Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece. One Piece is owned by Eiichiro Oda and Shonen Jump.

Saving Nami

By Emichii!

Emichii: Hiya all! This is Saving Nami! My second One Piece fanfic!! I hope you all like it! Read and review!

Chapter 1: Zoro's in love?!?

"ZORO!! IT'S DINNERTIME!!!" Chopper yelled. He tilted his reindeer head to the side. "That's weird. Zoro doesn't usually take so long to come to dinner."

"Aw, who cares?" Luffy cried cheerfully. "It just means more for me to eat!!"

"Luffy, that's mean," cried the doctor of the Straw Hat crew. "I'm going to find Zoro."

He found him outside on the ship's deck, leaning on the railing staring out at the sea. It was such a picturesque scene, the green-haired swordmaster staring distantly out into the blue sea.

"Zoro, it's dinner now, you should go in and eat," Chopper told him. "or else Luffy will eat it all."

When Zoro didn't respond, Chopper shouted straight in his ear. "ZORO IT'S DINNERTIME!! DID YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID?"

Zoro jumped. "ARRGH!! Why are you screaming, Chopper?"

Chopper shook his small head. "Zoro, what's wrong with you today? You're so lost in thought."


Chopper sighed. "Never mind. Dinner's ready."

Nami had barely batted an eyelid when Zoro didn't turn up for dinner. I mean, yeah, so what? Big deal. Well, maybe she was just a tiny little bit surprised and there was just the most miniscule amount of worry.

Zoro has… been acting weird today, Nami thought as she picked at her food.

"NAMI!! Are you gonna eat that or what?" Luffy asked as he stared at the navigator's barely touched dinner.

"Luffy!" scolded Sanji. "That's Nami's dinner and a girl needs her-"

"Forget it, Sanji," Nami said. "You can have it, Luffy." She stood up abruptly from her chair and headed out the door.

"…Zoro," she said as she ran into him outside on the deck.

"…hey." he answered.

"Why didn't you eat dinner?" Nami said blankly.

"I wasn't hungry."

"Fair enough."

So Zoro wasn't the only one acting weird in the crew, but Nami seemed to have a legitimate reason. The navigator didn't return to her cabin but stared at the sea on the deck of the upper level.

Zoro studied her. "You miss Vivi, don't you?"

"What?" Nami stared at Zoro.

Zoro continued knowingly. "After all, she was the only other girl to have joined our crew temporarily and you two really became good friends, huh?"

Nami's hands were placed on the railing and they got clenched so tight that the knuckles turned white. "Th-that's so not true! I'm just angry and betrayed that Vivi didn't pay us the money that she promised us if we took her to Alabaster!"

Their eyes met.

"Nami, you actually really miss her, don't you? You're just covering it up and acting strong by pretending you were after her money all along."

He was right. Crap, he was so right. Nami's bottom lip quivered. "H-how would you know?" she demanded, turned on her heel and went into her cabin.

Zoro sighed, running his hand through his hair. Nami… you really are one-of-a-kind.

Okay… so he was right. Nami closed the door behind her and leaned back on it. She slid all the way down to the floor so that she was sitting down and hugged her knees to her chest. She really did miss Vivi. And the worse part was that knowing the chances of them ever meeting again were practically 0.

And it was really sad they all said goodbye in total silence. Nami had been so disappointed when Vivi told them she wasn't going to join up with them. Luffy had just grinned and said, "Sure, okay!" but Nami had really felt sad.

Maybe it was all the time being stuck in a pirate crew with 5 men. Well, make that 4 men and a reindeer. And now Neko Robin.

Nami stared at the floor. I guess Neko Robin joining up with us does make me forget about Vivi a little bit… and it's nice to have another girl in the pirate crew. She smiled to herself. "And maybe Sanji might even have a chance with her," Nami said to herself, "because he certainly doesn't have one with me,"

She wandered past the table, where the map of the Grand Line was carefully laid out, to the window and gazed outside. Besides, my heart already belongs to someone else... well, used to.

Nami wondered what happened to the guy she used to love. She stared dreamily, reminiscing about all the beautiful memories… then for some reason the green-haired master of Santoryu…

"What?" Nami cried out. She placed a hand on her forehead. Why did I think of… HIM of all people…?

"You say something's wrong with Zoro?" said Luffy. He leant back in his chair and sighed.

"Do you think he's sick or something?" Sanji asked Chopper.

