Naruto: kyuubi-kun sort of based the start of this fic off of 'shanghai knights' and she does not own any of the characters in this fic either and neither does she care.
Sasuke: … That's a bit emo isn't it?
Naruto: Only you're a bit emo teme.
Sasuke: whatever dobe.
Gaara: We all know you have issues Uchiha but that's no reason to agitate my kitsune-koi. Crushes a small sand sculpture of Sasuke in his hand and glares
Sasuke: … fine… then I will just go to some other user who does sasunaru
Naruto: It would be Narusasu at best! Teme!!
Sasuke: want to find out?
Sorry for such a late update but I… got flamed… went on holiday… I hate excuses. Anyway! This will make it up to all you guys, a nice short story as a gift/apology.
GOMENASAI!!!! On with the story!
Chapter 1- 2 sides to a coin
"Woooooo," Echoed the roar of the steam train, the life line that pumped the blood of the old west, a start to a new technological era. Transporting timber, gold, meat, cloth, people and basically anything else anyone could fit on the many carriages of the strong steam train. It was the brunt of hopes and dreams to be ever expanding world of man.
These hopes were expressed in more than just one way, of course.
Naruto, the leader of the cowboy gang 'Red Gun' (1), also had hopes and expectations on this train that lead to larger dreams, un-named at this stage. But he wasn't here to slowly earn them slowly in a boring desk job or a saloon. Definitely not his style.
He was there to rob the train.
He was currently with a group gang which was made up of 13 members: Ino, Kiba, Akamaru, Sakura, Shino, Lee, TenTen, Neji, Hinata, Konohamaru, Sai, Sasuke and himself. Personally he didn't consider Akamaru, Kiba's dog, a member but he had proved himself more then a dog multiple times by helping the group out of a number of tight squeezes so he finally accepted the fact that he was a member to be trusted. Besides it made their number 13, which was pretty cool.
In his gang everyone wore old faded jeans, personalized long sleeved shirts, (in his group) red masks and wielded the trade mark red guns with their legendary unlimited bullet ability (Courtesy of a mixture of seals and kage bunshin's (2) from Naruto) (no Akamaru did not wear the attire. Each persons gun was personalised to his/her special abilities so maximum potential was established. They rode fine stallions and mares with 2 crossed guns branded on the rump of the fine beasts that were well stocked with a few saddle bags and high quality leather bridals and saddles. These were better than just normal horses as they had their own intelligence and sense of loyalty.
Together they moved as a team. Through thick and thin they had always made it. To each other they were more than a gang of culprits they were a body of closely netted friends whom could do anything. Anything at all to obtain their dreams and outcomes.
Today, once again, it was the country side tracks to a fully stocked train that brought them here.
Naruto took in a deep breath and looked at each member who looked ready. Even their horses were edgy to the expected. The train whistled again and Naruto straightened and kicked his horse in gear.
A clatter of hooves, dust and rocks flying behind the gang they followed their leader to battle down the hill to the train. Swiftly the horses galloped in a deadly arrow hard and fast. The strong agility unlike usual horses was pronounced strongly with every stride as they almost flew smoothly to the action to come.
They rode to the caboose (3) of the train and easily stepped off their horses onto the small platform at the back. The blond pulled up his bandana over his mouth and nodded to take action. The gang split into 2 as half went through the back door and the other half jumped onto the roof to take the front of the train.
He was a little concerned about his comrades as he followed into the back of the train. He wouldn't know to do if anything happened to them. Memories flooded into his brain as he suddenly remembered the last time they had found a guard escort on the train and in the process Kiba had almost died with a shot to the stomach with a double barrelled shot gun. But on a last second thing Naruto had jumped in and killed every guard… so he was told. Truth be told, he couldn't remember a thing, but he was happy regardless. Happy that Sakura had managed to save Kiba's life in the nick of time and that Kiba would have a story to tell with his rather large scar now, which was getting a little old by now.
"Naruto," said Neji.
"Oh sorry, just zoned out," Naruto replied. "Let's get this over with."
The door flew off its' hinges and landed with a thud 2 metres away.
"Ahhhhhh! Train Hitchers!" shouted the predictable distressed woman somewhere in the carriage.
Naruto relaxed as the familiarities of the scene unfolded like a favourite pop-up book in front of him. Just a normal day.
"Reach for the sky! And as the lovely lady just pointed out, yes, this is a stick up! If you want to see tomorrow then hand over all your valuables!" The blond boldly stated.
The rest of his team swept the room and filled sacks with gold, silver, jewellery, watches and anything of particular value. It didn't matter what gender, age or race you were because the team worked swiftly on all occupants.
