
Where chaos is a fancy.

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Mischief Managed

Mikan Sakura was an icon in her school and if possible, the whole of Japan. She's rich… no wonder I mean, with a world-famous pianist and a mother who practically OWNS real estate as parents, who wouldn't?

She was smart, with the I.Q. leveling Einstein (kinda shocking, isn't it?). In addition, being the top in her class. I doubt an A plus, plus would be enough for her roof-raising grade.

She's beautiful. Her olive eyes and perfectly straight hair is a breath-taking combination. Although Mikan has a temper shorter than an egg being fried in a 1000 degree oven, guys still dig her. She's athletic as well; she rocks in tennis and running. Soccer's a knack for her too.

Really, based on the listed above, what would you conclude Mikan Sakura is?

Answer: Perfect

Well, WRONG!

One thing's for sure about her, she's a trouble maker. She gets bored real easy and practically has a detector for finding mischief and vice versa. She was able to custom-make her own mini-bomb at the age of thirteen and now, at sixteen, she's a heck of a lot better.

Why don't you ask the principal in Vincent Brian's Academy in how good she really is? The damage done in the cafeteria was worth hundreds of dollars and thousands more for the law suits. (Price available upon request, please inquire Mrs. Xandra Hadez, the school's secretary.)

It was almost the end of the semester and so far, Mikan toned down a bit… not a good sign.

Because of her, bomb detectors were placed all around the campus… Excluding the toilet bowls due to… ehem, confidential 'businesses'.

And when Mikan takes a break in chaos, it means trouble lies ahead…

When the bell signaled it was time for lunch break, Mikan and her best friend, Minouru had something else in mind rather than eating on the grass (The cafeteria was closed, remember, due to her ingenious plot.)

Minouru Dohemian, a half American Japanese, was Mikan's partner in crime; they were like hip-joined together. You simply couldn't see Mikan without the guy or vice versa.

Minouru had been best friends with Mikan ever since she was thirteen and apart from also being filthy rich, he's quite the charmer as well. You could never go wrong with all of those fan-mails.

He has brown hair with green streaks to match his emerald-green eyes and just like his posse, he's a shoin' for mayhem.

As all of the students piled up to go outside the building to enjoy a peaceful lunch… Our dynamic duo begs to differ.

-Girl's Bathroom, building F, 2nd floor-

"… so tell me why we're in the GIRL'S bathroom again, and NOT in the boy's bathroom?"

A pair of green eyes looked fearfully at the door; he was currently standing over a brunette, who was kneeling over while holding a screwdriver.

"Quit your yapping, Minouru, no one will come in at this time. Besides, If a girl DOES come in, she wouldn't be able to notice that you weren't of the opposite sex due to your –ahem- female characteristics… And, comfort rooms are the only ones which are un-infected by the bomb-detectors."

"Shut up and finish the "Pinkanizer" already you discord queen."

Mikan gave a loud snort before saying, "What a lame come-back,"

Minouru smirked at her back, "With that snort of yours, maybe if a girl DOES come in, she'd scream at YOU instead of me, and accuse a man-like idiot for entering the female bathroom."

"Shut up, sea-weed, I'm done." Mikan merely ignored his comment on her snort and pushed the doors open.

"When are you going to stop teasing me about my hair?" Minouru whined.

"When you take off those weird streaks of yours." Mikan carefully unwrapped the "Pinkanizer" and walked cautiously near a visible bomb-detector, she held it up and surprisingly, it didn't sound off.

Minouru gave a triumphant war cry before he followed an excited Mikan who was headed off for the Music room.

-Music Room, Recreation Building, 1st Floor-

The music room was not only a huge place for band and choir practice, it was also a place where mini-concerts were held, an important addition to the proud Vincent Brian's Academy, and the perfect target.

Mikan gingerly placed the "Pinkanizer" in the conductor's stand, set it to 5 minutes and rushed outside.

Minouru was trailing behind her, an enthusiastic grin sketched on his fine features. He raised his left hand and said, "We have 15 more minutes to eat our lunch and at around 12:45, that Music Room will be white no more."

Mikan let out a giggle before rushing off to buy some sandwhiches.

Minouru and Mikan were seated under a cherry blossom tree, both of them holding a sandwich and Minouru checking his Rolex every few minutes.

At exactly 12:44, Mikan and Minouru went inside Building F and proceeded to go to the Girl's Bathroom.

-Girl's Bathroom (Again)-

Mikan opened the high window and peered over a telescope, closely inspecting the Recreation Building…

Minouru was counting down…

"20… 19…"

Mikan let out a giggle when she saw the principal walk towards the said building.

"Croaker's taking the bait, sea weed…"

"6… 5… 4… 3… 2…"

Through the telescope, Mikan saw the frog-like principal open the double doors of the building.


All hell broke loose as Principal Michael Crocker stepped in the Music room. He was covered in pink paint head to toe and… wow, I've never seen a pink saxophone before! Awesome!

There was no doubt about it, Mr. Crocker yelled at the top of his lungs as passers-by laughed and chuckled at the now-covered-in-pink principal.


The two brunettes were laughing their heads off and as Mikan calmed down, she faced Minouru and said,

"Mischief managed, Minouru, mischief managed!"

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A thank you to everybody who actually read this!

Please Review!

Next Chapter:


Still burning,
