

Piper repeated the words her youngest sister had just said with such sureness in her voice. She could hear the hesitantly but also the vast excitement in her own voice along that of Phoebe's.

Phoebe repeated the words that her baby sister had said along with her older sister. She didn't look over at Piper but she kept her eyes firmly on the empty circle of candles which hopefully won't be empty soon.

I listened as Phoebe and Piper spoke the words slowly behind me. I took a deep breath and knew that the next part was to get their blood racing so that they would soon be chanting quickly and not thinking about the words they were saying. My spell had to work this way otherwise my sisters would never get Prue back.

"Oh spirit from the other side,
we three sisters want the fourth sister to appear in front of us.
Oh spirit from the other side,
grant our wish and bring the oldest back.

Oh spirit from the other side,
heal the sadness in the two.
Oh spirit from the other side,
grant our wish and bring the oldest back."

Piper felt her heart quicken as she quickly recited the words that Paige had just said. She felt like she all ready knew what her sister was going to say before she even said so that was why she felt comfortable with speeding up her speech as soon as Paige paused for breath.

Phoebe almost wanted to shout the words as her heart and pulse speeded up. Come on Paige get one with it. Say the words that will bring Prue back to us.

I listened as my sisters voices had gathered speed quickness in their excitement to getting Prue back. I knew than that the next two verses would end my life but give them back their sister whom they truly loved and needed.

"Oh spirit from the other side,
grant the youngest to do what she much do for the oldest.
Oh sprit from the other side,
grant our wish and bring the oldest back."

Piper felt fear crept into her as she repeated the last paragraph but she was more excited to finally seeing Prue again that she pushed the fear from her heart and repeated the next lines of Page's spell, little knowing what she had just done to her baby sister.

Phoebe wasn't paying attention to the tension that had built up in the room all her thoughts and prayers were on getting Prue back. She couldn't wait for Prue and Paige to finally meet. She felt soft tears roll down her checks as she finished the last word of the poem and held her breath waiting for Paige to continue.

"Oh spirit from the other side,
Take the youngest in place of the oldest.
Oh spirit from the other side,
Keep the power of Three strong with the oldest.
Oh spirit from the other side,
Send the youngest to the place of the oldest.
Oh spirit from the other side,
Trade the lives of our sisters.
Oh spirit from the other side,
Keep the true blooded Halliwell line pure.
Oh spirit from the other side,
grant our wish and bring the oldest back."

Even as the light sparkled showing the slight form of Prue Halliwell Piper had all read rushed forward and knelt down at Paige's side and put her hand on her sister's chest and not finding the heart beat that proved that her baby sister was still alive.

Phoebe stared wide eyed shocked at her oldest sister who had died. She couldn't believe that Prue was really here. She couldn't allow herself to believe that the four Halliwell sister were finally reunited. "Paige you did it." She finally tore her eyes away from Prue to look were Paige had been standing. She was shocked that her baby sister's back wasn't facing her any longer. "Where did you go Paige?"

Phoebe suddenly lowered her eyes and she gasped at the sight of Piper at Paige's side. She shook her head not willing to believe the sight that beheld her.

"NO!" Piper screamed in the dead silence of the attic.


Author's Note: The spell that the sisters recicted ok followed behind Paige is compelety copy written by me. So if you use the spell please e-mail me and ask. Thank you.