"NO! You can't take it it's mine!" shouted a boys voice from 4 rows behind the leader.
"P-Please h-h-hand it over," sounded Hinata's voice.
"It's special you can't have it!"
Naruto swiftly turned around and was next to Hinata in a few swift strides.
"What is the problem?" said Naruto eyeing watch that a small boy was clinging for dear life onto.
"Na-Naruto kun" she whispered quietly. "Umm… he-"
"My brother gave this to me and it was because of people like you that he's dead!" The boys eyes started to well up with tears, "a-and I would rather die then give his treasure to anyone like you, you Bakemono (4)!" screamed the boy as tears started to streak his face.
"Just hand it over kid you-"
The boy spat at the blond's face but it fell short and landed of his chest.
The blond man looked down at the filth on his chest and his face grew dark for a while. Silence pursued for 3 seconds then suddenly he thrust his hand forward and grabbed the boys' neck in a death grip with speed of a striking cobra. Everyone in the carriage stopped and a few gasped at the violent action.
Naruto raised his dark face and looked the boy square in the eyes.
"Damn straight," Naruto said glaring hells fury into the small petrified boy. The small brown haired boy's breath hitched and the blond could physically hear his heart go crazy. He eyed the door at one side of the carriage and the occupants of the room from the sides of his eyes. Quickly he dragged the terrified boy over to the door at one end of the carriage and walked through slamming the door behind him at the startled occupants.
The 2 stood in between 2 carriages where the noise and wind pressed down at them and threatened to shake them easily off the train. Naruto dropped the boy on the small veranda thing in front of the door and cracked his knuckles and looked at the roof of the carriage for any people. He could swear he heard something.
Instantly the boy started screaming like a maniac and the blond resumed his full attention to him.
Naruto pulled out a Victorinox (best knife ever) knife and slashed the boys wrist so blood started to flow freely out. Startled the boy instantly shut up after a yelp of pain. With the unexpected silence Naruto quickly looked at the boy's face and in a quick draw shot a round into the air. Then working fast the blond covered his fingers in blood as well as the tip of his gun and then wrapped the wound in a bandage.
"W-why… mister?" almost whispered the brunette shakily.
"I'm sure your brother didn't want you to die the same way as he did. Don't you think he wanted you to live? A watch isn't much good if your dead boy. Try to remember that next time you stand up to a cowboy." He finished wrapping the wound and then looked up kindly again. "My name is Uzumaki Naruto (5) what is your name?" asked the man as he continued to whisper.
"Well Tom, do you possess any family?"
The boy shook his head "They died when a gang destroyed my town. I'm on my way to a cruddy orphanage now."
Naruto sympathised Tom but straightened up when he heard shuffling in the carriage. "Listen to me very carefully Tom. Take these directions on this paper and follow them carefully to the address. The people there will take care of you." Naruto opened a bag on hi belt and fiddled around on his right side and took out rope with various satchels containing food and water strapped to it. Efficiently he bound it round the Tom's thin waist. "Here's food and water for the journey, don't be a baka (6), use it wisely,"
". . . W-why are you doing this?"
"Because I believe that people should have a future to decide their own dreams."
Tom looked up admiringly at the courageous blond man in front of him.
"Thank you"
Naruto smiled, "Good luck Tom"
So with that said he unexpectedly pushed the boy off the train and into a sand dune.
Naruto watched the faded figure and sighed. He put on his serious mask again and re-entered the carriage. He froze as he saw a man with brown hair and a pony-tail holding a gun to Hinata's head.
"Ah, you have finally returned. Drop the guns and none of your compradors get hurt." threatened the mysterious man.
I thought that I should leave it at a cliffie
This story started as a one-shot and now has turned into like a monster of like a million page story. -Tears- why can't I write short stories? Nande?
1 –- I had a little trouble finding a name because it had to dark and cool and non copyrighted and stuff
2 — For those who watch dubbed Naruto (I HOPE IT DIES) kage bunshin is Naruto's shadow clone jutsu and yes, in this fic they will have their cool ninja abilities because its so cool.
3 --- Caboose is the very end carriage of a train
4 --- Bakemono means monster
5 --- It's Japanese custom to give your name before asking for someone else's. It is considered rude if you don't.
6 --- Baka means idiot/stupid
The plot thickens in the next chapter so if you want to see it then do something that begins with a R.
Naruto: Resuscitate?
Everyone: -sweatdrops-
Oh and by the way I am not putting an update time as it will decay and gain dust and stuff. This is only my second fic so please don't flame me too hard. I'm sensitive.