
I knew everything about 'Tsun and he knew everything about me. That was they way it was and that was the way it always would be. He finished my sentences, he knew what to say on the rare occasion I was upset about something. And I could do the same for him. We'd never spent a moment apart from the time we met at the age of 5, and I mean NEVER. We took baths together. We slept curled together at night. We thought we knew everything, especially about each other. But right now it felt like we knew nothing.

It started out with me, walking next to 'Tsun behind the school buildings one afternoon. I'd made a discovery while Natsuo was distracted… I saw a couple half-hidden behind bushes, doing something WEIRD with their mouths. It looked at first as if they were trying to swallow each other's faces. Their lips were locked together, and something strange was happening between them. I thought they might have been fighting over food. I turned to 'Tsun and tugged on his sleeve.

"Tsun! What is that?"

He laughed at me and shoved me a little. "Don't be stupid, Youji. That's called French Kissing. It's when two people kiss and stick their tongues in each other's mouth. Don't you know anything?"

I blushed, a tiny bit. Not much embarrassed me but I hated it when Natsuo knew something I didn't. "Oh. But… why do they do it?"

Tsun shrugged. "Dunno. Maybe it tastes nice. I have no idea; I guess only people who can feel understand it."

I felt a little better knowing that he didn't know it all. "Oh." I twined a piece of hair around my finger. "If we kissed, Natsuo, would we feel it?"

I had noticed these days how much people TOUCHED each other. Whether it was just a set of friends or a fighter/sacrifice pair like us, they were always holding hands or hugging in greeting. To congratulate someone they patted them on the back. To comfort someone they would hold them close and stroke their hair. I wondered if maybe, JUST MAYBE, this whole touch thing wasn't as bad as Nagisa-sensei made it out to be.

"I dunno," my fighter answered, and then he looked at me with that challenging look that I loved, that mischievous twinkle popping into his eyes. "Wanna try?"

I grinned in retaliation. "Sure."

We sat there for a second, and I spoke first. "Well. You do it."

"No, you do it chicken!" 'Tsun snapped. "Why do I have to go first?"

I swallowed hard. "Uh… right."

I leaned towards 'Tsun. I smelled his skin and his breath, and it made me blush. "I dunno what to DO."

"Just kiss me," he snapped. "In the movies they just kiss and don't spend so much time thinking about it."

I wanted to say 'this isn't a movie', but I chose that moment to press my lips against his.

I didn't FEEL it, so to speak. There was pressure, a slight push of his lips against mine. I didn't feel them, but I knew they were there. And so did my body. What I did feel was my heart pounding in my chest, my stomach turning, my mind racing. What I did feel was that I wanted to taste him. I ran my tongue along his lips and he parted them, allowing me entrance. My body was responding to this, too. It must have felt nice from the way my heart was beating. It must have felt nice from the way my hand reached around to grab his head. It must have felt nice because I didn't want to stop. I could taste Tsun as his own tongue moved along mine, battling me for control of the kiss. I kept this going as long as I possible could and finally we pulled apart. I licked his taste away from my lips and grinned.

I felt like I knew nothing. I didn't know how much I would enjoy that. I didn't know how much something I couldn't feel would affect me.

And most of all I didn't know how long I could wait to kiss him again.

A/N: This could be any time from ages 10 to the present, but I'd say they'd be older than that. I'm thinking along the lines of 12. Youji and Natsuo would be oddly naïve because they don't really have other kids or role models to learn things from, so what they know about relationships and such they'd learn from TV or magazines. That's why Youji didn't know about a French kiss. And I think whether or not their nerve endings sent the signals to them that something felt bad or good, their body would react the same way. There are some exceptions like since they don't feel pain they wouldn't flinch from it, but they'd still sweat from heat. So… a kiss would still turn them on  whether or not they knew it. I'll do one from Tsun's POV soon.