Like Cypher said, I ran like hell


AUTHOR: Mara Trinity Scully

RATING: R for language

CATEGORY: Movie-fic

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT: Wherever, just tell me please.

FEEDBACK: After a long and painstaking investigation, it has been scientifically proven by top-secret scientists that responding to the fanfic author about her piece will increase your GPA, your life span, the possibility of you falling in love with the right person the first time around, and your sexual performance. So get cracking, people. [email protected]

SUMMARY: Neo's thoughts in the last minutes of his one life and the first of his next

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is a chapter of my WIP called Always Waiting. But it can happily stand-alone. Pray enjoy!

THANK YOU: To Centaur for kicking my butt every now and then saying "POST, DAMNIT, POST!!!" I love ya, chicka. And MATRIX GIRLS FOREVER! *theme music plays*

DISCLAIMER: Yadda yadda yadda. I ain't making one bloody cent over this baby. The Matrix and all related materials and characters are the sole property of Warner Brothers.

Watch. Listen. Hunger. Wish. Desire. Wait.

Always waiting.


I have no other choice.

"You run…run your ass off."

Yes, Cypher. I'm running, you heartless bastard.

Oh, the damn minute you think you're safe…

You end up in deep shit.

Must find a phone.


"Mr. Wizard, get me the hell out of here…"

Wabash and Lake.


The pain is sharp but the less I think of it and more I think of that phone…it disappears.

It isn't real anyway. I know that now.

There is no fucking spoon.


Three agents. Three of them..

3. Trinity.

I need help. I hate being in here alone.

Alone. Always alone.

Heart o' the City Hotel, room 303.


Room 303. 3. Trinity.

Oh God, I don't need to think of her now. But hell, I cannot stop thinking of her. Her and the Oracle's damned words.  "Looks like you're waiting for something."



Blessed Trinity. Strong and caring Trinity. Deeply hurt and betrayed Trinity.

Beautiful Trinity.

Run on.

She's watching me. She's watching my vitals, watching my muscles flex, watching my eyes search behind my eyelids. She's watching. Tending. Waiting.



303. I found it. Door—

I'm in Hell. Agent Smith. Waiting for me. The gleaming metal of a .45. And something small and sharp pierces me. It's a…

No. This isn't true. I'm still alive. I'm not going to die. It's all a lie.

The oppressive lie becomes overpowering. I can't breathe. It's smothering my mouth and dampening my brain and I can't feel my heart. I'm going to die…I'm going to die. But I cannot surrender. Cannot…

Anger rising as the pain explodes. This is a lie, but I'm losing. I'm gone. I can't win. I can only wait for the coldness to consume me.

Waiting Trinity

I understand…

I'm waiting for Trinity.

But all I can see or feel is darkness.

Yet…She's here with me. I'm hearing her voice speak to me. Comforting me, warming my cold body and saying…saying three precious little words. Precious words. And she says them again. This must be heaven. And then I feel a warm pressure on my lips and a sweet nose caressing mine.

The bliss is too much for me to bear without breathing it in. I call for air and it surges into my lungs and I can breathe again. Longing to feel my heart enjoy this moment, I call for it to beat for her, and it does. But most important, I want to see her, so I call for my eyes to open…and they do.

I am alive.

And Trinity loves me.

I realize the Truth. That wonderful goddamned truth.

I am the One.