DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything in this story except for the characters Brittany and Jade and parts of the plot…..but I wish I did!!

A/N: Okay, I just wanted to let everyone know that this is my first story on here and that it will be a mix of couples but, it will eventually be Brittany/Sirius, James/Lily, and Remus/Jade. Anyways, reviews are appreciated (but not demanded) and I'll take anything you want to give me. Thanks for reading!

So I just edited this story after rereading and hating all of the mistakes that were in it. I will be doing this to the other chapters as well, so you can check those sometime too. This chapter has some new dialog and descriptions in it, so check that out if you're interested! I think I got everything, but just P.M me or something if you find anymore mistakes!

Love to all!


"You are going to die Potter!! And stop laughing Black, you're next!!"

Okay, don't understand, maybe I should start from the beginning? My name is Brittany Rose and I'm in my 6th year at Hogwarts with my twin sister Jade. Most people call me pretty, but I like to think that I'm not vain. I have blondish-brown hair, green eyes, and my hair is long with bangs. I'm about 5'7 or 5'8 and most of the time I feel like giant, but that's something I'll just have to deal with. I like to think that I have curves, although I don't really like to stare at myself or contemplate implants of any sort. I can change my appearance at will, but this is the natural color of my eyes and hair. It's really funny how people used to think that I dyed my hair a lot, but I'm a metamorphose.

My sister Jade is also one of my best friends. Even though we're twins, it's hard to really call us the same. She is about 5'5 with chocolate brown hair and baby-blue eyes. She is also very pretty and most of the guys at school swoon over her. She is also a metamorphose, but she doesn't like to change her appearance as much as I do. She is more of the shy type and likes to study a lot, so she gets around with our other best friend, Lily Evans.

Lily Evans is one of the prettiest girls in our grade, but she doesn't like to let it show. She has fiery red hair with stunning emerald eyes. Lily studies all the time, and and it pays off because she is the smartest witch in our year. She also has a mild stalker, if you could call following someone around and asking them out every time you see them, plus having at least 11 different pet names for her mild. So this brings us to our next point.

Here at Hogwarts there are these boys, known as the Mauraders. They think they are hot stuff, the best thing since sliced bread, which I can't say they aren't, but that's not the point. They are the most arrogant, asinine boys you could ever meet. So without further ado let me introduce you to the Mauraders (note the sarcasm here if you please).

First off, we have James Potter. He is the "leader" of the pack. He is so full of himself that you could power a hot air balloon. He is also Lily's stalker. He's about 5'11 with unruly black hair, beautiful hazel eyes and glasses. He wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't such a jerk and a prankster but that kind of stuff is hard to look past. And besides he is completely obsessed with his Lilykins.

Next out of the ring, we have Sirius Black. Almost as bad as Potter, if not slightly worse. All the girls obsess over him and he knows it. Jade and I have this saying that if you counted all the girls he has hooked up with it would be over half of the female population in Hogwarts. He has to be one of the tallest people I know at at least 6'1 and has shaggy black hair that falls gracefully and stormy blue eyes. He and Potter are best friends, and when the two get together it's almost unbearable. Plus, he has been trying to flirt with me and get me into his dormitory since 4th year, so that could be a reason he is so insufferable to be around. Although, Sirius is pretty cute, but just ignore that.

We also have Remus Lupin. He is quite easily the easiest to get along with. While not as cute as the other boys, he still has that air of handsomeness that surrounds him. But, alas, he is off limits seeing as he and Jade are dating and have been for awhile now. He is more like us girls in the sense that he is a bookworm, but he can still take place in a few of the pranks. He is, along with Lily, one of the prefects of our house.

And last but not least, there is Peter Pettigrew. I don't have much to say about him except he is weird and very, very jumpy. I mean, seriously, I have never seen someone so jumpy and nervous before in all of my years on this beloved earth. He is pretty much like the other boys lapdog while doing everything they tell him, all the while trying to be exactly like them. I feel a bit sorry for him, but he could do something about all this. So one day I'm just going to have to tell him to get a life or get some better friends.

That's about everything that you need to know about these boys, besides the fact that they all play quidditch. Everything that I have just told you makes these boys the rulers of the school, but this year we are not going to let them stand in our way to the top of the class. Jade, Lily, and myself are not going to put up with them anymore and all these changes are going to start now, on the train, on the way to our sixth year at the glorious school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


"Lily calm down, its not that big of a deal. Don't worry about it and let's find a compartment before all the good ones are taken." I soothed. James had just asked Lily out again, having a bouquet of two dozen roses following her around the platform of the train and singing her a lovely song by James himself. Needless to say she was NOT happy about that one. But on the bright side, he has a lovely singing voice.

"I cant believe it." Lily shouted angrily as she flung open doors to filled compartments and then slammed them again. "How could he have thought that would make me want to do anything besides die of embarrassment?"

"Lily, could you please calm down? People are starting to stare." Jade had the decency to state the obvious to our crazed friend, who was now muttering angrily to herself and sighing at random intervals. And indeed people were starting to stick there heads out of their cozy, warm compartments to see what the big deal was.

"Nothing to see here people, go back to your own business before you're sorry cans get assaulted by Lily's awesome fury!" I shouted when I saw that people had the idea that if they stared long enough Lily would finally go berserk and massacre us all.

"Come on guys, there aren't going to be anymore compartments left because we're leaving the station now. Let's just make our way to the back of the train before Lily really does go into a fit of rage." Jade took Lily's arm and pulled her down the hallway, while Lily continued to contemplate the pro's and con's of chopping James into tiny, little pieces. I turned my inspirational comments into a coughing fit and tried to contain my giggling so I wouldn't have to worry about growing new eyebrows. Again.

Lily had finally ended her rant when we got to the third car down the train, but then she had started her incessant worrying about who did better than her on her O.W.L.'s and who we would be sharing dorms with this year. I stuck my tongue out of my mouth and to the side of it and crossed my eyes as Lily began her tirade with Jade. "What if someone takes our spot at the top of class? Oh, Jade, I know Brittany wouldn't care that much, but if it's Black, I'll jump off the astronomy tower." She bemoaned, as we reached the last and final compartment.

"You have got to be kidding me" I groaned, causing Lily and Jade to look at me curiously and with somewhat wounded expressions.

"Well, I wouldn't really jump off the tower, Britt. It's just an expression." Lily told me sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and pointed into the last compartment of the train holding the people who were the bane's of my existence. Lily cursed loudly and Jade allowed a small smile to grace her features. "Now, I really am going to jump." Lily whispered.

It's going to be a long and trying ride to Hogwarts.


Well there was the first chapter! I hope everyone liked it and all types of reviews are welcome so I would GREATLY appreciate a few of 'em. Just wanted to say that this chapter is dedicated to my best friend Elizabeth (or Jade) because she is my inspiration! Lol, Okay that's enough of that. So, be a doll and click that little, beautiful, wonderful button and review this story!

Yours Truly,
