Oh, damn, another fic! Don't blame me, blame my fellow owner of the redneck hockey team (Megan lol. Haha girl, jkn, you don't get blamed! This is my own damn fault! Lol….chica, we really need to name our hockey team! Lol.). I really don't know how it had came up in the conversation, but I said something about writing a TalaHil and came up with a plot…and here I am. Lol. This is going to suck! I know I shouldn't be taking on any more responsibility, but I just hadd to post this! Lol. I suppose I'll delete it, it just depends on what you think. This is my first nonKaiHil, it's TalaHil! The beginning is kind of filler-like, but later action and romance will heat up! Lol. Wow, this story is gonna suck! I'm soo sorry! OOCness, crappy grammar, my shitty writing and utterly talentless ass etc. etc. Anyway, I just had to post tonight, despite tomorrow is my Geometry and CATS 9 Semester Exams (wish me luck, I suck at those classes!...well, all classes! Lol) And then I'll be in New Jersey, leaving Friday morning, so yea! Lol. Oh, and watch out for Tala's very cursing and swearing mouth! Alright, here we go:

Tala: Haha, Kai, I stole your spot! I will be taking Kai's spot as the disclaimer and "On with the fic" guy! (A/N: -.-)

Kai: Hn.

Moonlight Serenity: Kai, you're no fun! Get jealous! Beat up Tala! Something.

Kai: I will do something –smirks- Moonlight Serenity does not own beyblade!

Tala and Moonlight Serenity: WTF!?

Kai: Didn't steal my spot after all. On with the shitty fic!

Note: Go to my profile for Hilary and Tala's OC family history, it's relatively important to the plot and I advise it. Scroll down my profile and it'll be in bold.


Remembering You


Chapter One:



"Boo!" Snow fell lightly through the Russian air of winter, dazzling like little white diamonds falling from the sky, some of which were burying themselves in her black lashes and chocolate brown locks. Her face was tinted pink from the cool winter air, and her face was lit-up like by a thousand-watt smile and sparkling ruby eyes. She, as well as he, were enveloped in childhood innocence and joy. The danger that lie ahead didn't even matter, didn't even exist yet. All that existed to them was their respective "Mommy", "Daddy", their houses, their yards, and their best friends: respectably "Hily" and "Tal-Tal." "Bet I scared you, huh, Tal-Tal?" He rose up out of his spot in the snow, looking at her like she was crazy…though she spoke the truth.

"Nu-uh, you couldn't scare nothing, Hily," Tal-Tal, a little three and one-half (which he would correct you if you even dared forget the one-half) year old with vibrant red hair, warm blue eyes, and pale skin, looked at his best friend defiantly.

"Bleh!" The little girl stuck her tongue out acting as though she was a monster, trying to impress her best friend. Her face then contorted back to its usual glee, "How waz 'at?" She looked hopeful, hands clasped in wonderment of her achievement. Tala shook his head at the two and one-half year old (if you forgot the half, she would instantly blow-up and insist you count the half –just as Tala would) girl before him.

"Nah! Go like this!" He stuck to fingers in his mouth and stuck out his tongue. She swatted his shoulder playfully.

"Ew!" He un-scrunched his face and shrugged.

"'Dunno," He told her. She cocked her head to the side, her long hair carelessly falling down her face and shoulders.

"You're weird, Tal-Tal, but I love you anyway," She grinned at him. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Yea-yea," He nodded. "Let's go get some food, k? I'm cold," He told her, gesturing towards the door to her small home. She nodded furiously.

"Br! I cold, too!" She agreed.

"K-k, let's go!" He gripped her tiny hand in his own small one and they skidded off to the home Hilary's grandparents had bought for her parents, the two tykes arguing over what to eat as they opened the door.


"Dammit!" Tala Valkov shot up in bed, finding himself back in his usual dark bedroom. He looked at the clock, which was vibrantly flashing 2:32 A.M., irritating the red-head even more so. He looked down at his hands in disgust, "It's that same damn dream! Again!" He glared harshly, "Stupid bitch…" He bit his tongue after the words… Why did he say that? "I'm sorry, Hilary," He sighed at his behavior. He reached over to his plain nightstand, unlocking a compartment drawer and tugging it out. He rustled the rubbish inside blindly as he searched for what he was looking for. "Hn." He'd found it, his demeanor calming. Slowly, he pulled out a laminated old picture. He looked at it, rubbing his head, cursing life. There he was as a four year old, a cherry popsicle in his mouth, standing in an indoor pool in blue swimming trunks; Valkov could swear that he still could taste the chlorine after swallowing the nasty pool water on multiple occasions. That's not all that was in the picture though; the other hand of the pale four year-old was occupied as well, tugging lightly on a chocolate brown braid as he, and the owner of the braid, laughed. She was in a dark pink one piece, hair tied into two braids, turning around aiming a grape Popsicle right at the boys head…and they were laughing. It wasn't a high-quality photo, but it was perfect in Tala's own mind. Even though the camera was angled weird, they didn't have some beautiful natural background, and there mouths weren't free of Popsicle scum, it was still…perfect. Tala suddenly glared as he remembered all the things that came after that, leading up to this sad point of his life. He glowered even more so when he saw the singed edge of the picture. Tala gritted his teeth, "Damn you, Boris, Voltaire. Rot in hell."

