Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters. I also do not support or indulge anyone to go out and join crime organizations of any kind.

Warning: Rated M for a reason. No, most likely not for lemons or limes at the moment, but for the graphic content of this story. Graphic content includes: Gore, Drug use/abuse, Sadism, Masochism, Nudity, Prostitution, Gambling, Harassment, and Abuse. This story is about a CRIME ORGANIZATION and I will not be going easy on any of the details of actual acts the Yakuza do. I will try to keep this realistic, BUT it is an Alternate Universe, which will hold mostly Naruto brand names. Thank You.

Chapter 4: Interlude Into Memories

From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.
Then- in my childhood, in the dawn
Of a most stormy life- was drawn
From every depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still:
From the torrent, or the fountain,
From the red cliff of the mountain,
From the sun that round me rolled
In its autumn tint of gold,
From the lightning in the sky
As it passed me flying by,
From the thunder and the storm,
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view.
-Edgar Allan Poe, Alone

(Normal POV/ Third Person POV)

"Hinata, cover your eyes and don't make a sound, no matter what you hear don't make a sound. Some one will find you soon. I love you sweetie."

"Mommy, don't go. I need you."

The small voice was covered by the sound of the closet door clasping shut and thunderous footsteps coming down the hallway. The little ones eyes were hidden by her own hands for a moment before the sound of the room door bursting open caused her to drop them. The small slats in the closet door allowed the girl to see the sight in the room.

Her mother stood there; perfectly erect her hands folded behind her back, as the four men circled her. The names the men called her mother made the little one flinch and her eyes water. Then it happened. One of the men jumped at the woman, she was quick on her feet and grabbed one of the vases behind her cracking it onto one of the skulls of her attackers. The man's body crumpled beneath him. He was knocked unconscious, small shards of glass protruding from his head. The other men were slow to react at first but immediately grab her mother and pinned her to the wall.

One man stood back, his hair white as snow and he looked so very young. He pulled out a knife and walked up to the little girl's mother. "Hyuuga whore, leaving the masters side was not a good choice. Die as you lived." The Hyuuga woman took one last glimpse towards the closet before spitting into the mans face. Without a second glance, the man slit her throat. The paper white skin unfolded leaving a river of crimson in its wake. The white haired man wiped some of the blood from his face, tasting it, before smiling. His smile was sick, crazed, and so very frightening.

He turned waving his hand, for the other men to leave. The two who had held up the body let it crumple to the floor, her chest still heaved lightly. They picked up the third, unconscious, member of the group dragging him out of the room. The white haired man kneeled next to the Hyuuga.

"The master had loved you so, but you left him for a normal family, for that bitch of a daughter and a husband who only gave you a need for something more. You know what; I think I will do you a special favor. When that useless daughter of yours grows up, I will make sure she gives the master everything he wanted from you. This I promise."

He patted the woman on the head before walking out of the room and closing the door, leaving nothing, but a body and the daughter of his promise behind. Meanwhile the girl in the closet's eyes grew wide and her breath shallow. Tears unknowingly fell from her eyes. As his footsteps finally disappeared, he girl scrambled out of the closet and rushed for her mother.

"Mommy, you have to get up. You need a hospital! Mommy, mommy, wake up!"

The little girl hugged her mother's chest, covering herself in blood. The blood pooled everywhere around her mother. Her body was propped up, so the slit in her throat looked like a paper cut. The girl looked up at her mothers face. The once lavender eyes were a deadened grey. Her long inky hair soaked in her own blood. The girls lip was quaking holding back a cry as her mother's body turned cold. Her perfect face still held that soft smile. The child reached to touch her mothers face one more time. When she touched her mothers face, tears began to run without the girl's control. She clung to the body as if trying to give it her warmth.


Footsteps stormed down the hallway. The Hyuuga had finally come. The door burst open once again. Deep red eyes looked down at the girl first. The scene was not uncommon but it disturbed him at some deep level. The crumpled body of the wife of the Hyuuga head and their first child balled up in her lap crying and clinging onto her mother.

Hyuuga's began to filter into the room. Itachi rushed over to the small girl, when he realized she was shivering violently. She tried to pry her from the body without harming the corpse.

"Hinata, let go. You have to let go. She is not coming back. Come on, Hinata."

The girl clung on tighter, chanting for her mother under her breath. Itachi now covered in blood as well, finally pried the girl from her mother. He picked her up and carried away from the corpse, she was still mumbling for her mother. The Hyuuga's separated for him as he walked for them.

An anonymous tip had told them of the incident, and when he heard, he rushed over. The possibility of Hinata dying with her mother was great and everyone in the compound at the time knew it. They knew who it was who had planned the attack. Hinata's mother had admitted to part of the affair. She knew the risks she had placed herself in. The only blank he could not fill in was why she had brought Hinata with her for this.