Chopper frowned. "I'm not entirely sure."

"Oh, he's sick all right!" Ussop added into the conversation. He winked at Chopper, "but it's not some sickness you can cure normally, Chopper, its love-sickness."

"LOVE-SICKNESS?" Luffy, Sanji and Chopper yelped.

Sanji mopped his curly eyebrow. "You have got to be kidding me,"

Cheeky Ussop grinned. "But no, I'm not. It's obviously true."

There was a moment of silence as everyone wondered the same thing.

"…who do you think it is he likes?" Chopper whispered.

Luffy frowned really hard. "You don't suppose it would be Vivi…"

All four of them leant back and stared at the ceiling. It seemed to be the perfect answer. I mean, if Nami was acting all weird because her great friend Princess Vivi had left, could Vivi be the cause of Zoro's weirdness.

Sanji pretended to sob, "No… not my poor precious Vivi… what would she do if she were stuck with a feisty swordsman?!?"

"It's not Vivi." Chopper said suddenly as if he had a brainwave.

"How would you know?" Sanji spat out angrily.

Ussop thought about it for a moment, "…I don't know why but I think Chopper's right. I don't think its Vivi either."

Sanji sighed. "I guess that means its either Robin or Nami." He considered what he had just said. "ARGH!!! It's either Robin or Nami!! NOOO! That's not a good thing!! ARGHHHH!!!"

"It's Nami."

All four of them froze at the sound of the new voice joining the conversation. Robin was watching them from the doorway, cowboy hat perched on the top of her black hair.

"Robin…" Sanji swooned.

None of them much doubted Robin's presumption because Robin was one of those people who seemed to know everything and guessed everything right.

"Nami, huh?" Luffy said. "I wonder how he's doing right now."

"Hey Zoro, do you like Nami?"

"Huh?" He turned to face the captain of the Straw Hat Crew.

Luffy's face was blank and he was extremely straightforward. Probably too straightforward.

"You like Nami, don't you?"

"HAARH?? Are you outta your freakin' mind? Why would you even say something like that, Luffy?" Zoro totally freaked out.

Luffy watched Zoro as he avoided his gaze. "I don't have any idea what you're talking about." the swordsman said, turning away from him. But the way he acted as soon as Luffy bought it up and the shame in Zoro's eyes and the slightest hint of a blush on his face seemed to prove exactly the opposite.

"Zoro, aren't you meant to tell her?" Luffy pressed on.


Luffy blinked. "Well, isn't that what's meant to happen? I thought the guy was meant to tell the girl how he felt and then the girl was gonna burst into tears and the guy would say 'oh no im so sorry' and the girl would say 'waahhh it's because I love you' and then they'd get married or something?"

Zoro looked the pirate captain. "You've got to be kidding. Besides, how would you know anything about this kinda thing anyway?"

"You're right. I don't."


"I watched it on the TV when I was a little kid." Luffy explained.

Zoro grunted. He shrugged. "Well, don't get any stupid delusional ideas about what's gonna happen because it ain't gonna happen."

He walked to his cabin and didn't notice that as he went past Nami's cabin, she was looking at him through the window.

"Sir, your decisions have been reported to the senior officers."

"Wonderful." The black shadowy figure replied.

"So… now you will be planning to take on the Grand Line?"

"That's correct."

"…don't you need a navigator, sir? I heard that the Grand Line is the most dangerous place in the world?"

"I have that covered," the figure said to his servant.

"We have all the files on all the greatest navigators in the world. We'll be tracking them down immediately to bring you, captain, the greatest navigator possible."

"Don't bother."

"Huh? What do you mean, Coroneos, sir?"

Coroneos finally turned and smiled a sly smile to the other person. "I told you not to bother. I have it covered… I already know the greatest navigator in the world and… she will be mine."


Coroneos stood on his boat in his huge coat and the coat blew around in the wind. He stared out into the distant dark sea.

"Nami… soon we will meet again."

Chapter 1 End.

Emichii: I didn't mean for this story to be angsty but the end of that chapter certainly was. Eh heh heh… yeah I'm a big fan of Zoro/Nami!! Though I don't mind Kuina/Zoro. But sheesh, how dumb was Kuina if she fell down the stairs and killed herself? Speaking of black-haired swordswomen, I really REALLY HATE Teshigi. Isn't she the kinda girl you'd just LOVE to beat up? Anway, thanks for reading! Please review!!