The icy-eyed red-head laid back in his bed, holding the picture before his face, examining it. He couldn't believe that for a period of his lifetime she was almost totally evaporated from his life…but in reality, she wasn't. He held her in his memory, vividly, the face of his first best friend; a girl who always wielded a smile, some childish knowledge, and the ability to teach Tala to do a dive off the diving board without fear. He could still remember lying on a cot on freezing Russian nights, locked-away in BioVolt-Balkov Abbey, and to keep himself from wandering to the pain or suffering, he would think about those times. The times where he pushed her off the couch and she'd instantly grab a pillow and chase him around the house while her beloved step-father warned her she would break the pottery; the times where he'd turn around for a second, and when he'd turn around again, she would bombard him with snowballs to the face; the times when they'd sing the "Go Go Power Rangers!" theme until they realized the show was retarded…in more childlike words though. That's the childhood Tala wanted to remember…but… he didn't get to fully… he'd had the rest of his childhood stolen away from him at the age of eight or so.

He'd lived with his wealthy mother and grandmother (the money was basically his Grandma's, but he was heir to it rather than his mother) -his father had died when Tala was just two- until he was eight. Then they sent him to that damn "Abbey" for education! He cursed the world, gritting his teeth. That's where the whole damn world crashed! His mother…she was too nice, and she loved him and he her; he knew she had no idea. He thought his Grandma had some clue…but not to what extent. And then he attended the Abbey, and Boris and Voltaire became malevolent at the boy's immense supernatural gifts. To them, he'd turned out to be the "perfect" candidate they needed at BioVolt, they "needed" him no matter what the cost or price, and they needed to keep his family out of the way. When Boris Balkov told Tala's mother, Julian, that they would pay full scholarship for Tala and required him to stay there without break, his mother, and even grandmother, had been mortified and refused; the damn bastard murdered them on the spot and pinned it on Tala's mother's chauffer.

Tala cursed and "screwed" the world bitterly at the memories. He needed sleep! He needed to forget! Damn it all! He just lie there, and to console himself he brought the picture back to the light; the only picture he had left since before his time at the Abbey, considering Boris had burned all his photos except this very one… which Tala had jumped into a fire to retrieve and salvage. "Damn." He just kept cursing, closing his eyes, letting them pierce the insides of his eyelids then the ceiling, as if he was blaming it.

Slowly, despite the now plaguing insomnia, the blue-eyed Russian fell asleep, the picture laying carelessly on his chest as he tried to block out the memories.


Elsewhere in a Different Dream:

"Tala Valkov, I swear if you spray me with that water hose-!" Her hands were on her hips as she glared menacingly at him. He smirked knowingly at her, the lever squeaking as he turned it on.

"You'll what, Hily-bear? Get wet? That's pretty obvious," He was so snide and cocky! And if the seven year old girl knew the words she'd probably call him an arrogant bastard.

"Tala, I am warning you," She glowered, teeth gritted…silently waiting for him to make the mistake of soaking her.

"'Warning me' not 'stopping me'," He told her, his smirk widening even more if possible.

"I'll freeze to death if you get me wet out here!" She countered.

"Well, I could spray it in there -your house-…but your parents might get a little mad, ya think?" He was so annoyingly playful. He was her best friend. And to this day she wished for just a few more hours of the bliss of their childhood.


Our Dreamer

Hilary Tatibana tossed restlessly in her sleep, the soft yellow blankets wrapped around her body in a mangled mess. She spoke in her sleep, semi-conscious. She spoke lost words, unspoken desire, and wishes; she spoke freely in the cool night air, not a soul to hear her, not even herself; of course, that didn't matter, her heart already knew. She was lying on her back, held tilted back, moonlight on her features. The window shone down on her as if she was a precious gem to be lighted in an angelic and untouchable aura of sacred light. She spoke to the stars, mouth moving slightly as the words took perfect form, kissing the night air, bidding for love to find her; bidding for him to be with her. Her words were precise, as if she truly was talking to him, telling him everything that had happened, what he'd missed… how much she missed him… This had been tradition nightly for years: dreaming, wishing, hoping that somehow the message would get to him.

"Valkov, if only I knew those were my last forty-eight hours with you for years… you got sent to that "Abbey" school, which turned out to be…" She groaned the hateful thought, "and then you showed up as a monster in a beyblading tournament. I knew you weren't a monster. I knew it. I missed you. I watched your every match, dreaming of seeing you again. After you left, my grandparent's booted my mother, step-father, me, my two year old brother, and my new-born brothers, out of the house. We came to Japan. Then later I met Tyson and the Bladebreakers, I knew they knew you; we all became quick, true friends too, but it was nothing like my friendship with you, and that spot in my heart was never replaced. I then saw you in person in a beyblade tournament…I don't know if you remembered me…but, if you did, you didn't show it. I was afraid; you were cold, we never spoke, and never let anyone know we ever knew each other." Her mumbled dream conversations to Tala were continuously babbled. "Tala…my best friend… I fell in love with you, too, but you'll never know." The brunette smiled a sad smile in her sleep.


Well, shit, that sucked! I'm sooo sorry guys! Wahh! Lol. I think I'll delete. Idk. If I don't delete, which do you want updated first, this, or "Stage Name: Hiromi Tachibana?" …I still think I'll delete this shittastic story before I can toss away in decent writing skill I have! I'm sorry! So OOC! Damn it All! Please, please review and tell me what you thought. Liked, hated (that one), loathed, I suck at writing, flame, etc. etc. Thanks for reading! Sorry again!

Luvv ya,

Moonlight Serenity

Aka Jess