Spuffyshipper: Thanks. Sorry this isn't soon enough. Sounds good. But, wouldn't it make sense for Dean to be in denial instead of Sam?

Kiss And Make Up: Thanks. Glad you like.

Windyfontaine: Sad to say, I'm a Pippi Virgin myself. Which version would you recommend? Thanks. You too.

Mamashirl: Oooh, good eye. Have to admit, I had forgotten about it until you said something. Here you go.

Curley-Q: Yeah, I enjoyed writin' it.


Both shows belong to the CW. I'm just borrowing them. Reference to "Rory's Dance". Info on sirens are extremely sketchy, so I had to make some stuff up.

A few days later, the Gilmores, Winchesters, Luke, and Jess walked around town. The Winchesters and Jess had just gotten finished explaining who they were and what they did.

"So let me get this straight: Dean---uh, Sam's---mother was killed in a fire when he was a baby and then you started searching for the thing you think killed her," Luke said.

"I don't think something killed her. I know something killed her," John hotly corrected.

"Okay. And your dad's a werewolf," Luke continued.

"Yeah," Jess confirmed.

"Well, I'm just glad that you guys aren't really enemies and that you aren't actually fighting over me," Rory stated.

"Yeah, well, if you hadn't met Sam first, I'd definitely pursue you romantically," Jess told her. Then, as he spotted someone from far away, "I'll catch you guys later." Without waiting for a reply, he took off.

"What was that all about?" Dean wondered. Sam and Rory watched as a girl slung an arm around him.

"Ohhhh. Shane," Rory grinned. Sam laughed.

"Yeah. Those two are joined at the hip," he commented. The others chuckled.

"Awww. Leave 'em alone. They're cute," Lorelai chided as she and Luke sidled up to one another. Sam and Rory did the same, leaving John and Dean by themselves.

"Well, I feel like a fifth wheel," Dean quipped.

"Make that a sixth wheel," John agreed.

"They look so cute," Lorelai said.

"Yeah, I gotta admit, they do," Luke responded.

"Rory's so lucky to have found Dea---uh, Sam," Lorelai commented. Then, "Wow. I'm never gonna get used to that."

"I know what you mean. I called Liz and, although it took some sweet-talking, she eventually confirmed everything Jess told me," Luke continued.

"You? Sweet-talking?" Lorelai asked.

"I can sweet-talk," Luke defended himself.

"Well, did you say to her? 'Oh, sister, Dear. Your incorrigible little son said that his dad is a werewolf. Is it true'?" Lorelai teased.

"No. I didn't say that. It wasn't anything even remotely like that," Luke told her.

"Then, what? 'Pretty please tell me if your husband is a werewolf'?" Lorelai continued.

"Shut up," Luke said. However, Lorelai continued with her banter, even as Luke tried to walk away.

"Get away from me, you're insane," Luke finally said.

"Well, am I getting close? Am I? Am I?" Lorelai prompted. Luke just let out a noise of irritation. Sam and Rory watched as the adults passed them. They laughed.

"Aw, those two," Rory sighed.

"You think they'll get together?" Sam queried.

"I don't know. I hope so," Rory said.

"Hey. Have I told you how beautiful you are?" Sam asked out of the blue.

"Not today," Rory answered.

"Well, you are," Sam told her, squeezing her gently.

"You're nice," Rory said, echoing a statement from a while back.

"Where've I heard that before?" Sam teased.

"Oh, probably when Louise was flirting with you and you gave her the "I'm taken" signal," Rory recalled.

"Yeah, that sounds about right," Sam agreed. They chuckled. Rory leaned over and began kissing his cheek. With another chuckle, Sam reciprocated the action until their lips met. Rory felt her mouth curve into a smile. She was so glad they had made up. She had been so miserable without him. Suddenly, Sam tensed and pulled away.

"What?" Rory asked.

"The siren!" Sam exclaimed.