He snapped out of his daze as the head of the Hyuuga came rushing towards him. "Itachi, is she alive?" Hiashi Hyuuga's blackened voice wrung down the hallway. His twelve bodyguards stayed behind him all as expressionless as the last.

"Hinata is unharmed, but she is dead. He did it."

Itachi's voice was deadpan, as he watched the undeniable twitch of despair in his face. Hiashi always had been convinced he could stop any attacks on her life. He looked at Itachi in the eye searching for that one last glint of hope. Then his sight looked at his child. Her eyes dead and her face covered in tears and blood. The despair turned to disgust.

"Get her out of my sight, and get her to stop that blathering."

Itachi nodded quickly and moved down the hallway. He looked down at Hinata she had quieted and gone into silence. Even in this state, her father's words were understood. She was an embarrassment. Tears should only be shed in privacy. Tears show a weakness.

Itachi got out onto the street, which was covered in black cars and a single limousine. He looked down at Hinata again feeling her entire body tense up and almost convulse. Her eyes drifted to an alleyway. Itachi saw the flash of white hair and knew. He set Hinata down and told her not to move. He saw another Hyuuga getting out of his car and as he passed, he told the man to take Hinata to a hospital. Itachi ran towards the alleyway pulling the gun from his side holster. The alley was dark and covered in garbage. The alleyway bled into other small streets. That bastard could have run anywhere and he would never know. He looked at the ground for a moment catching sight of a small white piece of paper with a delicate scrawl on it.

"Let's Play. Tag you're it. I'm going to get her first."

A drop of blood dotted the corner and a snake was draw at the bottom. He dropped the paper and immediately turned. That damn bastard was going for Hinata. One woman was not enough for his master. He frowned and headed for the car. There was only one hospital in this district that handled clan violence. That was where she would be for sure.

His engine revved as he spun down the streets. If he did not get there first, she would be dead and a second body would lead to an overall clan war.

When he got there everything became blurry. People were everywhere flooding the area. Hinata had to be there or else the unrest would not have been this thick. He went up to the front counter.

"Hinata Hyuuga. I need to see her immediately."

He pulled out a pin with the Hyuuga clan mark. The woman told him the room number and opened the door for him. He found her room number and slid into the room. She was unconscious, but by her bedside was a large bouquet and a note.

"You lose, she is mine. I will take my prize when you look away."

He stared down at the bed. She was hooked up to monitors and needles and tubes were attached to her arms. They must have given her a sedative. His eyes glazed for a second. Then he saw the blood. On her ankle was a small cut in the shape of a snake. It would scar, and she would be marked. Itachi knew that was his way of claiming her. Itachi's fist balled up and his face turned into a vicious snarl.

She would be his, he knew it form the first time he had met her. The thought of any other man placing his hand on her was revolting. He would break that fuckers hands and feed then to him before he ever allowed him to have her.

Itachi picked up the bouquet and the vase that held it and threw it out the glass window next to Hinata's bed. Never again would he let her leave his sight. His chest heaved as he once again schooled his features into the porcelain mask. A nurse ran in almost seconds after.

"Sir, what was that noise?"

"I found a certain ornament in the room offending."

He caught eyes with the nurse, and she ran out of the room. He pulled a chair up next to her bed. He sighed staring down at her. Hiashi Hyuuga would start a war if he saw the mark. He would probably kill Hinata and then that wretched snake. Itachi ran his hand through his hair. He had to remove the mark before the Hyuuga leader ever laid eyes on it. Itachi pulled out a small pocket knife and breathed heavily. He carefully set his knife to her ankle pressing down lightly. Fresh blood began to drip from her ankle as he morphed the snake into a more appropriate symbol.

Hours Later

The heart monitor began to beep rapidly. The small frame in the bed began to toss and turn.

"Mommy… Mommy…"

Itachi stared at her blankly. He could not cure the pain, his own mother was ill, but as the heir he was taught to be distant. Women were weakness. So why all of the sudden did that rule seem so foolish.

Next Chapter

"Itachi, Itachi! Wake up! Oh God you're bleeding everywhere… Stay Awake, love."

Author Notes

I officially suck royally. I have been very busy out there in the real world. I will not let this story die. This chapter is very plot. Itachi and Hinata are both very young here. This may explain some later chapters. And if you haven't guessed who the white haired man is, put your powers of deduction to work, because I tried to make it obvious. The chapter takes place with a strong connection between Hinata and Itachi. I'll get the next chapter up in a month or two I hope. Once summer is here chapters will come rapid fire. Gah, well once again I'm sorry for the huge wait, and the fact this chapter is a bit plotty. Thanks for reading! Read and Review.