"Okay. Random," Rory told him.

"Sorry," he apologized.

"So, you were saying something about a siren?" she queried.

"Yeah. They, uh---lure men to their deaths, usually five a year, oh, and they're obsessed with sex," he told her. Rory thought for a moment, and then, gasped.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Shane! She's always makin' out with Jess. Maybe it's a leap, but---" Rory began to say.

"Come on," Sam stated. They took off.

"Now, where are they going?" Luke wondered.

"Ah, they're young, in love. Who knows?" Lorelai responded. Luke looked at his watch.

"I---better be going," he stated.

"Yeah. I should be going, too. Even though I don't really want to, but---" she trailed off.

"Where do you think they'd be?" Sam wondered.

"Um…the docks? I don't know," Rory answered. Meanwhile, Jess and Shane were in the middle of a make-out session in the park. He let one of his hands travel down her arm. Then, his actions stopped. Shane's arm---it didn't feel right. It was no longer smooth and silky, but rough and serrated. He looked down in time to see a patch of green skin.

"Jess? What is it, baby?" Shane wondered.

"Don't you 'Baby' me, you freak," Jess growled, pushing her away. Shane's eyes flashed and she growled. Meanwhile, Sam had taken out his cell phone and dialed his father's number.

"Dad, I think I know who the siren is. She's with Jess. But I have no idea where they are," Sam reported.

"Okay, Sammy. Dean and I'll take a look around town," John promised.

"Let me know when you find them, thanks," Sam said hurriedly, and then hung up.

"Something tells me we better hurry," Rory said.

"Yeah, I got the same feeling," Sam commented. Back at the park, Jess had taken a step back. Man, I wish I hadn't left my weapons at Uncle Luke's, he thought to himself. He couldn't believe had been so stupid! Shane hissed and approached him.

"Stupid, stupid human. I actually liked you," she told him.

"Yeah. Well, I'm not into demons," Jess shot back. She hissed again and cornered him against a tree. She caressed Jess' neck and leaned in closer.

"Okay, seriously---gross," the hunter groaned.

"What's the matter, baby? Don't you want me anymore?" the girl mocked. He groaned as she ran her fingers down his chest.

"HEY!" With a snarl, Shane turned around. Her eyes flashed a deep red.

"I don't think he's enjoying you anymore," Sam said. Before she could react, she was flung aside. The girl moaned somewhat groggily.

"Rory, get her out of sight," Sam instructed. Without a word, Rory grabbed Shane's legs and dragged her behind a tree.

"What now?" Rory wondered as Sam took out a lighter.

"We're gonna light her fire," her boyfriend answered. Shane's eyes widened at the sight. Faster than Rory thought possible, the other girl grabbed her by the neck.

"Rory!" the boys exclaimed.

"One move and I kill her," the siren warned.

"Whatever you plan to do, do it," Rory told them.

"You sure?" Sam checked.

"Go for it," Rory told them. With a nod, Sam opened the lighter and threw it at them. Shane shrieked, releasing Rory, who quickly scrambled away. The trio watched as the creature burned.

"Oooooh, pretty," Rory said, transfixed.

"Yeah. It is," Jess agreed. Then, after there was nothing left, Sam retrieved his lighter.

"Come on, guys. Let's go," he said. The three walked off.

"Hey. If your job's done, does this mean you guys have to leave?" Rory wondered.

"Oh, I think I can persuade Dad to let me stay for a while," Sam responded.

"And I can't exactly go back home while my dad's part of the animal kingdom," Jess added. Rory laughed.

"So, I get to spend some more time with my two favorite guys," she commented.

"Oh, you couldn't get rid of us if you tried," her boyfriend assured. Rory laughed and they walked out of the park.

"You think anyone saw the fire?" she asked.

"If so, we'll just blame it on Jess. After all, he is the type," her boyfriend said.

"HEY!" the other boy protested. They all laughed.